IGF Regional and National Initiatives

African Regional Group

Current record of the existing national IGFs in the African regional group:

The Benin IGF was established in 2012. The forum provides a platform for different stakeholders in Benin to discuss issues related to Internet governance.

Annual meeting Information
29 June 2024, Porto-Novo
Name of Coordinator
Wilfried QUENUM
Primary Email address

This national IGF was established in 2019. Its main purpose is to provide a multistakeholder platform for the Botswana community to discuss Internet governance issues.

Annual meeting Information
4 August 2022, Gaborone
Name of Coordinator
Phuthego Chere
Primary Email address

The national IGF of Burkina Faso was organized in 2014. It aims to provide an open and inculsive multistakeholder platform for the Burkina Faso community to discuss issues related to Internet governance.

Annual meeting Information
14-16 December 2023, Bobo-Dioulasso
Name of Coordinator
Hermann Ouedraogo
Primary Email address

The Cabo Verde IGF was founded in 2020. It aims to provide a collaborative space for the national multistakeholder community to gather and discuss Internet governance issues.

Annual meeting Information
18 June 2024, Assomada
Name of Coordinator
Suzete Centeio Pereira
Primary Email address

The Cameroon IGF was established in 2017. Its main objective is to provide a unique platform for the multistakeholder community of Cameroon to discuss Internet Governance matters of relevance.

Annual meeting Information
7-8 August 2024, Yaoundé
Name of Coordinator
Michel T. Linze
Primary Email address

The Chad IGF was organized in 2012 with the objective to facilitate multistakeholder dialogue on public policy issues related to Internet governance.

Annual meeting Information
28 June 2023, N'Djamena
Name of Coordinator
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
Primary Email address

Comoros national IGF was established in 2022. Its main goal is to create an inclusive platform for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss the issues related to Internet governance.

Annual meeting Information
3 July 2023, Moroni
Name of Coordinator
Karim Attoumani Mohamed

This national IGF was established in 2020. Its main goal is to provide a multistakeholder platform for open and inclusive discussion of Internet governance issues.

Annual meeting Information
28 December 2021, Abidjan
Name of Coordinator
Fanny Salyou
Primary Email address

The DRC IGF was established in 2017. Its main objective is to allow different stakeholders in the DRC to engage in discussions on issues pertaining to Internet governance.

Annual meeting Information
11-12 June 2024, Kinshasa
Name of Coordinator
Arsene Tungali
Primary Email address

The Gabon IGF was established in 2015. It aims to provide a platform for discussing national Internet governance issues and connecting the national community to regional and global processes of relevance.

Annual meeting Information
To be confirmed
Name of Coordinator
Serges Atsamey
Primary Email address

The Ghana IGF was established in 2014 with the overall goal to provide a unique space for different stakeholders from this respective community to share information, develop a dialogue, and provide recommendations on key Internet issues.

Annual meeting Information
28-29 August 2024, Accra, Ghana
Name of Coordinator
Wisdom Donkor

The national IGF of Guinea Bissau was established in 2024. It aims to facilitate an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss Internet governance-related matters.

Annual meeting Information
19 June 2024, Bissau
Name of Coordinator
Davi D’Almada

The Kenya IGF was created in 2008. It aims to serve as a national platform for policy dialogue on issues related to Internet governance.

Annual meeting Information
19-22 June 2023, Nairobi
Name of Coordinator
Barrack Otieno
Primary Email address

The national IGF of Lesotho was recognized in 2024. Its main aim is to raise awareness about the importance of Internet governance and to facilitate an open and inclusive dialogue among all stakeholders, on Internet-related policy issues.

Annual meeting Information
To be confirmed
Name of Coordinator
Letsatsi Lekhooa
Primary Email address

The objective of the Liberia IGF, of which the first meeting was in 2020, is to create an Internet governance discussion platform for all stakeholder groups of this respective country.

Annual meeting Information
20-25 June 2024, Monrovia
Name of Coordinator
Peterking Quaye
Primary Email address

The national IGF of Libya was recognized in 2023. Its main aim is to create an inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss issues related to Internet governance of priority for the country.

Annual meeting Information
5-7 August 2024, Tripoli
Name of Coordinator
Omar Shuran
Primary Email address

The Madagascar IGF was recognised in 2020. It aims to provide a multistakeholder platform for discussion of Internet governance matters of the community's priority.

Annual meeting Information
27-28 August 2020, hosted online
Name of Coordinator
Harimino Rakotondrainibe
Primary Email address

The Malawi IGF was established in 2015. Its main objective is to facilitate discussion on Internet governance issues among different stakeholders from this community.

Annual meeting Information
30-31 May 2022, Lilongwe
Name of Coordinator
Bram Fudzulami

The national IGF of Mali was recognized in 2023. Its main aim is to build a multistakeholder platform for discussion of Internet governance issues of relevance for the national community and beyond.

Name of Coordinator
Daly Hamady Diallo

The Mauritius IGF, founded in 2017, is a collaborative leadership event that encourages policy dialogue between State and Non-State actors and amongst stakeholders on the issue of Internet Governance. The Mauritius IGF tries to group together all stakeholders whereby they are treated equally in their role of dialogue. It gives an exclusive space for people to interact and develop solutions concerning Internet problems. Mauritius IGF aims at providing a forum at the national and regional levels that engages industry, government, academicians, educational institutions, media, and civil society on debates about Internet Governance issues. The importance of the issues is directed towards stakeholder’s empowerment, of all disciplines, gender and ages.


Annual meeting Information
9-10 August 2024, Port Louis, Mauritius
Name of Coordinator
Mahendranath Busgopaul
Primary Email address

The Mozambique IGF was organized in 2014. This IGF aims to increase the ability of different stakeholders in the country to identify and discuss issues related to the Internet.

Annual meeting Information
17-18 August 2023, Maputo
Name of Coordinator
Lourino Chemane

The Namibia IGF was established in 2017. It provides a platform for multistakeholder discussion of Internet governance issues.

Annual meeting Information
4-5 September 2024, Windhoek
Name of Coordinator
Josaphat Vijanda Tjiho
Primary Email address

The Nigeria IGF was established in 2013. This initiative aims to provide a sustainable national forum that engages industries, the government, lawmakers, academia, civil society, and other stakeholders in a strategic national debate on Internet governance.

Annual meeting Information
10-12 September 2023, Abuja
Name of Coordinator
Muhammed Rudman and Toba Obaniyi
Primary Email address

This national IGF was established in 2014. It serves as a forum engaging different stakeholders in the country in discussions on Internet governance issues.

Annual meeting Information
8 August 2024, Kigali
Name of Coordinator
Primary Email address

The Senegal IGF was established in 2017 with the objective to provide the national community with a multistakeholder forum for discussing Internet Governance matters.

Annual meeting Information
To be confirmed
Name of Coordinator
Maye Diop
Primary Email address

This national IGF was recognized in 2020. It provides a multistakeholder platform for the national community to discuss matters of Internet governance. 

Annual meeting Information
17 July 2023, Freetown
Name of Coordinator
Salieu Kanu Mansaray
Primary Email address

The South Africa IGF was organized in 2016. It serves as a unique space to bring different stakeholder groups together to discuss issues related to Internet governance from the perspective of their respective communities. 

Annual meeting Information
29 February - 1 March 2024, Johannesburg
Name of Coordinator
Tsholofelo Mokone
Primary Email address

The South Sudan IGF was established in 2019. The initiative serves as a multistakeholder forum for public policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance in South Sudan.

Annual meeting Information
17-21 June 2024, Juba
Name of Coordinator
Unguec Stephen
Primary Email address

The national IGF of Sudan was established in 2018. Its main objective is to provide a multistakeholder platform where different Sudanese communities can discuss matters pertaining to Internet governance.

Annual meeting Information
To be confirmed
Name of Coordinator
Tarik Babikir Merghani
Primary Email address

The Tanzania IGF was established in 2009 and recognized by the Secretariat in 2018. Its main goal is to engage different stakeholders in multistakeholder discussions on public policy issues related to key elements of the Internet.

Annual meeting Information
7-8 July 2024, Zanzibar City
Name of Coordinator
Nazar Nicholas
Primary Email address

The national IGF of Gambia was recognized in 2018 to facilitate multistakeholder discussions on Internet governance issues.  

Annual meeting Information
12-13 June 2024, Banjul
Name of Coordinator
Haddija Jawara and Poncelet O. Ileleji
Primary Email address

This national IGF was established in 2015. Its mission is to bring together different national stakeholders to discuss Internet governance issues relevant to their respective communities.

Annual meeting Information
24 October 2024, Lomé
Name of Coordinator
Emmanuel Vitus Agbenonwossi
Primary Email address

The Tunisia IGF was organized in 2012. It provides a space for inclusive multistakeholder discussions on Internet governance issues in Tunisia and worldwide.  

Annual meeting Information
25-26 June 2021, Tunis
Name of Coordinator
Wafa Dahmani

The Uganda IGF was established in 2006 with the objectives to recognize relevant Internet governance issues in Uganda, to raise awareness about these, and to build a consensus on national and regional positions. 

Annual meeting Information
2 August 2024, Kampala
Name of Coordinator
Lillian Nalwoga
Primary Email address

The Zambia IGF was established in 2019. It is an open and inclusive space facilitating dialogue on Internet governance issues of relevance to people in Zambia.

Annual meeting Information
30 November-2 December 2021, hosted online
Name of Coordinator
Michael Ilishebo
Primary Email address

This national IGF was launched in 2015 as a multistakeholder platform for public policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance in Zimbabwe.

Annual meeting Information
To be confirmed
Name of Coordinator
Tichafa Rixon Mujuru