>> YULIA MORENETS: Good afternoon, we will start our session with moderation. But I need the side of the room perspective so you can hear me and we can start. Good afternoon, we need to start our session. We were delayed in the room that has…
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>> ZHANG FANG:  Okay. Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to the Intelligent Society Governance Internet Governance Forum. I am Zhang Fang, an Associate Professor with the Tsinghau University. It is my honor to serve as the…
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>> JORDAN CARTER: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and those of you in the village paying attention to this launch event.  We appreciate your company.  On behalf of the Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism, we…
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>> WAQAS HASSAN: Good afternoon, everybody.  I'm Waqas Hassan.  This is about two things.  One is digital gender priority, and we're going to relate it to responsible digital governance.  If we see what is inequality…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello.  Check.  Check.  May I suggest we wait five minutes or should we get started?  Start? Okay.  We'll start now.  Good morning everyone.  Good morning.  Distinguished panelists,…
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>> ISABELLE LOUIS: Hi everyone. Can we start? Thank you for attending this forum online. I'm Isabelle Lois. I work for the Online Safety of Journalists. We want to talk about at the IGF to exchange on this important topic with the woman…
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>> NICOLAS FIUMARELLI: Good morning, everyone, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are in the world.  Please proceed.  Okay.  Welcome to our session on quantum encryption & RPKI, and IoT, Internet of things,…
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>> MENNO ETTEMA: Good morning, everyone. Good afternoon for those in other parts of the world, or good evening, goodnight. We are here at an open forum for one hour, short timeline to discuss quite a challenging topic, which is to advance…
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>> MODERATOR: Now I talk and you hear me.  So I don't do anything.  How will we hear them?  The headphones.  Okay.  Can you hear me?  Can you hear me?  Can you hear me?  Can you hear me now.  Okay.…
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>> ANRIETTE ESTERHUYSEN: Hi, everyone. We'll just open the event, and then I'll hand over to Tatevik. My name is Anriette Esterhuysen. Can you hear me? I'm from the Association for Progressive Communications, but I'm the convener of the…
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>> DINO DELLACCIO: Okay, good afternoon for those in Riyadh.  Good afternoon for those online.  Welcome to the blockchain assurance standardization.  My name is Dino DellAccio and here within the IGF I'm co‑leading with the…
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>> MODERATOR: We're going to get started.  I see Jacqueline is joining us online.  Hi, Jacqueline.  I will wait a sec.  I see we have some people joining us online.   I think you do have to wear the headset to be…
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>> MODERATOR: Welcome, everyone, to the Regulating AI and Emerging Risks for Children's Rights. Part of this work we have the steering committee for 2025 for the children with rights environment.  We worked very closely with a number of…
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>> MODERATOR FIUMARELLI: We invite everyone to sit at the main table if you want, so you can be more engaged in the session. Yes, we have one speaker that is stuck in the route, in the Uber, but we will start the session and then he will…
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>> RISPER AROSE:  Can you hear me?  Yes, you can hear me.  To confirm online, our speakers online.  Can you hear me?  Confirm.  >> Yes, I can hear you.  >> Yes, I can hear you. …
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