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>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Good morning, everyone and welcome to our session.
Just a second. Our session, I think online participants can hear us?
So this session is co-hosted by the Dynamic Team Coalition and the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance to address the evolving demands on the workflows, workforce shaped by AI quantum computing and blockchain infrastructures and robotics.
The focus will be on identifying innovative educational strategies and career paths to adapt to today's technologies. Participants will discuss interdisciplinary learning, project-based learnings, micro-credentials, tech appreciations, life-long learning platforms and language divide also, gender divide, aiming to align educational and professional development with the future technologic landscapes.
This session is a roundtable discussion. So we’ll guide the dialogue on educational systems and employment.
Also going through digital divide and existing gaps in the country. Empowerment and infrastructure. According to UNESCO around 3.6 billion people worldwide still lack reliable internet access. Access to digital literacy and infrastructure is limited. By the ITU reports only 90% of individuals in the least developed countries use the internet, compared to the 87% in developing countries.
There is no longer a clear pathway to success through education.
Report by the McCain Global Institute suggests by 2030 up to 800 million jobs worldwide could be lost to automation, representing one fifth of the global workforce.
As the Youth and Dynamic Team Coalition on Internet Governance, we see as part our responsibility to promote this dialogue on the perspective of education and future consideration investments of the technology and internet.
With this, I want to give the floor now to participants.
First I will go with onsite participants and then online participants.
Give the introduction and why their statement is very important on this panel and also to give us answer what are their personal views on the current situation of education and employment, especially in topic of youth. This is panel for the youth, we can also cover other areas but this discretion is for topic of youth.
I will give the first question to Ananda Gautam to introduce himself and give his personal point of view.
>> ANANDA GAUTAM: Thank you, Marko for inviting me here.
My name is Ananda Gautam from Nepal and from Youth Coalition on Internet Governance and I lead various other youth initiatives on global, regional and national level.
My major engagement is capacity building of young people. So as Marko said, the challenges of education and young people, we are in a very situation where a lot of digitalisation has happened.
I can reflect if someone is from the 90s, we can say GenZ has been so much in the digitized world. We are not that much connected because we grew up with technology, I believe. In the 90s, the tech was just thriving in the public sector.
The 70s when technology got in its footsteps but 90s it was a thriving situation and we got to experience the technology with development of our livelihood, we saw the offline part of the world as well.
But now, if there is no internet, we barely use our electronic devices. But in our days there use to be electronic days without internet as well. They were used for different purposes. Before that there were typewriters and other things.
Coming today, we used to talk about digital divide. And now we are we talk about AI divide.
So this is kind of the situation. But still, there's a very kind of situation where we need to separate Global North and Global South, because we have existing traditional gaps as well.
We have literacy gaps. We have digital gaps and we have AI gap. You need to have first literacy, and then digital access and then you can have access to AI and all the emerging technologies but we have all the three gaps.
But, today's young people have chances to thrive with all the technologies and they have literacy, they have access, they have access to AI technologies and other emerging technologies as well.
The point here is how do we actually segregate, or how do we separate what is the maximum limit that we can use the technology?
Are we leveraging technology for good?
Are these technology always useful? Are there any threats? Teens and like young people are using the internet, along with opportunities that it provides, we are seeing so much threats. That are now also with AI.
Another thing related to education, now we are using generative AI and we believe that some children and young people might believe that the content generated by generative AI applications is legitimate.
That is another issue.
Because people don't know what legitimate, or what is idea of the content, people might not know. We need that kind of literacy now. It's not like we need to regulate or we need to ban those uses but we need to teach people how they can leverage this internet and other technologies like AI, there may be other technologies soon.
They need to be taught. We need to have capacity building. Literacy programs that enables them to properly utilize this. I will stop here for the first round and I think we will go for the second round, thank you.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, Ananda, you point out important topics, there's not only digital divide, digital literacy, there's other divide, gender gap, which are very important. Especially with the youth, we have those technologies every day, but still it's a good thing and also other points we will come back later with the questions.
Now I will give the floor to Muhammad Kamran to introduce himself and give some personal state on the current situation.
>> MUHAMMAD KAMRAN: Thank you, Marko. It's an honor for me. Hello, everyone. Muhammad Kamran from Pakistan, I'm practicing in my own province right now.
As a co-coordinator and apart from that, I'm with other organisations but no need to mention all of them.
I agree, coming back to the point, how we see from Pakistan. I talk about my own country because I belong to Pakistan.
How we see all this situation, we see what is happening around. I relate with my brother, with my friend, that the shift from digital world, digital computers to the AI computers was too fast. We couldn't see that coming.
All the teachers, students and the parents, we are really confused how to deal with them. And how to tackle the situation. Like most of the teachers nowadays in the institutions that I know, the AI homework, they are busy checking homework, they don't know if it is useful, if students are using AI.
I won't go to the explanations, we will be talking in a while.
Literacy, by literacy, I mean students they are trying to use AI but they do not know the limits. And who are the ones who are teaching the limits?
The adults again. From Adults we will move to youth. Youth are the future of the country. We need regulations of AI.
What are the limits to which they are not dangerous. If we use a lot of AI, I think that is also going to be a bit dangerous.
We will talk about this in detail. Thank you, guys.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, Muhammad. The future is here. I think we want more and more use AI.
We will see later if, what we can do in the future, yes.
Now I will give the floor to Marcelo Canto, from Brazil.
>> MARCELA CANTO: Thank you so much, I'm from Brazil, I'm here representing the Youth Brazil delegation, I'm from Rio de Janeiro, but not the City of Rio.
I live in the state of Rio, and my city is called Sao Goncalo, which is the second most popular City of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
I think we need to take like two or three steps behind to talk about education and digital education, specifically.
Thinking about inequalities, specifically of the Global South.
Especially when you are talking, when we are talking about public policies who will make change and make difference. But I will talk about this later in my presentation. So I will pass the mic.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you for the introduction and answering the question. Now I will give the floor to Gitan to introduce and give a short statement.
>> ETHAN CHUNG: Hi, I'm Ethan Chung, Youth Ambassador. I'm from Hong Kong. I'm not actually working for a job, so I can only tell you a perspective for education and the perspective of how we are educated.
So, I think, in order to be related to technology, the education system is not enough. Because we are doing paperworks right now and writing papers, we are writing normal writing. But I think we should educate something that is related to AI, or maybe other technologies. The education system should actually educate us how to use the AI and how to use these technologies maturely, not only just how to use it.
Because we all know how to use it, ChatGPT, you input the question and it gives you an answer. How to use it correctly. How to use it better that won't be against the law, this is the key point and I think should be discussed later.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you very much. Now I will go to the online participation. I will give the floor to Umut.
>> UMUT PAJARO: Hello, everyone. Good morning from my side. We see these type of technologies are an investment and to have those taken by surprise.
Revolutionizing the industry, already finding the skill we need to try in the modern workplace.
With this kind of information presents not only a challenge but also opportunities for educational institution, individuals seeking to navigate this in the workplace. In my professional opinion, I think they need to prepare the future workforce and I hope we explore a little more on that during this conversation, especially in the educational strategies that we can adopt these technologies. The changes in career pathways and different workforce we can have in the future.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, Umut. I will pass the floor to Denise.
>> DENISE LEAL: Hello, I'm Denise Leal. I'm from Latin America, Caribbean region. When we first started to think about this session, this Dynamic Coalition session, we were in a dialogue with the dynamic team coalition, DTC, we were talking a lot about how the future is changing and how it's changing right now, right in front of our eyes.
We have to think about the work and education in a very innovative way. We need to adapt because the future that is already here is asking for it.
We have discussed it a lot about many things during our meetings to come to this session and to have a dialogue on it. Not only thinking about the youth view as aging and 35 years old view, but also for children and teens.
What is it like to be a student in a classroom where you are studying a thing you won't use. Considering you will need to know about AI, about technology, about social media and lots other stuff, that you are not learning in your class.
So here, we are today waiting for discussions on these topics and we need to hear you all and I am super excited to talk about it. And also, will bring some aspects on marginalized people, Global South and traditional people also. Because we have to include them in the discussion and talk about them, and also about infrastructure. Because if we are talking about digital era, education and work, we have also to consider that there are people excluded. They are not using, there are people that don't have access to internet, proper access to internet. So I have a lot to talk. And now that I have presented myself, I will give the floor to you, Marko, so we can continue the flow.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, Denise. Yes, I want to point out also one thing we will discuss in the Youth Coalition, Youth Coalition is from 18-30. Youth sometimes isn't from 18-30. That's why I think the teen Dynamic Coalition is needed.
I am, for example, 29. When I was starting or going to primary school, high school, I was still using the technology, Facebook, I don't know, others. But it's not the same like it is now, with Tik Tok. I know my nephew is using the tablet sometimes, he knows automatically. It's a totally different viewpoint.
Sometimes we are even as youth can't represent their issues, their challenges or how they are experiencing the technology.
So that's very important that this coalition should establish, dynamic teen coalition and be more and more involved to have their voice heard.
I will go now to one of the questions. In the beginning, Ananda said there were more divide gaps.
Tamarran mentioned sometimes they may know more than the adults. Umut that the institutions should get more involved.
I will ask the question, with the current situation we see that more and more AI is evolving and other advanced technology, like quantum computing, robotics, those things. There is a big demand of the workforce shaped by AI.
My question is considering this, which innovative educational strategies could be used that we could adapt to these technologies in the future. Maybe not in the future. Maybe in the present. Because most of this technology, depending on the country, are already taking over.
What do you think is the innovative educational strategy we should, or how should we come to adopt, or I don't know, an approach, let's say.
I don't know who first will want to answer, you? Kamran?
>> As I mentioned earlier, the jump from digital to AI was too fast. We are talking about the strategies how we can fix all of these things. The youth are using it more than adults. The adults flee from the situation. They leave the situation we aren't seeing it, it's not happening. Second, they fight for it. They fight against it. No, you shouldn't be doing this, I mentioned earlier, most of the adult teachers they are busy in detecting the homework that has been done by AI.
I think that is wrong, if a kid is able to solve his homework with the help of an AI it is just another tool that is here to help us. As our vehicles are here, as other technologies are here, I think AI is also here to help us. If we don't cross the dangerous limits. We will talk about that as well.
Let's not fight it. Let's adopt to it. We cannot say AI is not happening and I'm not going to allow. Adults who say let's do it the old-fashioned way, I think that is also wrong. If there is something, we would say let's not go to that place by our vehicle, let's not use the airplanes, why not use horses.
Using AI is not bad but to a certain limit. I think the strategy that we should adopt is the adaptation to the situation. Adaptation to the AI.
And also, there should be some regulations. AI is the boss, we know that. I'm referring to AI again and again. So yeah, we should have some regulations. We should have some limits. Like this is the limit. Yeah, then you will ask us, you will ask me who is going to watch over a kid with an iPad? Marko mentioned the babies, they know how to use, how to turn on the Wifi, they go to YouTube, they search for shark, baby sharks. When we were kids we didn't even know how to turn on a mobile phone. We would ask our parents to please open the snake games. I don't know if you have done that. Now these kids have adopted it. I think we shouldn't stop in their way. But we should teach them their limitations. Because if they exceed the limitations, their screen time increases that is going to be a bit dangerous.
We do not want machines in the future. We want humans. We want them to have feelings. We will be talking about the future strategies. I have a point in that too, but all in good times. I will get back to that question.
But now, we are talking about the present strategy. I think to me the simple most strategy, I will say this in very simple words, is the adaptation to the situation. We shouldn't run from it, we should adapt to it.
Because, as it is said that, when we do the reconstruction of a house, let's say we are, the beautification, or something like that, if we want beautification in this room, we demolish one wall of the room, only to reconstruct it in a better way.
I think, if we do not run from the situation, let's reconstruct it in a better way.
Let's do the beautification, let's beautify it, let's make it in another way, if this is not working, let's do this in another way, in the modern way that is needed. So yeah, that's from my side. Thank you, Marko.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you for your deep answer, I would say.
And thank you for pointing out there are many, many more things included here, not just one thing, AI is part of all of it, robotics, in every technology that we are using now, AI is a part, as you mentioned is the main component of the bus.
I will give the flew to Umut now. If he can share some experience on this question. Then we will go on site to someone.
>> UMUT PAJARO: Okay. Question every day, because not only teach in university, but also in high school. When actually I had teens from 13-18 and 70 using AI in my classroom.
And besides thinking on ways, how they are using as a tool, I say, I start to explain to them that most of the answers provided are not (?) I started to use the tool in a different way that everyone is.
One of the things I do, is to put the tool into test in the classroom. So they can know exactly what are the limits of the tool inside of the classroom.
So they can know the implications of using that technology by experience.
So that's one of the things I think should be incorporate in the curriculum when it comes to emerging technology, is how to use the technology and the implication of that technology by experience.
So students are going to know beforehand in really early stages, which I do, because most of my students are 12, 13 years. So they are really young.
From that age, they are already starting to learn what are the implications of using that and what is the limit of using that.
Another thing that I started to find out in my practice as a high school teacher is not only this hands-on experience, real world application, exposure is also the interdisciplinary approach to this, to the use of these technologies is really helpful.
Because given a monolistic way this could help them to improve their lives.
Another thing we try to do in my classroom is actually create something, thinking and problem solving. To use this tool, the different tools, as a way to improve analytic thinking and problem solving skills.
And try to give them some abilities to the new challenges.
Another thing is to increase the creativity and thinking and ability to generate solutions to ideas. This could be pinpoint to another solution or another problem they have. That's what I'm trying to do. And another thing I use it kind of tool in the classroom. I think it's important to have it besides the things I already said, to understand this tool could also have important role of creating collaborative efforts inside the classroom and outside of the classroom.
Because if you have this different kind of tools to solve a problem in a real-life context, you would actually have to work together and collaborate between peers.
So that is important. That is an important ability, not only for organized system, but life. When we are going to start to work in some, I don't know, some important entrepreneurship, something like that, we are going to work with people and we are going to collaborate together.
We need to adapt to have these technologies inside of the classroom. But thinking of the future of the workforce. Yeah, that would be all for my side now.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you very much. Thank you for sharing your experience from the other side of the institution.
Now I will give the floor maybe to Marcela to give opinions from the Global South and those opinions.
>> MARCELA CANTO: I think to answer your question, it's crucial to consider digital skills must be considered in the curriculum of basic vocation. The change I think people used to see is have to, I see as want to. There's misconception use of digital divide will take educational process more innovative. Some examples are using tablets in class, or using AI for creativity but it's a mistake. If they don't challenge social structures that perpetuate inequality, discrimination and oppression, it's not really innovative because it doesn't promote significant change there. We are now experiencing a new configuration of colonialism (?)
It continues under a new guise, why the Global North have CEO's and software engineers, we in the south are left with the worst jobs, removing objectional content from the internet.
Technology is not neutral. There's always a purpose and a bias.
What I mean is if the Global South have the colonial logic, the structure remains the same.
(Off microphone) employment. (?) development should be under development because it operates in the colonial system where the south feeds the north not only with raw materials but also precarious labor.
So I believe the curriculum needs to focus on technology creators, not just average users with average competences and technical know-how. Global citizens for education. We must systemize, knowledge that encourages critical think.
I need to highlight the curriculum power, what is projected as a society. Curriculum provide ways interpreting the world.
When a current problem in a region, or a need, group of population are not included in the curriculum it's a political decision.
If technology curriculum doesn't address gender, race, class, it's -- change the scenario and create online violence. Does curriculum change, or just one or another individual will be able to ascend economically, for the community. Does curriculum acknowledge people who are not knowledge producers and denied in the colonial process? I process that ensure this (?) all the forms of Global South and develop in the north, south. In addition can they behave ethically, if it doesn't combat forms of discrimination? That said, I don't think it's possible for a single person or even a single stakeholder group to point out effective solutions to such a complex and profound issue.
Youth -- extend invitation to those who are here, either in person, online, especially our colleagues from the Global South.
How can we articulate a curriculum that truly combats -- and (?) oppression. What are the needs of your country, your state, your city and your community that should be addressed by the policies.
How do we need to encourage different groups that (?) become technology producers? How could we organise a way (?) diversity of region and allows for global cooperation.
Thank you so much.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you very much for bringing the whole perspective. It was more than -- it's good, it was more than going deep and explaining all the issues that are happening, and it's not just one issue but they are connected.
I will give the floor to Ananda to give his opinion on this question.
>> ANANDA GAUTAM: Okay. So my point is on this point, I think you can opt into what is said already. The challenges, I have to bring something new.
So my point would be, as we have been discussing how it has changed the landscape for the young people and teens.
With the changing landscape we are talking about digital detox as well. Some people don't have access, some have over access. Too much screen time, the health issues related to that.
The kind of social interaction we are missing in all parts of the world.
That's one thing. And another thing is we need to leverage this same technologies to provide same equal opportunities to the people who are in remote locations.
So these are the very formidable things that needs to be covered and balanced.
What we already have access and other kind of thing. Children are very tech savvy, someone told, I think they can find anything in the smartphone I have never been able to using a smartphone.
But they are over using it at times. What we do? We go to the house and we just send a text message. Can you open the door for me? We forget how to knock the door, we call someone to open the door. These are the kind of things.
If we need something we will text someone in the kitchen. No. Often talking with our family, if we are at the dinner table we will be looking at our smartphones.
When friends meet at the restaurant for a meet-up, everyone is looking at social media.
So this is the kind of agency we are losing at one point. Another thing there are people who need access to this kind of thing.
The balance would be, we need to have mechanisms, there's a case study for you, we were doing in -- I think there were 150 applications for 15 spots.
While going through applications we found out that 90% of the applicants used AI to draft their applications.
Another interesting point, the 10% who didn't use AI was not because they don't want to, because they didn't know how to use it.
So sooner or later it is not like we wouldn't be using AI or Generative AI, it's that we have to use it. I do it every day. But how do we use it is very important.
So we need to find out the ways. We need to teach, like someone was talking about integrating it in the school syllabus.
We need to integrate, how do people use digital technologies, along with emerging technologies so they are aware.
And also we need to teach them, we need to know. I think there are not much resources done. What is the optimal time they will be hanging up with their gadgets.
Starting from day tonight. If you tell my kind of routine, I wake up in the morning, start using laptop and I think until midnight of the day.
That's my, almost routine. We need to have enough resource in place so we know what is the balance in between having social interactions, or having time in real nature and having time, using those technologies to kind of like our work, or someone was asking a question, how these things can be done in broader context.
We can use these technologies to empower education and everything in context. But first we need to know the nuances how do we do it.
Otherwise we will be throwing technology to people, will start using it. We can see, I don't know how popular is Tik Tok in other countries. In Nepal people started making money on Tik Tok and people started throwing their (?) out, they give them money.
The thought that's a good way of making money. People were topless.
And they found out in a while, that getting a nipple will block their account, they started to just block their nipples and getting topless in Tik Tok life.
They thought this is legitimate way to make money.
So throwing out technology without education will be kind of like (?) but we need to have technology in place. We need to provide access to them. Along with empowerment, it's very important we need to know the right set of skills they need to know before using technology. I will stop there.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you for pointing out several issues. Especially too much consumption, internet. While we still have places they can't have basic access for access to the internet.
I will give the floor to Denise and then come back.
>> DENISE LEAL: Thank you, we are having online participation so I would like to mention before speaking.
We have here a friend from Africa saying that we need to consider the UNESCO guidelines on ethical use of AI as a possible insert, which is pretty interesting. I was having a dialogue here in the online chat, saying in some countries we don't have regulations and we don't have basic information on how to consider the use of AI, how to monitor, supervise it.
A discussion here that our online friends have been talking about is that ethical use of AI is a major point to considering education implementation.
But how we supervise it, it is a challenge to comply with the principles of the safety of internet.
So it's also a discussion I want to bring because our friends here are telling us it's important.
I have some questions I would like to address. Friend from Bangladesh IGF asked how could more work opportunities be accessible in underserved regions.
There's another question but I will talk about this one.
It is indeed a challenge. It is important to discuss about it.
We do have some places across Latin America Caribbean which don't have proper internet access. So we have community projects, they work with empowering communities teach them how to use the internet and internet network. It's interesting, we don't only need to talk about, they use this very futuristic thing which is using AI and technology in schools. But we also need to talk about the implementation of internet in some places and how we empower these people to properly use internet and telephones and mobile apps and all this stuff.
This is a discussion and it's very beautiful to say that we are implementing technology in in our schools.
In Brazil we have some places in some regions. The schools are our future, because they implement programming classes as part of the education and this is impactful. But we also have the discussion how we implement very basic aspect of using internet.
We also need to talk about the literacy of internet of using internet.
I wanted to talk about it, I heard some very important things about this topic in youth IGF this year. We had a topic on Indigenous people, an organisation called KIST talk about, when it comes to internet education we need to provide language accessible location. It's very futuristic to include language accessible internet education.
When it comes to technology, we have to provide language accessible education.
So these people that come from different backgrounds, regions and communities can also develop their tech knowledge and create data and information in internet.
So I will stop my what I'm talking and talk about questions in the chat so others can address it. We have another question, how can we ensure ethical use of AI and data in both education and workforce management?
Also from Bangladesh IGF. We have some comments here, another question from Gregory Duke, what should be considerations from youth leaders.
Sasha is asking how do you envision AI in setting in education. That's it, a lot of questions, a lot of discussions.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you. I will give the floor first to Ethan to answer the main question and then we can jump in the questions they are asking. Maybe we will open the floor to other questions on site and of course online.
>> ETHAN CHUNG: Before I start, I want you to keep in mind that AI is here, not for us to rely on but for AI should be assisting us to maximize its effectiveness on the human society. here is the thing, when we rely on AI it leads to misbehaviors and will have negative effect. My own experience, last year I had an exam about coding. It's a JavaScript system. What my friend did, he opened another website and he use the AI to generate a whole code that works. It worked. He failed, I passed. It was in python, not JavaScript. When we rely on AI, it will have negative effect. He did not process it in his brain.
What we need to use, what we need to do for AI, or what we need to use AI for, we need to use information provided by AI and we process it and we do a summary of the information that it provides.
So I think for me, I would like to be educated strategy that I want to adapt to these technologies, some kind of project-based works.
For example, we are doing a project, the teacher challenged us to use AI instead of banning us from using AI
The teacher should guide us how to use AI correctly, so we can know that's how you use AI, that's how we actually how to process AI information, not only relying on it to generate information and we use it. By that we cannot improve. And we will stop here, the improvement of the whole society will stop here if we rely on AI
That's a kind of education strategy to enhance the use of AI.
Yeah, that's kind of the strategy that I can give it.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, Ethan, to use for our to maximize potential, we spend more time on something else.
I will go to the two questions that Denise mentioned from online and after that open the floor onsite.
The question asked online and Denise tried to answer some of them, how can remote work opportunities be made accessible under reserved regions?
The second one is how can we ensure ethical use of AI and data in place management.
The second one, how can we ensure ethical use of AI and data in both education and workforce management.
I mean, we mentioned something, I saw Ananda.
>> ANANDA GAUTAM: I can talk about it.
The first starts with access, of course. There are community networks and universal available to take access into the underserved regions. That would be a start. And then like having only access to internet is not enough. Like Denise mentioned, I was about to mention that as well. If you take an example of Nepal, one day 75% of the people are literate. If people don't have enough literacy to access the content, there might be a barrier language. In Nepal, it's more like 120 languages spoken.
Having access to meaningful content would be more challenging. After we bring the access to the internet. Having access to meaningful access is equally challenging and equally important.
That's why Tik Tok is right, don't need to have much knowledge, you just either need to record yourself in your language you know and post it. People don't need to do anything, you swipe and get the content you want.
Those kind of platforms might be sometimes very essential to maintain the access to meaningful content.
But we need to know, have the right balance, what content is shared on those platform.
Another thing someone asked as well, what is the right balance of regulation. Or what are the things we could have with AI.
There might be three instances, legislation, policy, code of conduct. Among these three, I think code of conduct is very important.
Because we know the digital world is just a mirror of the real world we are living in. We mention some way, we have biases in society and data made by society and those biased data lead to biased decisions. We have misconduct in society. And same thing, we reflect that in the digital world.
We use those things decently. And the thin line between decency and indecency. These are very basic foundational things. Of course we need legislation, we need policies that promote these technologies that provides access to people, these are not underserved because there's no profit in the ruler context. There are ways to do it. Many agencies are doing it. Community networks are very good examples, have been thriving in Africa and all the regions.
I will end it here. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you very much, especially for pointing out for the youth and how we can, yeah, of these technologies, I would give now floor to Umut, he can also relevant to these questions.
>> UMUT PAJARO: One is how to ensure practical use of AI in the educational workforce. My answer to that is it could be quite obvious.
Try to get those involved, education system.
That applies to students making the clear rules to make these tools. As clear as possible.
But those rules listed in the way, can be only as a recommendation or I suppose a kind of best practices on something like that. We need also that the government start to regulate these, the youth on this kind of technologies inside educational systems. Because the educational system, or institutions, there's a way somehow they could be complemented and actually can we somehow enforce these ethical guidelines you are putting in place, in a different discussion or concession that we get, as different stakeholders. In this case, I'm doing this a quarter from the students. That means include children or everyone that is part of the education process.
The other question is about innovation and my answer to that is that regulation, it doesn't actually (?) innovation. If you do good regulation based on human rights, the innovation that you make and respect those laws that are based on human rights are going to last longer. If you are respect human rights and respect the law.
So innovation make it into a framework, that is human rights and characteristics of the context where those laws came from, actually made those innovation long lasting in time.
Because it's actually responding to what the people need. And it's actually it's respecting what the people needs and what the people want from society. So yeah, that's pretty much what I wanted to say.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you very much, Umut. I would ask now the audience if they have some questions here. I know online there's a lot of questions. But let's first see if we have one question.
Let me, I will try with the mic.
>> Good morning, I’m a participant of Youth Program Brazil. I work as a facilitator. I’m here with the delegation.
First, I would like to thank you for the panel. Congratulations to all of you. I live in an Indigenous territory in Brazil, composed of 29 towns. It’s in (?).
One of these towns is called Brazo Santo. The Third Indigenous School of Brazil, they have a curriculum based under ancestral tradition, philosophy and culture and until now they don't have access to the internet.
I would like to ask you about the positive and negative aspects they can face when they are connected to the internet in the very near future. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: I will ask any of the participants if they want to answer this question, also online.
The second one?
>> MARIANA: Okay, thank you so much, my name is Mariana, I'm from Youth Brazil also. Thank you to the panel. I think all you said is important, a lot goes with the curriculum of what was said and AI.
I'm going to be direct to my question. Given to the challenges faced by the Global South, such as digital exclusion of many young people due to inequal access to internet and technology as well as biases built in technology systems, what public policies do you think could be implemented to ensure both technology inclusion of these young people also has high quality educational technology while adequately protecting these individuals, in labor market that are increasingly driven by technology skills like entering the market and answering all the things and understanding that English is something you have to understand to insert yourself in the market. Technology skills also. How do you guys think we could build this public policies for the future? Thank you so much.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you. I will give now the floor to Umut, he wants to answer the first question.
>> UMUT PAJARO: Yes, when it comes to Indigenous population, when they ask technology, one of the things that are learned in the present years, they have to decide what actually, access on the internet and how they want to access on the internet. They are going to face a lot of challenges as far as I see.
Probably one of the main challenges is the language barrier. Denise already mentioned that before in her speech that language barrier is one of the things they are going to face. There's a couple wars in the region, in Latin America, where Indigenous people are actually using the internet to protect their languages. So for example, in Colombia in the north part we have Indigenous people they are actually trying to protect their language, creating Wikipedia in the language.
That's probably the next stage, they are going to face the same problem of everyone else in the internet, but make it in their own language and recommending the way they want to be involved in the internet. Because that's the other aspect here.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you very much, Umut for answering the question. I will ask the speakers who would like to take the second question.
Maybe add something on the first one?
>> MUHAMMAD KAMRAN: I think the second question, she asked how can we regulate the useful positive use of AI and such things. I will go with what Ananda said. It shouldn't be taboo any more. Let's talk openly about what is right and what is wrong. Our parents tell us this is right and this is wrong, but we don't tell the youth. I don't know but something they don't talk about these things. We do not tell our youth that don't perform nudity as he has mentioned, a lot of social media, the youth is going towards that way in order to make more money, I don't know. They get more views for that and they get a lot of money for that. So they are going that way. It's just a small example. Hacking, for example, now it is so into us, sorry fleeing From the Topic. But these are the problems we are facing. Let's not give a deaf ear to this thing, let's discuss it. But before that, it should be from the government. In Pakistan, for example, we have prevention of electronic crimes act, 2016, it was promulgated in 2016, but these are only for the prevention of electronic crimes, like cybercrimes.
We should have such acts, such regulations by the parliament which would enclose like the hacking, sorry, not hacking, but nudity, very specifically. I'm again saying nudity is just a small example of problems facing on social media. There are a lot more than that. They should be pointed out and promulgated from the government, for the public and they should regulate the acts. Only then I think we would move to the positive use of AI with 100%, like we will have the positive impact of all the AI and all the stuff. So yeah, that's from my side. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you very much.
>> MARCELA CANTO: I think the first step to understand the needs or what we need to combat, I think we need to create and research the needs of locations, states and even countries in a way that we know what we are facing in a way that is interaction between government, private sector and Civil Society. So I think it's the first step.
And then after that, we need to face this question, I don't think only education, but education is a really important step to, we need to address gender issue, race issue, class issues and any other type of violence should be talk about in curriculum of digital education.
I think, I don't think is the only way, but I think it's really important. Thank you.
I will go now online to Denise to see if there are online some questions and to raise some comments.
>> DENISE LEAL: Yes, there are a lot of questions. There are requests to speak, but before I will talk about an important topic that we have been talking here.
They asked us about regulations and innovation and what should be our considerations. We started the discussion on regulations and how it's important that we get our regulations improved. Because we have these very old innovation policies. And the intellectual property laws are not really adapted to the digital era reality. We have to improve our regulations and we also need and it's also another comment I made here, and also that I've been making other spaces. We need the United Nations space to connect with each other. We have the spaces from the intellectual property and we have the spaces from biodiversity and climate change. And they are all creating treaties and impacting regulations and having discussions on AI, comparison digital era. But why don't we have these people and this United Nations spaces here in IGF or in the United Nations for example.
Because the thematics, they are related. There is a mechanism being developed to regulate the digital sequence information. But it's being developed in the U.N. By diversity firm and it's not related to other spaces. But how is it? Because it will impact internet and other things and data, specifically. So for me, we need regulations to improve, to guaranty the safe use of internet and innovations that are inclusive. And we need them to connect these internet regulations and the other regulations they need to be connected.
They need to talk, the spaces need to have conversation. And an important aspect it, we cannot create a regulation about internet and technology without hearing the Technical Community because we are going to create a lot that doesn't have an effective impact. Because we will say you have to supervise it. But if we don't say how and why, without hearing the Technical Community, it will probably not be a good regulation with effective results.
I see some comments here and I would ask our IGF person here in the chat if we can open Sasha's mic so she can speak. She wants to make a comment. May I unmute her?
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: I will check now.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Now she should be able to unmute herself.
>> DENISE LEAL: Sasha?
>> Good day, everyone. Very lovely presentation and session so far. And definitely glad to be here. So if you could hear the accent in my voice I'm from Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Comments based on the conversation. When we consider inclusive education, when we consider inclusive design, we also consider within the education spectrum how do we design technology to fit the user. The user, the students are the center of the process. It hasn't always been that way but it's definitely the direction we hope we will take adaptive technologies and inclusive technologies and design for the persons in mind. Just like the chairs you sit on, when you think of human-centered design.
It's really the direction educators hope to take education and AI.
You have to be able to define the limitations of AI technology. It's such a fast-moving field it's difficult to pinpoint. So it's also important to consider, okay, before we even put that in the curriculum to teach students, how do we regulate it, how do we guide that practice and move from governing policies to practices to curriculum to the school content and then to the classroom environment? And implement it when comes to project or problem based learning. It's a very complicated issue we are having right now. That's within my field of study here at University of prince Edward island.
So it's very, very complicated to really begin that process. I would love to get a little more, you know, idea of your perspectives when it comes to that particular space and what you have been experiencing, from the point of the Indigenous culture as well.
When you look at that transfer from physical space to digital space. So many parts of the culture would be lost in physical identity to digital identity. Lose yourself in that process of digital exchange. So definitely, please, if you could give me some more of your perspectives within your education of how you see AI being used in the most proficient way when we can't really define its parameters at this time. It's such a fast-changing space. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, Sasha. Who wants to answer this question? I would try to make one minute maximum because we are close to the end of our session.
>> Hello. I think the last point, how we see the use of AI when it's like no regulations, we don't have anything on the floor, and yet we are using AI.
As I've mentioned in the start of the session, all of us are confused. The teachers, the parents, the students, we are all confused how to make use of it. Some are saying use it like the teachers for example, I'm giving examples of teachers again and again because we are here to talk about the youth, right? It's not specific to the teachers, all of us, right? Some say it's good to use. Others are here only to stop us from using it.
I think everyone is confused right here. I myself, I'm unable to answer the question, how we are doing with this stuff, because we have nothing on the floor yet. 100% regulations like we have the traffic rules, we have other rules. But we have generally the cybercrime rules and regulations like that. But not very specifically to pinpoint this very issue, we have nothing on the floor, we are confused. But using our humanity, using our limits of humanity, I think we should only use it for the positive ways. We should teach our children, we should teach our youngsters the positivity in everything. The way we use positivity in our lives, we should do the same way in this issue as well. Thank you, that's all from my side.
Because we are closing to our time, I will give to every speaker maximum of one minute to wrap up. Take home action points everybody should take into consideration or maybe action about stuff we should do until the next IGF or maybe closer. Yeah. Who would like? Maximum on point, one minute.
>> ANANDA GAUTAM: The message would be, it's a common one. But it's a collaborative action, it's not a part of one stakeholder can do it. There's a role to play by every stakeholder.
But navigating the landscape might be complex for people. So we need to make it easy, like people don't know how to take internet places so we need to make opportunities to do that. We need transparency how to do the things. I will stop here for the sake of time. Thank you. Thank you so much, everyone.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: I think you should maybe turn on.
>> MARCELA CANTO: I think the next IGF we should have more debates about education, and more debates calling educators and teacher, specifically the ones from the Technical Community. And try to analyze more the public policies of each country, each continent and have more of that debate, I think, I guess.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Okay, thank you.
>> ETHAN CHUNG: All right. So for next IGF, first of all, I don't think I will be here, I got to go for an exam, so I won't be here, but I will try my best to contribute. I think for the next IGF, we are here for other nations, other race. Here to create a standard for people to know what we are doing. We want the people to follow the standard so they know what's not suitable and what is suitable. I think that's what IGF is doing now and what it is made for. Yes.
>> MUHAMMAD KAMRAN: Being the last speaker online, sorry, onsite, we are just confused online or onsite. Being the last speaker onsite I think it's a responsibility for me, I don't think I will be able to wrap up as it deserves to be. But I think sticking to the topic of education should be more experienced based. If we go for something, once again go to the school or college, the teachers should test the students on their experience. Like if they give them an assignment to write an essay on, let's say the earth, of course they are going to use the AI for that, or the internet. So I think the assignment should be more like an experience-based. How was your experience in Riyadh. Of course AI doesn't know about that. Also about the meaning of something to them. Let's say what internet means to them. That would be another way they are going to contribute on their own. Apart from that they can ask about the education of something. If we have this mic, where does your application, what do you think we could use this for? So they are going to put a lot of efforts from themselves from their own mind and their own heart.
And apart from that, being humans, I think being human, I think that we should ask them about their feelings about something. Okay, what do you feel about Saudi Arabia? What do you feel about the IGF 2024 that is happening in Riyadh. I'm sure each one of us are going to write I think 500 page essay on this.
So yeah, I think our education should more focus on ourselves, instead of going for just stereo typical. Thank you for having us. Thank you, Marko.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, I would give a brief one minute to Denise, maybe shorter. --
>> UMUT PAJARO: In my case will be fast, it includes educators and students from the stages and design implementing and developing the technologies that actually are affecting their daily lives.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, Denise?
>> DENISE LEAL: Thanks, everyone for being here. It was very interesting. I wanted just to thanks everyone and especially I wanted to say that I really enjoyed hearing people from Caribbean region, I am glad for it, usually we lack this context, so it's interesting to hear from you from Caribbean. I want to point this was a session that was thought and created with DTC, dynamic team coalition, unfortunately they are not here, they need to receive more support next year to be in IGF. But I want to thank Ethan being here representing the teen, he is a teen with us, a very brilliant and intelligent one.
You don't even notice he is so young. I appreciate our debate. Thank you for everyone who joined our speakers not only from the Youth Coalition but also from Pakistan and the projects there and also from the Brazilian Youth Programme and other programs here. Thanks, everyone for you joining us and we count on you on our next activities. We wanted to remember we are on our election registration time from Youth Coalition, so if you are part of our mailing list, please register yourself. That's it.
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: Thank you, Denise, I want to thank you, everybody, to the panelists, to the audience here and online. Thank you for coming here and joining this discussion. Before we wrap up I would say maybe make a group picture while you are still on screen. So yeah. Thank you, everyone.
>> DENISE LEAL: I also wanted to say thanks --
>> MODERATOR PALOSKI: They are seen, right?