IGF 2023 Lightning Talk #119 Labour rights in the public interest technology space

    Team Community
    Danae Tapia Director of community strategy at Team Community Civil Society GRULAC Francisco Vera Program officer at Open Society Foundations Civil Society WEOG Úrsula Schüler Communications officer Team Community Civil society GRULAC


    Danae Tapia Director of community strategy at Team Community Civil Society GRULAC Francisco Vera Program officer at Open Society Foundations Civil Society WEOG

    Onsite Moderator
    Danae Tapia
    Online Moderator
    Úrsula Schüler
    Úrsula Schüler

    3. Good Health and Well-Being
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Targets: Both SDGs 3 and 8 are closely related in our proposal. When our researchers reported the mental health crisis within the community of digital rights defenders we were able to realise that approaches such as medication or therapy on their own would not be able to produce a sustainable impact, it was necessary to tackle structural issues and the right to decent work was a transversal factor that would improve people’s lives in concrete ways. After plenty of interviews, tests and research on management studies, we have concluded that the three policies we present in our pamphlet: a four-day work week, the right to disconnect and unlimited vacations, are effective implementations that advance the aforementioned SDGs.


    Hybrid presentation (onsite and online). Research findings and guidelines will be presented and we will conduct a brief Q&A session with the attendees afterwards. Onsite participants will receive physical copies of the Digital Justice Every Day pamphlet and online attendees will be pointed to our online platforms to access our material.

    Duration (minutes)

    Psychosocial research has demonstrated a severe crisis of emotional health in the digital rights space. At Team Community (TCU), we propose that structural issues of this industry, specifically labour rights, are crucial to tackle this problem, and in the recent months we have been sharing in different spaces the Digital Justice Every Day pamphlet with concrete organisational policies to tackle this crisis that not only affects the wellbeing of our community members but also impacts in the quality of the work we produce. This is why we consider that having a healthy workforce is a transversal matter for each of the IGF 2023 subthemes. In this activity we will present the findings of our research and our proposals, specifically those contained in the Digital Justice Every Day pamphlet. Also speakers will dialogue on realistic ways of implementing decent work organisational policies in the digital rights space both from the perspective of workers and of funders. Information about our materials and resources are available at the website of our Digital Justice House program: https://www.digitaljustice.house/

    The interaction between onsite and online speakers will be facilitated by Úrsula Schüler, communications officer of Team Community, who will host virtual consultations with people wishing to participate virtually. Both onsite and online participants will have the best online experience because of our vast know-how of hosting hybrid events. For instance, our moderator will ascribe to values such as privacy of the attendees and will ensure safety by following TCU’s code of conduct. As complementary tools, we will use TCUs infrastructure such as promotion and dialogue in our Mattermost channel plus note-taking in our wiki where notes and transcriptions will be shared so people can also participate asynchronously.