IGF 2023 Lightning Talk #47 Promoting efficient E-waste management in Africa and Asia

    Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 (07:30 UTC) - Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 (08:00 UTC)
    SC – Room H

    M. Avis Momeni and Ms Sylvie Siyam, PROTEGE QV; https://www.protegeqv.org ; African Civil society Organization; Cameroon, AFRICA - Ms Zainab Aminu, CITAD; https://www.citad.org/ ; African Civil Society organization; Nigeria, AFRICA - M. Syed Kazi, DEF : https://www.defindia.org ; Asian Civil Society Organization ; India, ASIA - M. Ahmed Swapan Mahmud, VOICE ; https://voicebd.org/ ; Asian Civil Society Organization ; Bangladesh, ASIA - Ms Shawna Finnegan; www.apc.org ; APC network; world coverage, Canada - Private sector : Solidarité technologique (https://www.solidarite-technologique.org)-Cameroon, AFRICA


    - Mr. Avis Momeni ; [email protected] ; PROTEGE QV; https://www.protegeqv.org ; African Civil society Organization; Cameroon, AFRICA - Mr. Syed Kazi, DEF ; [email protected] ; https://www.defindia.org ; Asian Civil Society Organization ; India, ASIA - Mr. Ahmed Swapan Mahmud ; [email protected] ; VOICE ; https://voicebd.org/ ; Asian Civil Society Organization ; Bangladesh, ASIA - Private sector : Solidarité technologique (https://www.solidarite-technologique.org)-Cameroon, AFRICA

    Onsite Moderator
    Ms Shawna Finnegan; [email protected] ; Canada; www.apc.org ; APC network; world coverage
    Online Moderator
    Ms Sylvie Siyam; [email protected]; https://www.protegeqv.org; Cameroon
    Ms Zainab Aminu ; [email protected] ; CITAD; https://www.citad.org/ ; Nigeria


    Targets: The concerns of this proposal call on both governments, actors in the field and participants in the forum and on a large scale on awareness that: - a better management of the e-waste contributes to well-being, as proper management of e-waste helps reduce pollution of waterways and groundwater; - the involvement of local authorities in the local management of e-waste contributes to the involvement of communities and to the cleanliness of the city; - as this management also prevents the effects of toxic gases, greenhouse gases harmful to the climate.


    Lightning talk

    Duration (minutes)

    According to the Global Transboundary E-waste Flows Monitor – 2022, « In 2019, the world generated 53.6 Mt of e-waste – an average of 7.3 kg per capita. E waste generation is expected to increase to 74.7 Mt in 2030 and reach as much as 110 Mt in 2050, unless we modify our practices2 ». Africa ranks as a continent with one of the highest mobile usage rates (almost 80%) with a market growth rate estimated at +4% compared to 2017 . In other way «South-Asia is confronted with an enormous risk of e-waste intensification owing to both locally generated and internationally imported. There has been a gradual increase of e-waste generated in South-Asia and in 2019, 4,057 Kilo tons (kt) of e-waste was generated, which is about 16% of the Asian region3» Despite the fact that several countries in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia have regulations governing the management of e-waste, implementation on the ground has been timid, although users of digital and electronic tools are growing on these continents. How can we then understand this weakness both in terms of the regulation of e-waste at the national level and in terms of public awareness, especially since the waste of digital tools reaching the end of their life cycle poses serious threats to human health and sustainable environmental management? What role can play different actors, starting at local level and what are they facing. What are the challenges in these continents, and how can circular economy policy inputs can contribute to reduce the impact of e-waste? Based on experiences shared by civil society and private sector actors and after an analysis of the regulations in different countries, this session tries to propose areas for improvement of the situation in terms of legal framework, capacities building of actors, information and awareness raising of actors, economic and social incentives. References: https://developer.orange.com/orange_explains/marche-mobile-afrique-fran… 2- https://ewastemonitor.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Global-TBM_webver… 3 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9582420/ Resources : - PROTEGE QV, Strengthening the legal, regulatory and institutional framework for an effective digital waste management in Cameroon, Policy brief, 2023; - Review of E-waste Management Rules, 2021; https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://voicebd.org/wp-conte… - Business Models’ Compliance of Electronic Goods ,Manufacturers with Environmental ; https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://voicebd.org/wp-conte… - Sustainability and the E-waste (Hazardous) Management Rules 2021 ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4AoycCmqHc&t=232s

    1) Precision will be made at the level of IGF logistics so that online participants can see the moderators, speakers and the session room. The online and onsite moderators will have a preparatory meeting to be able to put an emphasis on a balanced time for contribution or questions between online and onsite participants. We can also consider that the session be broadcasted live online with the possibility of chat. We will also have in back office an assistant rapporteur to help not missing the concerns and questions that will raise by onsite and online participants and answers provide. 2) By set up an organizing profile team of actors to manage the session - Firstly, inviting attendees to register and set up their own IGF account on IGF website. - Share and spread through network, and social media tools (twitter, Meta, whatsapp groups,) the IGF23 news from IGF secretariat and host country, in relation with the event 3) Using : Zoom platform and jitsi meet platform- Youtube - Twitter- Meta-whatsapp groups- networks