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IGF 2023 WS #175 Data that works for people and the planet

    Data Governance & Trust
    Big Data Architecture, Usage and Governance
    Cross-border Data Flows and Trust
    Data Free Flow
    Data Localization, Data Residency, and Data Sovereignty
    Data Privacy and Protection
    Organizer 1: Ana Laura Martinez, 🔒
    Organizer 2: Alexandre Barbosa, 🔒
    Organizer 3: Carolina Rossini, 🔒
    Organizer 4: Fabio Senne, 🔒
    Speaker 1: Lorrayne Porciuncula, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Alison Gillwald, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 3: Esperanza Magpantay Magpantay, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization
    Speaker 4: Jonghwi Park, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization
    Speaker 5: Moinul Zaber, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Alexandre Barbosa, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Online Moderator
    Fabio Senne, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Ana Laura Martinez, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Panel - 90 Min
    Policy Question(s)
    A. What are the implications of the data revolution for society, the economy and internet governance? B. How can we ensure that data is used for human development and for advancing the SDGs (beyond statistical data for policy development), rather than as a commodity? C. What are the possible models and strategies for governing the datasphere towards greater social justice with sustainability?
    What will participants gain from attending this session? Participants will gain familiarity with novel concepts, novel frameworks, and a better understanding of the implications of data localization and data flows. Additionally, they will reach a broader understanding of the value of data and its contribution to the SDGs, including personal and non-personal data, and how that value is distributed in society. They will be able to question the processes of data gathering and processing, and who are the decision-makers on those. They will understand the implications of such decisions and processes, and how they should be improved to generate and distribute equity more fairly across society. Finally, they will understand the rights and skills people need to better impact decision-making regarding various data. In summary, they will appropriate actionable insights for contributing to realizing the vision proposed in the title of the panel: data that works for people and the planet.

    With over 5 billion people connected to the internet and the rapid expansion of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and IoT, data is being produced at an unprecedented rate, with an increasing value stemming from insights generated through analytics and combinations of different data sources. However, not everyone is reaping the benefits. Who has the decision-making power to determine which data - and from whom - is collected, and for what? Who has the capacity to store, process, and extract value from such data? To what extent is data being used for human development and for advancing the SDGs? Or is data mostly used as a commodity that feeds platforms´ factories and monetization models? Some governments are increasingly becoming data savvy and leveraging (open) data for improving their citizen´s quality of life by improving the design of welfare policies, implementing data driven policies, and improving participative governance. Other countries are opting for various levels of localization to extract value from data (e.g. Europe Data Strategy for non-personal data or India´s proposal for an Indian data infrastructure). This panel proposes to explore different alternatives to deal with these issues and specifically identify norms and frameworks to responsibly unlock the power of data for all. For that purpose, awareness raising and a true paradigm shift in data governance frameworks are necessary. The panel will discuss the latest trends and various data governance feasible alternatives from a Majority of the World perspective, and what would be needed to implement them. It will then explore novel notions such as 'data divides', the 'datasphere’, ‘cross-border sandboxes’, Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), and more, and highlight options that allow for data flows - including cross-border - to support unlocking the value of data for all in the in the 21st century.
    Expected Outcomes
    A joint publication about the issue is a mid-run expected outcome of the session, leveraging the input of both the panelists and the participating audience.
    Hybrid Format: To ensure the best possible experience for online and onsite participants, the role of the onsite and online moderators will be key. They will be tuned to information from each other about each of the audiences. The onsite moderator will address both the onsite and online audience in his initial and final greetings. Whenever he/she throws questions and encourages the audience to participate, he/she will explicitly address and mention both audiences. The online moderator, on the other hand, will identify and communicate the onsite moderator about: -Number and regions present in the online audience. -Comments, reflections and questions from the online audience -Remarkable comments or highlights present in the social media (via hashtags) Therefore, there will be feedback and positive loops between both audiences and panels. We plan to use Twitter as a complementary online tool.