Young African Policy Research Hub (YAPORH)
Young African Policy Research Hub (YAPORH) Brendan Chukwuebuka Ugwu - Young African Policy Hub ( YAPORH)
Young African Policy Research Hub (YAPORH) Brendan Chukwuebuka Ugwu - Young African Policy Hub ( YAPORH)
Organization's Website
Judith Murungi - Young African Policy Hub (YAPORH)
Brendan Chukwuebuka Ugwu - Young African Policy Research Hub ( YAPORH)
Onsite Moderator
Brendan Chukwuebuka Ugwu
Online Moderator
Brendan Chukwuebuka Ugwu
Brendan Chukwuebuka Ugwu
3. Good Health and Well-Being
5. Gender Equality
Targets: My proposal fits perfectly with the Sustainable Development Goal 3 in line with Good Health and Well-Being. This is because it aims at promoting the ethical use of AI in order to promote the right to health in Africa. It also fits in with the SDG 5 on Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Further more, SDG 5.2 on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls in public and private spheres. Also, SDG 5.b Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women and SDG 5.c Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels. This is because the talk illustrates the need to protect women and children from any manipulation or abuse after their data has been collected during health care service delivery. It also aims at illustrating the need for strong regulation in terms of law and policy to ensure that the use of AI is not detrimental to them. In conclusion, the two SDG's namely ; SDG 3 on Good Health and Well- Being and SDG 5 on Gender Equality apply to this lightning talk.
5. Gender Equality
Targets: My proposal fits perfectly with the Sustainable Development Goal 3 in line with Good Health and Well-Being. This is because it aims at promoting the ethical use of AI in order to promote the right to health in Africa. It also fits in with the SDG 5 on Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Further more, SDG 5.2 on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls in public and private spheres. Also, SDG 5.b Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women and SDG 5.c Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels. This is because the talk illustrates the need to protect women and children from any manipulation or abuse after their data has been collected during health care service delivery. It also aims at illustrating the need for strong regulation in terms of law and policy to ensure that the use of AI is not detrimental to them. In conclusion, the two SDG's namely ; SDG 3 on Good Health and Well- Being and SDG 5 on Gender Equality apply to this lightning talk.
This will be a short and precise talk on the issue at hand. There will be an introduction of the key terms in this discussion and a clear setting of the parameters of this discussion. To set the pace for the discussion, the context and background of the increased use of AI and its benefits will be given hinting on the indicators of its consequent increased use in health service delivery across Africa.
I will then get to analyze the ethical and legal challenges that arise from the use of AI in Africa. I will also have a comparative analysis between Singapore and Brazil in terms of regulating the use of AI. This will lay the basis for recommendations for the African countries in terms of regulating the use of AI in health service delivery. I will conclude and engage in a Q&A or comment session to close the session.
Duration (minutes)
The session is a lightning talk which will address the increased use of AI in health care service delivery across the African continent. It will show how this increased especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and still sprouts to this day. It will illustrate the advantages of using AI in health service delivery in Africa. On the flip side, the talk will identify the ethical and legal challenges that arise from the use of AI in healthcare service delivery. Such issues include issues of data protection and privacy, protection of minors, the lack of full understanding about the implications of the use of AI among others. This talk will identify the legal and regulatory gaps in Africa related to the use of AI and will show how this can be solved basing on the best practices of other jurisdictions such as Singapore. This talk will be be beneficial to academicians, law and policy makers and anyone else interested in internet governance.
1. The session will be interactive for both online and those that will be at the venue. I will undertake to ensure I participate in publicity by sharing this information about how to access the session online and on various platforms to ensure that people across the world can access the session. 2. There will be very few slides that will provide pointers to the people who will be following the session online. This will help to ensure that they follow up on the session. Also, once the session is complete and a recording is availed with the permission form the IGF organizers the session can still be accessible to those who were not able to physically attend.
1. The session will be interactive for both online and those that will be at the venue. I will undertake to ensure I participate in publicity by sharing this information about how to access the session online and on various platforms to ensure that people across the world can access the session. 2. There will be very few slides that will provide pointers to the people who will be following the session online. This will help to ensure that they follow up on the session. Also, once the session is complete and a recording is availed with the permission form the IGF organizers the session can still be accessible to those who were not able to physically attend.