The following are the outputs of the captioning taken during an IGF intervention. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
>> DINO DELLACCIO: Okay, good afternoon for those in Riyadh. Good afternoon for those online. Welcome to the blockchain assurance standardization. My name is Dino DellAccio and here within the IGF I'm co‑leading with the Gerard, president of the association, this dynamic coalition so today I have the privilege to be joined by distinguished subject expert.
That will be presenting real case and real expertise on specific use cases of blockchain. You will hear about blockchain and quantum, blockchain artificial intelligence, blockchain and digital health. Blockchain in digital identity. I have an onsite moderator as well as an online moderator. We have three speakers onsite. And two speakers online. And I am now going to pass the floor to Ann to make a brief introduction about how they are and who they represent.
And which field are they working on. We will start with Malak Trabelsi.
>> MALAK TRABELSI LOEB: Hello, I'm the CEO of consultants and the founder of group of companies and my practice when it comes to law it's related to international business law. Space, tech and national security law. So when we talk about being here and what I'm presenting is related to the blockchain and quantum computing and a governance model which we are proud to present for the first time ever. Thank you.
>> ADEL ELMESSIRY: Good morning, everybody, my name is Dr. Adel Elmessiry. So my focal point is the use of blockchain and AI especially in health care.
I supervise students at medical group as I have a bunch of companies most notably is alpha fin. And AI VP which is the AI protocol and uses AI in health care sector. I'm more than happy to be here with you and also a member in the GBE and in the coalition, thank you.
>> Hi I'm CEO of Innovation Network Canada. I also worked at CO and led business development at the quantum algorithm institute and also helped provide health systems that are sustainable and responsible and I am happy to be here with you to talk about health care.
>> Dino: Thank you, Sary.
>> SARY QASIM: Hello my name is Sary and I lead the Middle East region and I am also an officer in Bahrain, as Mr. Dino alluded about blockchain and the dynamic coalition this is quite a very important subject that we make this dynamic coalition.
To make sure that any blockchain projects come on the ground will be trusted by the government. And will be a project that people can trust as well. We, before I go back to Heather and online, I would like to add one more point about blockchain assurance, ladies and gentlemen, blockchain is not crypto. This is one point to be clear for everyone. We are here to talk about blockchain reuse cases in a subject to help the people of earth. And crypto is something different. It's just a use case, some of it is good, some of it, bad, but this is just to clear the umbrella that we are working as a dynamic coalition here with that I go to Heather Flannery if you would like to introduce yourself, please.
>> HEATHER LEIGH FLANNERY: Thank you so much. Hello everyone my name is Heather Leigh Flannery I am the cofounder at AI MINDSystems Foundation where we are focused on the convergence of blockchain and web three decentralized web AI and privacy enhancing technologies in order to radically empower individuals to participate in an AI driven and digital environment. Our very specific focus is on enabling systems of governance and collaboration. That can prioritize underserved and vulnerable populations first and create alternative capital structures and resource distribution models that can address unintended consequences of previous generations.
Of exponential technology. It's an honor to be here and also an honor to serve as the chair for the health care and life sciences working group at the Government Blockchain Association and to be a member of the IGF coalition of blockchain assurance and standardization, looking forward to this event and thank you very much for including me.
>> SARY QASIM: With that, going on would like to introduce yourself? Priya, you are on mute. Here you go.
>> PRIYA GULIANI: Hi, everyone, I'm Priya. We specialize in cutting edge identity, and privacy preserving verifications. I truly believe in the transformative potential of digital identity and I'm really a passionate advocate for it and I will talk more about identity today I am also the regional director of common blockchain association for middle Europe and eastern Africa, absolutely honored and looking forward to contributing to this conversation today. Thanks.
>> SARY QASIM: Thank you so much, now where we will share the presentation if you please and we will start with Malak if you would like to enrich us.
>> MALAK TRABELSI LOEB: Hello, good afternoon again, I would like to have the slides shared, please. So today we're ‑‑ you're doing to dive with me briefly into quantum impact, securing blockchain trust in the quantum era and I have one question for you, next slide, please. The question is, what makes you trust? What makes you trust? Trust systems, people, or technology? And this is a question for the audience.
>> AUDIENCE: Expert opinion.
>> MALAK TRABELSI LOEB: Good one should we say it's consistency or reliability or transparency? Maybe all of them. That's what is blockchain about. So if we move to the next slide, we're going to see an eye‑opener, what happens when trust faces its greatest challenge and this challenge you could see it if you surf on the internet what quantum computing poses as a threat to our blockchain systems. Are you familiar about quantum computing? Yes? Anyone is a physicist here? Anyone is computer scientist here? Computer scientist? Can you tell us what you know about quantum computing and what threat it can pose to blockchain systems? Or to cryptography as we see here different newspapers, clips and other saying, for example, crypto apocalypse soon, is it soon?
>> Not really but you asked about what is quantum computing and quickly in a nutshell it depends on zero and one. So it's a binary state. So in any problem that you need to work with, you have to solve it with a zero and one, however, in real life problems have a vast majority between zero and one like infinite number of different states can be in.
That's what quantum computing is all about. Quantum computing in the state could be in any of those there and it uses something called cue bits. When you try to solve a problem through additional computing you have to find the right solution sequentially. However, in quantum computing you solve the billion computes at the same time hence the power.
>> MALAK TRABELSI LOEB: Thank you so much for this. We're talking about cubits, we're talking about different possibilities at the same time which is different than the computational power than we have today.
And the state of quantum computing today is not that, what we are waiting for to have a very cryptographically relevant quantum computing that will break the cryptography that we have today. So we see so many information. This information going on is saying well, Google's quantum computing put this at risk and others say there's a possibility, or Chinese scientists they broke military grade cryptography and it took the internet by storm but actually what is true, they did only two bits. And this, with D wave computing for now, and this is a great alarm to say that quantum computing will come in and we need to be ready for. So what is the purpose here? I'm not here to speak about the technology behind quantum computing because it's not my field. I have experts that are doing that. And we are working on different activities related to that and even with the cryptography and we are researching on the different possibilities on the transition for cryptography that it is resilient against the risk of quantum computing which will happen in the future but what is important today, how to be ready and the governance, actually when we talk about governance and I will take you a little bit back to my expertise which is related to space law. And my thesis was about the problems as related to international law gaps pertaining new space activities and the problem in that we find out that the current legal systems or the current international law is not appropriately prepared for news based activities and the entrance of commercial space actors into that. And we have being problems with sustainability with environmental issues and my drive with how can we find a legal system or actually a governance format or system that can regroup all of this in one single way or model that can govern disruptions. And can govern disruptive technologies so if we go to the next slide, please. So, the thing is like, the foundations that we have today and the risk that is coming into the future. We find that cryptography is, with the blockchain is based on shah 256 and for mining. And that is posed to have cryptographically computing to be in the timeline of 2030‑35 but the ‑‑ it is disrupted, will be disrupted by quantum computing.
And the impact will be huge, can you imagine that ‑‑ they say it will be or they predicted it will be around 1 trillion of losses yearly because of probably financial institutions they will not be ready for this kind of ‑‑ this disruption that it is in the future. So how can we do this? We're not going to sit down and say, well, it's not going to come soon because the migration and working to migrating expertness to the quantum relevant cryptography and it's not ‑‑ it will not be done overnight. It will need time to do that. And actually, we have the timelines and we need to follow and what experts are saying in terms of the migration and all the stock intake of what is in our system in terms of cryptography. So if we go to the next step, please. So actually, what is the main point here? We try or we want, not try, because we will do it and this is on all of us, we'll build an internet of trust. Based on safeguard. Protect blockchain with quantum resilient systems and the second one is how we can we can do it because it needs collaboration and the collaboration will be fostering global partnerships for shared innovation. Then how can we adapt? So we need to evolve governance framework for emerging challenges. And this needs education. Because it's one of the layering basis in all we are doing is education and education, it's involved formal and informal education. Awareness of the public and also formal education and training to this experts who are in two different, or coming from different background. So next one, please. So the quantum governance model and this is like I said, based on my thesis it was social, legal analysis of the existing way how we govern space activities than we involve with other strategy with different other governments and I see that we have our way of making governance it's always static and it's reactive. It's not going and taking further in order to make a model which is proactive. And it's making a preparation for the disruption that is happening. So we have different policymakers and they are working on AI. We have different policymakers, they are trying to work on quantum because it's a new field relatively we have others, they are working on blockchain, distance and so forth and the idea is how can we have a governance model that is applicable on all this and use disruptions because we call these disruptive technologies to use these disruptions to disrupt? How can we do that? And because actually it's not easy. Also to come and say, well, we have a different governance model that it is relying upon technology itself. So the quantum governance model it's feasible and actionable framework. It is resting on adaptability so we adapt and we don't react and we saw that based on the way how COVID‑19 was happening. And we were on a shock mode and we did not know how to utilize the ‑‑ the resources that we have very fast in order to be prepared. And the preparation, we saw it, it was relatively good in certain countries, in others they're not. So the other point is scalability. It needs to be scalable and we need to add different solution based on different technologies and we will speak about the technologies in a minute. Also, it is based on ethics at scale. Now we put the ethics at the end. We work on the technology then the ethicists come and say here are red lines and things like that so this one is ethics is at scale and I will tell you how. What is very, very important is what are the technologies and this model will be done. Using disruption to govern disruption and that is what I told Sary yesterday I love disruption because I find a way in it. Into opportunity. And this is how we use disruptive technologies in order to find a solution. So I found that AI can be used for foresight and it is done. But it's in silo. Always it's done in different mode so predict risks and quantum simulations is used to test policies and the complex scenario is other one is blockchain transparency to ensure accountability and governance the other one is safe quantum solutions is like moving into secure systems against quantum threats and global collaboration platforms. Unite stakeholders for proactive solutions and we talk about, yes, and we talk about coalitions, so this is what it is done for. So next slide, please. And the framework in action, how can we do it? Actually some ‑‑ they ‑‑ she's crazy probably, she's coming with something always I come with something new and crazy. I've been driving with my entities, the quantum revolution in the region since 2020. And when I brought quantum into the region they say she's crazy. This will never work, there's no quantum computing relevant today we see nations how they are moving very, very fast. In order who has the supremacy to harness the quantum technologies for their nations because it became a national security prerogative so operation is how to make this governance model operational? It's using governance sandbox, dynamic regulations frameworks based on what I was presenting earlier.
Collaborative platforms and ethical oversight system and this one is used in AI and I spoke with the doctor earlier and told me they work on something like that. When we look at different entities they have these in silos and the point is how to bring these together in one platform. And the other one is empowering stakeholders to lead the future because empowerment is education. It's also preparing the future generation. And digital twin models. So I think I finish. So to finish this one, just to present what we are doing, like I said, been driving the quantum revolution in the area. So from making or creating different opportunities and having the first quantum lab for education in the region which was at Abu Dhabi University and we opened that quantum lab. The other one is working on a consortium which is bringing the main companies worldwide. To work on the quantum adoption program. Our initiative and this one, we launched challenges in order to create different solutions that we have, worldwide not only in the region and we have also launched the Quantum Innovation Summit which is not an event it is a platform that creates partnerships.
And brought the different stakeholders worldwide and the next one will be working on policymaking also or proposing policies. Thank you so much.
>> SARY QASIM: Thank you so much. Thank you for this really opening eye presentation. I wish your framework governance is going to see the light in higher levels. It's really promising and for the audience if you have any questions, she will be at the end. Next, we go next to Priya. Heather, Heather, you have the mic now if you would like, yeah, share the presentation. With us.
>> HEATHER LEIGH FLANNERY: Thank you very much for the introduction. I'm not using slides today.
>> SARY QASIM: Okay, Priya? You have the slides?
>> PRIYA GULIANI: Yes, I will put them up.
>> SARY QASIM: Okay. Heather, you would like to introduce two minutes of the presentation. Priya has the presentation. Okay. You can go ahead.
>> PRIYA GULIANI: Heather, are you going first?
>> SARY QASIM: Oh, Heather, you go first, okay.
>> HEATHER LEIGH FLANNERY: Okay, so we can unshare that slide. Thank you, Priya. I am so honored to speak with you today about the subject of health care and life sciences. And the implications of blockchain and decentralized AI in this field. What I want to challenge you to do first is to question your predefined notions of the art of the possible.
Imagine a world where every individual person on earth was able to engage in an active and dynamic precision health digital first health care and life sciences infrastructure. Imagine that were able to be sustainable with transparency, accountability, fairness and safety and privacy preservation as key principles for those capabilities for all people in the world. What I ‑‑ that is the reality that is now no longer science fiction but available to us as humanity if we are able to coordinate our actions effectively. The sustainable development goal 17 is the heart of what we can accomplish together. By organizing and delivering assurance and trust to incorporate blockchain infrastructures, blockchain applications, and the principles of what is referred to as Web3 that empower and empower the sovereignty agency, dignity and privacy of all people. The ability to organize public private partnerships which are the heart of SDG 17 is the largest breakthrough to have an exponential force multiplying effect for SDGs 1‑16.
They have been significant pieces of progress on SDG 17 we have seen this in emerging economies. We have seen advancements in private sector participation including in global health scenarios. But we have had major blockers to the actual effecting of operational public‑private partnerships what we have managed to do so far is to improve the execution and build capacity for individual siloed attempts.
Each with their own capital flows. Their own allocation of resources. We have the opportunity to move those individual siloed activities occurring in jurisdictions all around the world. To produce timelines, while improving data integrity and scientific integrity. Through the incorporation of blockchain and Web3 technologies and the exponential technologies with which it is converging.
Including ethical and responsible decentralized AI and the use of extensive and advanced privacy enhancing technology to protect the agency and dignity. The ‑‑ we believe and I believe in my work, that blockchain technologies must be the foundation of the envisioned public‑private partnerships to move those to collective action that can span multiple jurisdictions with jurisdiction specific compliance and cultural sensitivity. We have major opportunities that are enabled by blockchain such as the advancement of precision health including precision population health using digital twins, the combination of personal AI agents that can be trustworthy and incorporate proof of humanity. All the way to the ability to identify, verify and authenticate every single data driven transaction that happens in a massively and dimensional multifactorial, multiparty computing environment. Until we are able to collaboratively compute across the many sectors and stakeholders involved in fulfilling public‑private partnerships for global health and social services, and health equity aims, we will not be able to have capital efficient transparent and globally scalable outcomes. We have the radical potential to decentralize clinical research, make driving diversity and inclusion in research subjects. The field of decentralized science meaning decentralized finance, meaning decentralized physical infrastructure and that capability's stack being brought into ‑‑ into public and private partnerships is extremely powerful and then the capability to network access, to public health, protected health information, including very, very sensitive information such as genomic data, biometric data in a way that does not require that data to be moved, exposed, centralized, taken out of the boundary from within which it was organized. This means that within new infrastructures we can have real world realtime evidence so that humanity can address our emergencies, our inequities and realize our vision of faster miracles. Are currently suffering from many, many diseases and many profound health disparities the Government Blockchain Association and the blockchain assurance and standardization dynamic coalitions blockchain maturity model is absolutely fundamental to realizing this vision.
While the adoption of blockchain in Web3 technologies is necessary it is not sufficient.
Simply utilizing those technologies absent any system that the world can trust about the degree of legitimacy, technological and operational and governance fairness is a nonstarter. So our work in this dynamic coalition is to not only drive to practical real world adoption but to do so within systems of assurance, trust and standardization that can now have an exponential way to occur in the generations to follow. We have the remarkable opportunity here to move from processes of stakeholder engagement and consensus building which is very important into the resource allocation of large‑scale transnational public‑private partnerships that will execute pilot programs. An important element of this is not simply to operationalize the use of these technologies, it is also critical to select those technologies that have been through the blockchain maturity model assessment process. And that will enable all of us to fund parallel rigorous scientific research. Not only technical validation but clinical validation. Is absolutely necessary that we can demonstrate the population health and health equity and other end points that are so vital to the future of humanity. That scientific research needs to have evidence and we have tremendous opportunity to move from we'll say an advocacy basis for the adoption of technology.
To instead translational mindset for evidence‑based policy and evidence‑based scaling of solutions, together, working in this dynamic coalition, we can form the capital, structure the transparent governance processes to bring SDG 17 to a full state of revitalization and a realization of the true intent of active collaboration using collaborative governance technology that can only be brought about so with that I thank you very much and I urge you to consider to fund the research necessary to do this in an everyday based way. Thank you.
>> SARY QASIM: Thank you. Amazing insights from Heather from the United States. Really a very good points that lighten our day. Before going to Priya, I would like to go to Adel for his presentation. So if you would like to bring the presentation for Adel.
>> ADEL ELMESSIRY: Yes, thanks very much let's get the clicker and one advantage of speaking a lot is knowing how to condense your talk so I'm going to try to do it in less than ten minutes. I am also not a member of the GD E but also a board member of the national entrepreneur center. 400 million in revenue that went through and one thing I learned out of those is that creating the community, the value of creating a vibrant community that allows you to work together today I'm going to present to you a framework that allows us not only to help usher a new age in AI.
But also, how do we coordinate, govern and work through it in a manner that is actual set and actual applicable systems. So if you can ‑‑ how do you go back? Okay. Perfect. You have to ask yourself with every new technology, how ‑‑ where is the value? I have been talking at the economic forum for years and with every new technology you always get this wave of people hyping it and then getting to rename it and I go to that is that there's a company change their name is the Chi company. How do we combat that in AI as it's starting to grow? That's what gave a rise to the artificial intelligence value protocol. So while ‑‑
So today in recent years you'll have all been familiar with the rise of AI and how it is prevalent through our everyday life. And me, as being a Ph.D. in EI can be more static to see this happening here and his excellency the minister of education dedicated his entire presentation in the opening in how we bring AI. Worldwide, there are today 70,000 companies that actually are incorporated to work on AI if you think that's a lot just wait a few more years this is listen 700,000 companies working on it. Estimate of the impact of AI on the global GDP is somewhere between 15 and 20 trillion dollars of new added value to the international GDP but this does not come without its own problems. So there are a lot of things that we need to take care of. Things like ethical use of AI. How do we avoid biases that happen in AI because AI is created by data. Data shapes how AI thinks so if we have our own bias within the data that we feed AI the AI will have the same biases in those things like the fraudulent practices, companies claiming that they have a new AI but they are basically creating a wrapper around ChatGPT and such, so you don't know how it is fitting to your actual need and where is the incentivization for all of them to work together in that's one important piece that the AI value tool is trying to address and taking a page from the GBE model the AIVP is basically designed so that it can perform two major tasks one is technical verification and financial certificate. Three levels and all of the stuff is backed to a blockchain network. Allowing the availability of the transactions that happen there. Meaning that if you are an AI project and you register on the platform now we can drag all your value that you provide as well as verify your systems both family and practically and once that's set up we can create a value based AI marketplace meaning a marketplace that allows you to discover AI, invest in AI, work in an AI, engage in AI, all governed by the use of a blockchain. So how is that possible? Well, it's possible by creating economics underneath it. What does that have to do with it? It is just like what his excellency mentioned about signal to noise ratio so we put a certain barrier to remove. The AI projects claim they deliver value. We ask them to provide that value and pay a fee for that and that's then used to power the economics underneath the protocol itself. And then on top of that, we have created something called proof of stake verifiers that has not one but three published academically peer‑reviewed papers on it which basically in a nutshell ensures there are validators that validate the AI project.
Not based on the data by itself but also the client's data so if you are a client looking to use an AI, you can provide your dataset to the verifiers. We have the consensus mechanism so at least three or more have to pick it up and then the tested the right report on it and get a consensus. What is in it for the verifiers? Well, that verification request is usually associated with a monetary reward so they do the work in order for them to receive the rewards for the verification but at the back end you as the user will be able to get unbiased independent report of the AI before you actually use it. Which is a critical part of what you're trying to create here. So, and we have also added into the system the ability for it to have arbitration requests meaning if you think your work is right but others are colluded together you can fight for an AR in the system to allow it to be re‑examined. So in all of that, what I'm trying to say here is that we are stepping into a new brave world that will have not tens of different AIs but hundreds of thousands of different AIs, we are getting into a world that will utilize swarms which are agents that work on phones that try to work together and it is quintessential that we would create a framework that allows us to be able to discover those, create an immutable record for them and help them to work together so that we can promote the good ethical use of AI. Versus unethical use of AI or having it rampant as the wild, wild west. So with that, I would like to thank you for listening to me and note on the record I only took eight minutes on my presentation.
>> SARY QASIM: Thank you so much. Yeah, with that, this is very informative, thank you so much. We will have questions for you afterward, now we go to Priya, so, Priya, if you would like to share your screen and before Priya please let me introduce Dr. Ann, Dr. Ann, I do have words to talk about you if you would like to just jump in and introduce yourself for us. If you can hear us, Dr. Ann, she's not in this room. Okay, not in this room right now. Okay, Priya, you go ahead.
>> PRIYA GULIANI: Perfect, can you hear me? Hello, everyone, once again. It's an absolute honor to speak at the IGF today on such a critical and timely theme the internet we want and can trust and I'm going to talk about the role of identity in it. Identity is central to trust, but trust is the cornerstone of the internet, we envision for the future. Yet we find ourselves in an age of rising data breaches, identity theft and privacy concern that erode distrust. The question before us is not just how do label this trust but how to empower each individual and organization to sustain it. And I believe the answer lies in identity but not as we know it today so the role of identity in a trust for the internet is really fundamental to almost every interaction online. But if you're accessing a service, making a transaction or even expressing an opinion at identities form the bridge of trust were between us and the digital world. However, the current centralized models of identity management have left us vulnerable, our personal data is scattered across platforms often without our control leading to mistrust compounding all of these vulnerabilities, emerging technologies like AI and the looming challenge of quantum computing threaten to reshape the landscape of identity risk. Malak already talked about Willow and AI driven cyber attacks are targeting and exploiting gaps in security to create large‑scale identity frauds. Meanwhile quantum computing could render current encryption methods obsolete. And to address all of these challenges, the internet, we must build on the system design to withstand these future threats, systems where identity is decentralized, encrypted, safeguarded against both today's as well as tomorrow's adversaries, so when we look at it, decentralized identity would become the foundation of such a system combining user empowerment with cutting edge technology like blockchain to create trust in a rapid evolving digital world and with that we're going to explore decentralized identity a little bit more in detail. This reimagines the way we own control and share our data. Built on decentralized technologies it places individuals at the center. Control access to their data and decide when, how and with whom we want to share that data. It eliminates reliance on intermediaries, enhancing security, privacy and user agency. Decentralized identity represents a paradigm shift in the realization of digital human rights as well if you think about it, by putting individuals at the center of their identity journey it empowers them to reclaim control over their personal data ensuring it is used only with their informed consent. This is particularly transformative for historically marginalized groups. Sorry? Did somebody say something? If we think about it ‑‑ and those underserved communities. As it provides them with digital tools to participate in the global economy and access the essential services that we all need. Also, the decentralized model directly addresses the challenges posed by emerging threats like AI and quantum computing the decentralized leverage enhance cryptography and preserving techniques to ensure that identity data remains secure and inaccessible to unauthorized entities even in the face of AI powered attacks. Now think about it with the quantum. Decentralized solutions could be built to withstand the quantum computing era and all we are looking at, how do we move beyond the vulnerabilities of centralized system, build a framework where trust is distributed, privacy is protected and individuals regain control? So if we summarize, this is just ‑‑ this isn't just a technological leap, it's a foundational shift, an internet that we can trust which is resilient, again, present as well as future threats. If I can talk about earth ID a little bit now.
We've taken this vision a step further. We are proud to be the only, the first and the only decentralized identity company which has been assessed by blockchain maturity model.
>> SARY QASIM: Okay, we have only five minutes left in the session but I would like to thank you so much for your presentation it was really impressive and as you say blockchain is an infrastructure technology we need a lot of regulation to do this identity, decentralized management. With that I would like to go to ‑‑ our last presentation. Just five minutes. Maya, if you would like to share your presentation. Thank you so much, Priya. Okay.
>> Maya: Hi, everyone, sorry the session is running late I want to talk to you today about how blockchain and emerging technologies can really transform the landscape of global wellness. Try to go really fast. So I will talk about that through, I'll talk about that through our innovation network, Canada, flagship initiative that we call health care without borders. Or innovation without ‑‑ through innovation without borders. We're just a very quickly about the organization, we're all about taking a holistic approach to innovation and so we're focused on pressing global challenges using holistic innovation right now and with a measurable impact using responsible and ethical solutions. Interdisciplinary solutions. So a little bit about the health care. About health care right now. It's quite concerning. These are just some of the stats that tells you a little bit about the current state of health care on a global level. This demand for health care skyrocketing supply is not catching up to this meanwhile we have lives that are lost and costs skyrocketing. Some stats ‑‑ and 50% of the population do not have access to health care. 100 million people every single year are pushed to extreme poverty because of health care costs.
And finally inefficiencies in health care just in the U.S. cost a trillion dollar every single year. So we're focusing on exactly addressing these challenges using transformative tech such as blockchain, AI and quantum computing, these are our projects that demonstrate our focus on prevention, personalization, inclusivity and efficiency. These are the top five projects we're working on right now.
Blockchain is an essential part of these projects, one of them is providing primary care everywhere in the world leaving no one behind. Using economic and effective seamless solutions. Virtual hospital beds since this is a global problem a lot of hospitals are running out of beds, project number three is focus on using quantum inspired algorithms along with smart tech style to address a global crisis to prevent heart disease which contributes to 30% of global deaths every single year and heart disease is mostly preventable. Number four is developing using quantum biology, diabetes treatments and in this project we're working with one of the first nations in British Columbia, Canada which this is an indigenous community. There people do not make it past the age of 60 years old and we are not able to help for some reason and we are working with a diabetes group and blockchain again (captioning ends in one minute). Indigenous communities in Canada have, they're very particular with data privacy as their data previously gotten misused. Finally, we're developing a personalized health information system. And I'm going to talk about that a little bit more. So call it health one. So this is ‑‑ an AI based system and blockchain enabled personalized health information system. That can ‑‑ that has a few aspects. One of them is. . .