IGF 2023 Open Forum #5 WSIS Action Lines for Advancing the Achievement of SDGs

    Round Table - 90 Min

    UNGIS continues to work collectively to implement more coordinated actions, greater coherence, and effectiveness in the UN’s overall support to the advancement of SDGs. This roundtable, co-organized by WSIS and UNGIS, will focus on how the ICTs and the WSIS cooperation can help accelerate the SDGs, learning from multistakeholder experience to build an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable societies and economies. The session will feature panel discussions and presentations from experts in the fields of digital innovation and sustainable development, showcasing innovative solutions and multistakeholder efforts on digital cooperation. The session aims to provide a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences, highlighting the need for cross-sectoral collaboration and partnerships to leverage the full potential of digital innovation for a sustainable post-COVID-19 world. The session will explore ways to ensure that digital transformation is inclusive and benefits everyone, leaving no one behind. It is important to strengthen partnerships and digital cooperation towards achieving goals and targets across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ICTs are rapidly transforming societies and economies, with potential to address complex and interconnected development challenges and build a sustainable future for all as envisioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More needs to be done to leverage the development potential of digital technologies. This session will focus on the strategic ways governments and partners leverage ICTs, raising key challenges and gaps, identifying digital capacities to prioritize based on needs on the ground, and the synergies necessary to support those. The discussions will be addressing the two major challenges of advancing the world's digital transformation: achieving universal connectivity and enabling meaningful connectivity.

    The session will be held physically with enhanced remote participation, following the extensive experience of the co-organizers who have been providing remote participations since the first annual WSIS Forum held in 2009, enriched with successful organization of events in 2022 and 2023. Hybrid format will benefit from active moderation both physically and online by the co-organizers, with equal representation opportunities provided for speakers and attendees. Besides the online conferencing tool used, the session will be livestreamed on Facebook or YouTube channel. The online networking will be provided through the LinkedIn platform.





    Onsite Moderator
    Gitanjali Sah, ITU
    Online Moderator
    Vladimir Stankovic, ITU
    Vladimir Stankovic, ITU
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: The Tunis Agenda (November 2005) requested the UN Secretary General, in consultation with members of the UN Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), to establish within the CEB, a UN Group on the Information Society (UNGIS), consisting of the relevant UN bodies and organizations with the mandate to facilitate the implementation of WSIS outcomes. In April 2006, UNGIS was endorsed by the CEB. UNGIS serves as an inter-agency mechanism to coordinate substantive policy issues facing the United Nations system’s implementation of the Geneva Plan of Action and Tunis Agenda for the Information Society adopted by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), thereby contributing to improving policy coherence in the UN system, as requested by the 2005 World Summit. Subsequently, pursuant to Para 46 of the GA Resolution 62/208, UNGIS also ensures coordination within the United Nations development system in order to respond to the international attention being given to science and technology transfer as reflected by the outcomes of the 2005 World Summit. UNGIS’ objective is to develop extensive collaboration and partnerships among the CEB members in order to contribute to the achievement of the WSIS objectives, to help to maintain ICT-related issues as well as science and technology at the top of the UN Agenda and finally to mainstream ICT for Development issues in the mandate of CEB members. To this end, UNGIS should complement and add value to existing programmes and projects by facilitating synergies and joint efforts, so as to maximize coordinated action, coherence and effectiveness of the support to countries in their efforts towards achieving the WSIS goals agreed upon by the international community. In order to achieve its objectives, UNGIS: - Contributes towards WSIS implementation, primarily at the international level, by mainstreaming the Information Society Agenda into the activities and programmes of CEB members; - Coordinates with the mechanisms for national and regional implementation established in the Tunis Agenda, as well as the multi-stakeholder implementation process; - Strengthens the role of the UN System in facilitating access of developing countries to new and emerging technologies, promoting transfer of technology, and mainstreaming science, technology and innovation policies, including ICTs, into national development policies or poverty reduction strategies in accordance with the priorities of countries; - Facilitates synergies between organizations belonging to the UN system in order to maximize joint efforts, avoid duplication and enhance effectiveness in achieving the WSIS outcomes; and - Promotes public awareness about how the UN system is implementing WSIS and is facilitating better access for developing countries to new and emerging technologies.