IGF 2023 WS #286 The Global South in the Global Digital Compact: what’s next?

    Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
    Governing Digital Economy
    Role of IGF
    Organizer 1: Jaqueline Pigatto, Data Privacy Brasil Research Association
    Organizer 2: Bhanu Neupane, 🔒
    Organizer 3: Mikael Servilha, 🔒
    Organizer 4: Rafael Zanatta, 🔒
    Speaker 1: Rafael Zanatta, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 2: Luciano Mazza de Andrade, Government, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 3: Joy Wathagi Ndungu, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Bhanu Neupane, Intergovernmental Organization, Asia-Pacific Group
    Online Moderator
    Jaqueline Pigatto, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Mikael Servilha, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Round Table - 90 Min
    Policy Question(s)
    A. How Global South actors are participating in the consultations of the Global Digital Compact? B. What are their demands for the data protection and artificial intelligence agendas? C. What can be done by each sector to improve these discussions and effectively apply the agenda of the Global Digital Compact?
    What will participants gain from attending this session? The workshop can bring insights into the role of each sector in the Global Digital Compact agenda, which brings the issues of the Global South to effectively compose this agenda. NGOs can point out the challenges faced in terms of data usage and their impacts on societies, as well as the uses of AI; the private sector can indicate which measures are being taken and should be taken for this cooperation; the State can better understand how to enable these results, especially in regulatory terms; and International Organizations also have an important role in promoting this agenda and facilitating these multistakeholder processes.

    Seeking to catalyze the agendas of the IGF and the Global Digital Compact, the workshop will provide an analysis of the “Data protection” and “Artificial Intelligence regulation” areas, from the perspective of the Global South. The proposal is to start the conversation from some analysis regarding the participation of Global South actors in the consultation of the Global Digital Compact, among representatives of NGOs, private and governmental sectors, with moderation by an international organization. From the Global South perspective, it is predicted that the challenges and opportunities can be highlighted for the continuation of the GDC agenda, with specific recommendations for actions, including the relationships with the Sustainable Development Goals.
    Expected Outcomes
    One of the main expected results is the publication of a policy brief that will present research on the participation of Global South actors in the Global Digital Compact, combined with proposals put forth by workshop participants on possible steps in this global cooperation agenda. It is expected that the role of each actor will become clear so that common principles and objectives of the Global South are effectively considered and worked within the UN agenda, also contributing to the goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Another possible outcome is the formation of an Alliance among Global South NGOs to consistently and strongly influence international spaces, where information and resources can be shared in a coordinated manner.
    Hybrid Format: At the beginning of the session, the moderator will provide instructions on how to ask questions at the end of the presentations. The speakers will have the opportunity to use visual aids such as slides, videos, and graphics to enhance the presentation and engage both onsite and online participants. We’ll make sure that the visuals are clear and easy to see for both groups. After the first hour of the session, participants will have 30 minutes to ask questions and debate with the speakers, through the session moderator, who will collect one question from an onsite participant, and one from an online participant, taking turns.