IGF 2023 - Day 3 - Open Forum #111 GPAI: A Multistakeholder Initiative on Trustworthy AI - RAW

The following are the outputs of the captioning taken during an IGF intervention. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.



>> MODERATOR: Welcome everyone to session 111 the Global Partnership on artificial intelligence a multistakeholder initiative on trust worthy AI.  I'm Inma Martinez and I will moderate the session and also participate Pating as one of the panelists because of my role as chair of the multistakeholder expert group.  I will make the institute ducks offed members of the panel.  So my right, the deputy director forked JOICHI.  And online, we have my colleague Alan Paic who is head of the GPIA Secretariat and from India the CEO of Digital India Corporation and Digital AK Mr. Abhishek Singh.  And we are also expecting a fourth member of our panel who is Ms. Kavita Bhatia.

     And the order of the session intends to provide you with a scope of GPAI as multistakeholder initiative of international scope and unrunning now in it's fourth year and each of the members of the panel in the capacity as co-chairs and organizers of the next presidency will reflect on how GPAI is developing value to the world.  I would like to invite Alan Paic the head of the Secretariat of o.  ECD to start with the overview of GPAI organization.  Ail Lan, the floor is yours.

     >> ALAN PAIC: Thank you very much, Inma.  It is ply pleasure to address you today.

     I will give an interdukes to GPAI.  A long-term initiative which is specificry dedicated to AI related priorities.  And it has a multistakeholder focus to convene experts from a wide range -- ()no audio (.

     Sen Senegal and Serbia.  And for example.  That we also do have as you see, most of the major leaders in AI technology onboard as GPAI members from the government side.  Now, how does GPAI function?  We do have a very elaborate governance.  We have a minister of counsel and executive council and a place where the different stakeholders meet works where we do have representatives of both the member countries and the experts.

     And then we have the multistakeholder experts group of which Inma ised chair and the experts group accounts for expert working groups and currently two expert support centres in Paris and Montreal.  And their work is also supported or will be supported from the future bid work of national institutes which will contribute to the concrete projects which GPAI is putting forward.  The GPAI council as I pledged has two parts.  It has the ministerial council which meets once per year and the next meeting is in due Delhi and our colleague from India, from Abhishek Singh will talk about this forthcoming summit which is very important.  The executive council meets at the working Level three times per year and gives guidance to the GPAI Secretariat and work plan and approves the GPAI budget.

     The council this year, the lead chair is Japan.  The incoming is India who will B.C. the lead clare for the next year and outcoulding chair is France who has been the lead chair last year.

     The steering committee is the place where all of the stakeholders meet in the multistakeholder initiative.  We do have in the steering committee six represent of the government and six representatives of the experts.  In the representatives of governments we have three representatives which are the co-chairs of the initiative.  Two additional government representatives appointed by the executive council and then we have a specific seat which is reserved for an emerging for developing country which is also appointed by the executive council.  And this shows the commitment which GPAI has to support membership from such countries.  And then the steering committee also does neat sometimes in the extended format where all of the GPAI members are invited to participate in the deliberations.

     I think one important point is the project funding.  How are the projects funded at GPAI.  We have the baseline budget envelope for project which has been historically provided by France and Canada who were at the origin, the founding members of GPAI.  There is going it be complemented now by a mechanism through GPAI through approved seed funding where all of the cup countries will be able to contribute.  And then the second part of the project funding comes from in-kind contributions through nationial and we do have partnerships and partnerships can be from both in in kind and financial contributions in GPAI work plan.  I would like to mention also the GPAI web page which I would encourage you to visit.  You will find a lot of exciting information you will find our new reports.  We have two new reports featured on the web page which are recent and very -- and very actual.  One is about generative AI and job centre and policy response anded ore is about AI foundation models and saying whatever new foundation model is put out there needs to provide a did he textion mechanism which would help us identify that that text has actually been, you know, produced by an AI.  You will find information about the GPAI summit at the summit in New Delhi we will have new reports so watch this space for the new exciting ruts from the GPAI experts.

     And also, you will find information about the G7 commitment to advancing generative AI policy and finally the information about the global challenge to build trust in the age generative AI.  We know how fragile trust is today about the proliferation of fake news to and impact to the democracies and so on.  This a big initiative launched in collaboration with the OECD and UNESCO and AI commons, IEEE and we are actually route no in a call for partners.  So a call to all of you who are listening in today if you are interested to collaborate on this, very exciting initiative please do click on this partner enquiry form.  Just very briefly, to explain what this is about, it is in three phases.

     In the first phase, we do want to identify promising ideas.  How to have policy and technology solutions for building trust in the age of generative AI.  Ideas which do show potential -- and the successful prototype will be to pilot and scale in the third cycle.  A very exciting new transversal initiative with the global partners.  Please feel free to apply and partner with us.

     Thank you, Inma and over to you.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: Thank you so much, Alan.  I would like to invite Yoichi Iida to present what the executive council mass done to address the emerging challenges that AI is presenting.  As well as how Japan in this year has been steering the GPAI mission in a very, very tough year and conflicting year with lots of work to do especially from the G7 perspective of having to come one the Hiroshima process.  The floor is yours.

     >> YOICHI IIDA: At this moment, I'm working as assistant vice minister sat the ministry of Internet affairs and communications.

     And my -- my work is main looking at the multilateral digital policy making including GPAI, OECD, G7, G20 and also IGF all together.  And this is a very, very busy year for us.

     And but statement, we are very happy to see different frameworks we can synergid not only around AI with you also the digital policy making including data flow and infrastructure and whatever.  With regard to the GPAI, operation, we took the lead chair position in the late month of last year.

     And we are working as the lead chair for 2023.  GPAI has a unique structure not only in the organizational structure a as presented by Alan in his presentation but also we in the process structure.

     Lead chair country hosts its summit meeting on the very first day of the chair tenure.  So it happened late in November last year and on that very day, we succeeded the lead chair position from France.  We put our effort to succeed the successful GPAI work and also even promote further its very important responsibility from promoting global AI ecosystem.

     Actually the GAAP executive council and all member countries are working together on how to promote the responsible deployment of AI technology into the society through four different working group topics which are response AI and data governance and the future of work and the commercialization and innovation through AI technology in the society.  So we -- the government members are closely working together with the private sector experts to promote those projects in four categories and we as lead chair Japan wanted to promote the uniqueness of GPAI and also to improve the weakness of GPAI.

     So in the beginning of our chair tenure we recognised in previous years some of the cam lengths Fo GPAI, first, how to strengthen the messaging or delivering our message to rest of the world.  And in order it achieve that, we decided to' lab rate the first ministers declaration to be delivered which the minutesters at GPAI summit last year.

     That is one instrument.  And the secondly, we wanted to add the very temporally a category as AI for a resilient society so added AI for resilient society for priority toppibles for GPAI activities and then also wanted to strengthen the opportunity for experts to bring their message to rest of the world through the event associated to the GPAI ministers summit.  From the same in venue in Tokyo.

    So we had more than 20 side events where many experts presented their own views and also do some expert changes on -- exchings to work together to provide response deployment of AI technologies in our society.  Would these are are the three major focuses where our lead chair presidency worked only.

     And I hope these three emphasis contributed to some extent to the development of GPAI work this year.  And we also wanted to create a stronger synergy between GPAI work and other other national work streams.  We discussed AI governance, globally AI governance as part of our working group discussion.  And we agreed on further work to build up the global governance policy for generative AI and in order to do that, we have agreed that we should work closely about with international organizations including GPAI and O ECD an UNESCO to understand how AI would support the human society and what risks and challenges will come up and how we could address the risks and challenges through the collaboration with international organizations and experts working there.

     So I hope -- I stop there.  But these are the efforts by Japan as lead chair presidency and the I hope these efforts will be succeed by India the lead chair next year and, of course, we Japan continue to make contribution to the GPAI work next year and beyond.  Thank you very much.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: Thank you very much, I have to say thatted Tokyo summit was probably one of the best events I have ever attended.  As a scientist myself I felt is a the sessions not just the multistakeholder group but also the peripheral sessions from academics and industry to came to the sum might were exciting and for the times because AI grows exponentially and not linearly and we have to act with better solutions and forward thinking.  Thanks very much.  Grateful for the work that Japan has done for GPAI this year.

     I would like to proceed and present the other pillar of GPAI which is the multistakeholder expert group which ised group I joined in 2021 when the government of Spain, one of the members nominated me.  And I entered one of the working groups whichs innovation and commercialization artificial intelligence for small to medium et cetera prices.  This is a very singular community because it is the first time that AI community of not just academics but also industry, AI scientists, lawyers, civil servants, organizations working on ethics, trade unions have come together to work together and very, very specific initiatives and these puts us from a -- this puts us in a position where we serve at the pleasure of the members but at the same time the members gives us the flexibility to proposed approaches.

     How would we as scientists and AI people would deal with some of these challenges?  And these -- this synergy is what makes the GPAI truly special and a first for many governments where it comes to AI advisory.

     And the makeup and the fabric of the MAG is quite varied.  More than half of the expert group is composed of true AI scientists and then we are complemented with other people from trade unions and Civil Society and industry that also have long careers in artificial intelligence.  I would say the average age about 40 for sure if not more.  And becaused membership at present is -- with the huge component of European countries the countries, the members nominate experts that is why we have so many European experts in the group.  We are also expanding to bring experts not just from the membership but we we work on projects that have specific skills we have invite others to work with us on specialists and that is one of keenest efforts we have for the years to come which is to bring the voices of developing nationsance emerging markets and other scientists that do incredibly valuable work that complements our own work.  The gender gap is not too bad.  We are making inroads in stabilizing the 15% difference.  One of the points of government in the MAG and we call is to ensure representation and not just between the genders.  Every working group has two co-chairs and we try to bring people from different continents.  What is it that we do?  Lots and lots of calls on video platforms because all of the experts are based in their home countries.

     And we are supported by the two experts super centres which are.

     >> Monthial and which is Ceimia in Montreal GAAP in France.  Put forth the centre is of innovation and research to our advantage and our support.  Eorganize summits around we ehave done summits join line.  In E. in-person for the first time in Paris in 2021.  And we look forward to the summit in India in year.  And as Aran mentioned we engage with other organizationsen in common goals and projects like the global challenge which am lan expert Blaineed earlier -- Alan explained earlier.  Now why GPAI engaged AI community has a very simple answer.

     Between 2015 and 2018 the advancements in artificial intelligence grew exponentally and we had huge advances in neural networks and the transformer model within language models.  We brought compute vision, AI driven drug therapy development, Level five automation in cars.  It was a huge movement that really put a new perspective to almost 70 years of artificial intelligence.  And that is why the member -- the regional founding members tee saided we need an association and international initiative that will be able to understand the massive exponential growth and transformation and governments to get on the road map of dealing with it with innovative approaches.  And GPAI: A lass a governance that is singular.  A federated governance.  Every country puts the support from the local leading institutions.

     And every member of the GPAI from the country perspective bringsed individual and collective leadership.  Exactly what we do in the expert group and we look for multistakeholderric wit.  Because we know that AI has to be an AI for all and this is why not just the council brings new members from all geographies offed world but the experts do the same.  And one of the things that differentiated rein shoots our projects with other projects and artificial intelligence in the world is that our mandate and how we have been mandated by the council is come up with solutions.  Come up with real actionable solutions.  Bring solutions that we can implement and roll out in our global markets and also find standards for all of us to agree upon.

     So the way that we understood the mandate when the emergence of generate everybody AIs Breckin the members and expert together.  Wee crated a town hall in May in which the experts invited all of the member countries to attend and explained how we the AI community understood the risks but also the opportunities for language models, foundation moldles, generative AI from general and it was a town hall format.  Anybody would ask anything and made it free flow so that for the first time it was a conversation and it was interactive.  In September, we hosted first workshop for delegates in Ceimia from Montreal.  What is it that you do in an innovation workshop?  You challenged ideas.  You address if everybody understanded same we we discuss, for example, risks.  Are the risks for member country in Europe the same as one in the Americas?

     Do we all prioritize the same challenges in the same way.  So it was bringing the existing roadmap of challenges, risks and projects that the council and the GPAI expert group had.  We put it through the lens of are we all only the same page and have things changed so we really behaved a as artificial intelligence scientists.  Everybody felt that for the first time governments and experts were working together for two days in the same room as you can see from the pictures, flowing ideas and challenging ideas and agreeing on approaches.

     And the way we operate as a four pillar structure.  The big theme of artificial intelligence is done responsibly and trustworthy and carries the ethics of the future for our people and concern ourselves with how the future work will evolve with artificial intelligence Doming into industry and society and then the pillar of AI is data.  So, of course, data governance is one of the most active working groups in the MAG.  And innovation and commercialization of AI.  AI finalcy is becoming a product and a service.  It is coming into industry.  Coming toed hands of people.  And we need to ensure that this service level agreements that the human-centricity by design really comes with it.  As one of our experts mentioned, AI should come to us in a state that a already say.  We should really strive for an AI that comes to us in the best possible state.

     So how do respond to the challenges that the member governments undergo on a monthly basis.  One was presented to us by the Hiroshima process in May.  Together with the OECD we were called upon to support the vision that the G7 had as to how we needed to act quickly and steady and on a very solid ground with regards to generative AI and we realized that we were working on the pintas kale out of that mandate, the call.  From the list, taking measures to ensure that the risks are met and addressed.

     We also need to mitigate vulnerables.  So the way we respond to all of these objectives is N. a variety of ways.  In some ways we produce ideas such as sandboxing for response eastbound AI.  In others we look at what -- responsible AI.  We look at what Alan mentioned.  Detectors and realing it that addresses fake dissemination of misinformation et cetera.  And as you can see from the columns, the elements of risk and concern listed by the G7.  We already mad projects operating in the different spheres of what needs to be done.  And if you want to have a deeper view of what these typical projects are, for example, one of the most exciting ones which actually has been presented in the EU par parliament and presented in the US Congress is can we create can he textion mechanisms to ensure pa when this type of AI is commercialized it comes with detection mechanism but also the social media platforms.  Real tech addressing a technological problem.  Not a policy, not a framework.  Like an asset.

     And we have a project that has entered beta launched in Singapore and Germany and Poland consider from by all sectors can consult which AI solutions are aprep fit for some of of the challenges and gaps.

     So this a another asset that is put in the commands of din industry.  One muched projects addressing something hard to frame is can we make IP out of artificial intelligence and we started the project in 20223 and had a fantastic year 23 because we then organized workshops in conjunction and with the support of in sty touts like pack blank in Germany and Duke University in Washington W. Washington, DC and it is really addressing -- L MAX PLANCK institute.  So where it comes to intellectual property the contract laws are expanding and I invite you to follow this project because in 2024 we will create an incubator.

     So if you are working IP law and you focus artificial intelligence, please contact us because we will be running this incubator in '24.  And the next steps for other projects for example this is the one that I need because this is the one Ieeiateed when I joined really encompass all of the nations.  Agricultural is one of the pillars injured.  Prosperity and new ways to ensure that land -- and water resources are preserved and we really can feed 10 billion people in sustainable ways and regulating AI as well.  What is the landscape of AI regulation across the board.  How each nation is dealing with their own AI regulation.  Can we find standards.  Another exciting project as elation the future at work.  The future of work is vital because there is much misunderstanding as to what AI brings to industry and society and there is much fear as being relegated to a second role as humanity and as workers.  This is one of the working group that has the most activity.  Projects for 12024 in which they undergo projects with University students in South America.  They will see the impact of generative AI from Español and they will try to get down to areas where we can learn from countries in development.

     As well as how the working conditions of loams and workers of changing is with the rides of AI within their -- rights of AI within their cup companies.  I you can visit and get familiar with the rest of our projects.  Like I said before, we are a growing organization and the strengths of the collective ask because of what the individuals bring to us.

     And now it is my great pleasure to introduce to you our future presidency which is the government of India and for that we have with us our colleague in the steering committee will Abhishek Singh.  I believe he is online from India.  The floor is yours.

     >> MODERATOR: I think I need help from the AV team in managing -- I should not be the big screen now.  Probably -- can you give the floor to Mr. Abhishek Singh.  I can seen him.  He is on mute?  Okay.

     I think you are now able to speak. could you speak louder.  We don't hear much.  Knock comes through.  Okay.

     Now you are.  Thank you so much.  And for your patience.

     >> ABHISHEK SINGH: I wanted to say to my colleague is there and will we making a presentation with regard to the sum politic that we will be mosing in -- the summit we will host in December.  Share the slides to make the presentation.

     >> KAVITA BHATIA: Good afternoon and good morning and good evening to all of you.  I will just share my screen.  Is the screen visible?  Is the screen visible?

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: Yes.

     >> ABHISHEK SINGH: And you could switch on your camera.

     >> KAVITA BHATIA: I don't think I will be able to.  I will do it afterwards.  So India's vision for AI has been very important is that we understand the technology brings a lot of focuses on the emerging technologies but we are wanting to ensure that the tech will be social and economic group if line with the development.  The Prime Minister has been saying that we need to make AI in India and make AI for India and he also believes that the technology should be rooted with the principles (speaking nonEnglish) and for everyone this is the basic vision India for AI.  India is a very large country and we know that AI has the potential to improve the public service delivery by building more efficiency in the administrative procedures and keeping sit dens focal point to the services with AI shall be beneficial to the citizens.  And AI needs to overcome the (?) we want to have more inclusive for the development of large-scale transformation solutions.

     As I said that AI enables the policy developers who arable to take the right decision based on the data so that the decisions taken for the development of social benefits should be meant for the sit den and should be able to get whatever the benefit he is entitled to.

     In fact, there is not what AI should top it.  A should empower the citizen so that he knows what is the entitlement and what ared benefits which he is supposed to get and should approach the government so that he is not having this benefits which he is supposed to get.nd the AI provides the innovative models for the governance to have (?) this is the main focus and approach which India is taking forward.  And we already have come up with a strategy for AI which basically we focuses on Democratizing the AI resources which we mean ised streamlined access to good quality datasets for research and innovation.  Having the access to the compute and most important having the skilled resources to that the innovation can be brought out into the system.  With these principles in our background we have come one a comprehensive programme with I focuses on the three pillar astounds of the most pillar in the progap is the national centre on AI where we plan to implement solutions across country to see the benefit what AI brings for the nation.  Responsible AI is one of the pillars which is very important because the solution should not cause harm to the humid.  We have already detailed out the principles of responsible AI.  We have worked on the operationallization mechanism and also gone ahead with one of the use case of using these principles in the -- (?).  India is a very large country and we have 22 languages and more and a thousand plus dialects.  AI should bringed inclusivity and enable the citizens to get the service in their manager.  We have the speech to speech machine translation session temperature.  In G20 we have showcased the solution and also added 10 international language showcased in G20.  The other important aspect which we have worked with on the framework for the fairness assessment because the solutions which are brought to the market or which are taken for the implementation should be made sure thatchy are fair and should not have my biases attached to it.  We have come up with the framework and awrong with (?) working on the standards important for developing a successful AI sew Salt Lake City.  We already made a note and we understand skilling is -- solution.  We are trying to cater to the skilling passing Peg spects at all levels.  One at the very initial level when the school child, when the child is in the school we want them to understand it the AI so we can de-mystify.  And reskill and upskill the professionsals to they are able to tackle those problems which AI might bring about the job losses.  And the third area which we have tackled is the researchers.  We understand we need more researchers to develop our own LLMs so we have come up with a programme where we are financially supporting the PhD students and trying to cater to the skilling as pecks 80s all up the three levels consider -- aspects 80s all of the three levels.  With record to the principles anded vision of AI, thisseer we will take the lead care in December.  However, we have started working with the -- as the incoming care and hostinged annual summit if December which has been talked about by Inma and Alan and we will meet the global policylakers to have more discussion on the responsibility of AI.  The main focus as an Jen soming chair in year has been to increase the member and expert collaboration and in this regard we have already had a convenings on three of the working groups which are data governance, clerkization, responsible AI where we have brought the ecosystem of AI to understand what the GPAI experts have been doing and we also wanted the industry to come and share their experiences and vision which they want from the GPAI.  So there we have already done.

     And fourth is the corn vining -- the coon vine is shortly on future of work.  The most important thing which we plan to do (?) that we wanted to make GPAI as a multilateral initiative to be the point of contact for the AI related information or standards or frameworks as what WHO has been in the case of health.  This is what we don't to do from our presidency and enLance our advocacy efforts to bring more visibility of GPAI outputs and we would like the GPAI work which they have done to proliferate and adopt those work which the GPAI has been oing from the last four years.

    And also one thing which we wanted to enhance the membership so that we have a holistic view of AI.  And last, but not the least, we want to promote the equitable access to the AI research and innovation which is compute, data allegesnd software testbeds and other AI relevant resources to the countries which don't have the access so we have the equitable access to everyone.  We will be left a sum politic in December in India in New Delhi.  This I would like to thank you of you and I will come out of my presentation.  Thank you.

     >> ABHISHEK SINGH: Thank you.  Thank you for laying down the vision and the plan that we have forthe GPAI summit.  We are looking for to hostel all of you from the 12 to 14 December and apart from the focusing on the themes for the GPAI and working groups and getting the stakeholders, all of the experts coming here here to join we are also having a few other add ons to the summit.  We will be having an AI game changers that we launchnd and shared the information with all of you.  Startups building any solutions related to AI or dimension of AI if they want to participated last date has been extendnd a and share with the relevant community with regard to the AI game changers and side events photo cuss on various themes of AI.  Any member countries who want to contribute to the discussions and side events at the GPAI summit we look forward to your participation.  We want make it like the go-to like the IGF internet governance internet governance, the GPAI as the prime body with regard to what artificial intelligence will bring to all nations and stakeholders and Civil Society around organizations and industry to the partnership.  GPAI is working towards that.  And we are also working with the Secretariat and member countries.  Look forward to your participation in the GPAI summit in December.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: Thank you so much for showing us what it so come in '24.  I would like to move to the discussion now.  Give us heights as to strengthening GPAI and why it is to come in that respect.

     >> We strongly believe that the strength and uniqueness of GPAI exists in the expert-led structure.  Love multistakeholderrism is the centre of the value.  Ideally that government and other stakeholders should support the private experts working in the projecten-based activities through working group works and they -- their work is new now supported by two expert support centres located in Mondayial and in Paris.  In order to strengthen the GPAI value and the function, we would like to strengthen the support system to expert activities and that is why we are propose posing to add expert support center in Tokyo.  We have proposed this proposal to establish and add new expert support centre in Tokyo at executive council this year and we believe thatted proposal was welcomed generally and, of course, we need to go through the discussion steering committee and ministerial council but once it is approved we would like to operationalize the concept of third expert support centre.

     And in order to do that, we at the same time need to prepare on our side around we are discussing across the government we can do that and we need authorization as government to bring it in action.  That is one of the ideas we want to realize and also trying to promote the visibility and awareness among people on GPAI activity and we hope this will be promoted through the closer collaboration between GPAI and Hiroshima AI process where we are discussing how we promote and materialize project-based activities to evidence what kind of pleasures and practices might work.  And also we may do some project on to understand better how we could responsibly deploy and the projects can be implemented through the newly established expert pert support centre in Tokyo.  That is one idea we are trying to promote and I hope this will contribute to higher scaling up of GPAI function.  Thank you very much.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: I'm excited to this hear this.  The strength is in the centralized and federated governance and nothing would deright me more than having an expert group in Tokyo.  I would like to ask something to Abhishek Singh.  That is also super exciting because we are looking forward to having India in the president seat, in the lead seat and I would like to ask him, every time that we have met and around you is come to the working groups and looked at the projects what could do you feel is the significant difference between your -- and CEO of the digit -- in India under a mandate from your president?

     >> ABHISHEK SINGH: Yeah, thank you, thank you.  I must straightaway mention that one key value we get as being parts of the GPAI and getting to interacts with the multistakeholder group and centre for excellence apartment Montreal and from Paris and experts working on various projects.  We get a lot of insight request regard to what more can you done.  India has been the leading country when it comes to implementation of public infrastructure projects and implemented as we call is the digit AI but the digital public at population scale.  Whether the platform which is proper than a billion people registered.  Almost 70 billion.  Authentication that happens on a daily basis.  The digital payments ecosystem one of the world most robust and largest digit payments platform with more than ten billion transactions every pond.  Whatever we could is at scale.  Now as we move on and I terror I do leverage artificial intelligence there is a lot of value that happens when you bring in the layer of AI to the projects that we implemented.  When we say for example use facial recognition we are using a simple AI tool but the issues related to the responsible AI come in.  Reed to more and more adoption of AI.  The future of work comes in very.  Very as the very important we.  The number of -- probably is a billion Indians working IT.  But the way AI is coming arounded jobs could be impacted.  We need to with regard to coming up with framework and guide lines forregulating AI and ensuring that enknow expectations and regulation go hand in hand and ensure that we are able to prostride equitable access o AI and able to Democratize AI and bring from quiz.  Very often these things cannot be done by only one nation alone or a few corporations alone.  There was a significant consideration of the -- of the -- of the AI technology in a few companies and a few nations.  But if we needed to harness the benefits of in technology we need to take it down further and ensure that is access to compute and frameworks and data governance and frameworks with regards to leveraging the data that can be used in building AI.  Lou do we build AI solutions for serving healthcare issues or how to use AI to detect tee tuberculosis or cancer?  The real benefits of AI will come from and the low and medium Jen some countries are going to -- income countries are going to benefit a lot.  In greating with the digit (?) and work with the global community in order to fast forward that.  And whatever we have learned.  Whatever we have build or are building together it pack backs part of the global G. depository as mentioned about the wilding the global gentleman positedder and it will become part and many of solutions developed in cooperation whether become available for adoption and replication acrossed world.  A is the view that we see as part of the GPAI and benefit that would gelt when engaging with the real experts and real technologists and real engineers and real social scientists working in this field.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: Thank you so much.  I completely -- everything that you said and something very important that both of you have mentioned.  And especially inly into the themes of each presidency, resilient society and edge powering people to respond to challenge wills and then making AI equitable and accessible to all.  This is the sear E. century of human centricity and putting meme at the centre of everything we create to create a future for done.  I would like to open to make any questions to us.  So, if we have any questions, please raise your hand and somebody will bring you a miyc.  Let plea check anything happening online.  Ever already we have a question over there.  I will give youd mic myself.  Let us know who you are and your organization.

     >> AUDIENCE: How is that?  Thank you so much for the grit presentation.  Found it really help.  I'm Ed tell large cities from Amazon web services from the global AI development team.  Andnd the one that I thought was interesting is see iting how the GPAI work streams are planned against the Hiroshima.  And I wanted to ask questions about that.  Firstly how you sue that work going forward.  Is it like reporting against those Hiroshima principles.  I think sha is really helpful lens to understand the work and also just from terms of partnership as wellnd a collaboration against the work streams.  Multiquestion.  Thanks very much.  A very helpful presentation.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: Thank you.  We have an ongoing interaction with the council.  Member countries expert posed their concerns and challenges that they felt they needed to address and then we looked at those concerns and challenges and from our perspective of engaged scientists because we all work back home at our universities, labs, industry.

     And we decided okay, this is how we would address that issue.  And we would propose projects and things to develop.  And thenless council funds it and we set to deliver the specific initiatives and project.  Some are ongoing an some others were completed in a period of two years.  And all of this is shared back to the countries and publicly because all of the reports as to how we are progressing are on our website.  And our approach to the projects is we can not be the only ones working on this.  So as rightly said, the strength of GPAI is that once we get our mandate we look at the world and ask is there an expert to invite to work on the projects.  Those ared specialist.  I reached to Nara in Japan, the agency thallics at the tech anification of agricultural and the director general himself is my specialist and comes to the meetings every two weeks and brought information, insights, thoughts and strategies and that's how we work and this is hue the community really brings real insights because it comes directly from the places where is being created and we are expanding and now we are moving into IP lawnd we moved to Civil Society and ethical societies and companies that think about service innovation with putting products in world and what are the principles you are guided by when you create a product to be safe.  And that is really the uniqueness of this initiative which truly is unique because there is nothing like it.  And we hope to strengthen with the support of member countries and leadership and own institutions institutions around centre.

     Ing that is why it is decentralized and federated.  Thank you.  We have another question here.  Let me just pass you the lic.

     >> AUDIENCE: Good afternoon, good morning.  I'm pa view van and right now based in Paris and just finished graduate internship at OECD and plasters in Oxford.  Where I helped -- I actually oversaw the design of the AI national strategy.  I have a question because personally I'm a gendered a advocate in whatever I do.  I saw in the chapter or initiative that you have in responsible AI activity number five creating equality and gender diversity in AI.

     If you please to explained or expand a bit on it.

     Also ask India, the future chairs if because I saw their principles and it was really fantastic to hear their optimism and how they want to position GPAI to really come to when we need expert per tease.  And if you will be -- expertise and if you will be open to develop an initiative that works in bridging the gender gap in AI from the world.  And the second question coming from Peru I'm happy to see many developing countries but maybe what ared requirements to have other countries as members speaking of Peru that we are the first one to have a law an AI for social purposes.  I think that would be something that our Prime Minister would be interested, too.  But I would like to know with what are the requirements so that I can come to them and tell them the incredible initiatives that you have.  Thank you.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: Ed goaltenderrer question is for me or Abhishek Singh?

     >> ABHISHEK SINGH: I can take that.  No worries.

     >> MALLORY KNODEL: Thank you.

     >> ABHISHEK SINGH: Iodinated get your name.  But rightful impactful issue.  Gender gaper is an issue with regards to buyases in AI and that is primarily because of the bias in the input data and if it is not equitable and biased for example, typical examples given that AI models to treat engineers to we mean and teachers to be women.  The biases if we are aware of can be resolved.  That is very basic.  In India even in AI skilling the number of people who undergo AI skilling and training because of societial biases the men and boys take the dominant share because of access to devices and higher education.  We have a con syllabus plan within India when we do talk of digital training and skilling we try to balance it out and we too if he have a proactive pleasures to enKaj more women to take up mow could we mitigate the biases there in order to ensure that AI is gender neutral and AI is more equitable for the whole population.  So those are some measures which are taken.  But yes, it will take a lot of time too train thehoodles in order to ensure that any -- how to get rid of the biases.  That is art (?) wherein we address the biases coming in for gender or race or biases coming for other diversity that exists in the world.  That is on the gender issue.  The collaborate investment part is very, very useful and one of the themes which you introduced for the -- (?) for the presidency is collaborative AI for building partnerships among various stakeholders.  How do we join land hands and share knowledge and experience and foldles and together work on building big solutions?  In fact, Alan from the Secretariat talks about building for AI and world communities come together to work for (?) for instance advancement in the centre.  Can we think of a shared compute infrastructure.  And think of having shared datasets on which research could be done.  Thing of sharing insights or sharing partnerships between AI researchers from across institutions.  Go real lay enslur that we work collaboratively in the field of AI and develop AI for betterment of humanity rather thrash just always being aware of the biases or bad things that could come from artificial intelligence.

     >> MALLORY KNODEL: Thank you.Ly I feel the second question about further countries join.

     >> ALAN PAIC: Country is are invited to apply.  Right now the intake for '23 has been closed.  And there would be a next opening in '24 so watch the GPAI website.  Everything is expert Blaineed there.

      explained there.

     Ed deadline is June or July and countries are expected to present a letter of intent with the motivation so join GPAI.  So that is the possibility for -- for membership.  And I would also like to, you know, (?) to what Mr. Abhishek Singh just mentioned.  Yes, we have been talking about the future per spect sevens of GPAI.  Has achieved very significant impact and Ila has mentioned the -- Iu it ma has mentioned the detection mechanism nices and obligation by companies putting on the market foundation models to actually provide a detection mechanisms which would allow us to understand that something has been produced by the foundation model.  That is something which is very significant and has already been taken onboard in some countries legislations.  And I think GPAI going forward wants to provide more and more emand I'm really -- I'm really happy to mare that -- that India has this vision for the -- for the new year and new presidency to lead inned way of GPAI towards pooling together the resources.  Basically the idea comes from the understanding that today a lot of R & D is concentrated in the hands of a few large private companies and that the public sector reis far behind and has a limited understanding of technological advances anded spending from the public sector is fragmented among different countries.  The idea of GPAI as a public place whered countries commuting and pool together resources in data and from compute power.  And also with perhaps some other national networks which already exist sift.  This could be -- this could bring GPAI even further on this ambition.  So we do, of course, want to partner with private companies.  That is -- that is great.  But we do also want to bring together public research institutions and this is the model of the national AI in city substitutes which I mentioned.

     Thank you.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: Thank you so much.  I think we have a question here.

     >> AUDIENCE: Thank you so much.  I'm representing the government of Slovakia from the EU.  I have two questions if I may.  In the presentation which was very helpful and informative thank you for that.  You are planning some kind of activities for the support of regulatory activities.  Could you please be more here?  What you planning is the first question?  And the second question relates to the India summit.  Maybe a question to your friends from India.  My question would be you have mentioned you are planning to create or manage the summit in a way it ised place where we go and come for AI topic.  Slovakia is a nonmember.  We are considering a member ship.  How open will you be to participation of nonmember countries and how they can actively participate at the India summit?  Thank you very much.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: I will answer the first question and I believe the second is for Mr Singh.  The workshops regarding AI IP are planned to take place in incubator style.  And you go online and look forked project you will seed person that is leading these which is a professor at Duke University.  And she will then be able to share the schedules.  Because as I mentioned, the projects seek specialists.  And the specialists are invited to work with us from any country.  So if there are projects that your AI frack practitioners would like to condition the projects are open foration.  The second question was for India for Mr. Abhishek Singh.  Can a government delegation attend the sum politic in India I got the question.  Thank you for the question and the interest in the summit.  The way GPAI is (break in audio) the ministerial and engagements map the 13th 134th.

     I don't know mow quickly we can approve the membership.  The side events on the 12th and open to all guests and all members.  If you are want together come and visit you can Wight write to us and we will work out the modalities and' -- how we have done in AI and the side events which we could par tase Pate.  The minutesterrial and steering committee, the formal events they will be open only forked member countries.  Any other questions.

     >> AUDIENCE: I'm from India.nd yeah, it is a proud moment for us that we will be having the summit very soon.  I'm from the think tank called the dialogue out of Delhi.  I had a very follow-up question to his like someone had mentioned there will be side events and other opportunities.  As a think tank and Civil Society how could we take part in the summit?  So that is just a question I had.  Yeah.

     >> ABHISHEK SINGH: We would back registrations forked side events from nonmembers also.  And there are a lot of think tanks want together take part and interest from industry and startup commune its.  In India we had a meeting in which more than 50 people far Pated and given various ideas what regard to what we should be covering with regard to building consensus or key issues that the world faces for the advancement of artificial intelligence and other technologies so we rook forward that and getting good response from all stakeholders especially the G20 countries and the countries beyond for our initiative.  Evening the G to based onlied request from number many countries we hosted a GPAI summit a Puna in John.  50 countries took part who you not members pause we wanted to know about the digital space and eight signed for replication of the some of stacks in the countries.  And none of emthis were the G. members.  Official meetings open only forked members but the nonprofix and exhibit an side events and keynote AI scientists and researchers to come and deliver a keynote talk.  Those will be available for people who are not officially a member of GPAI also.

     >> MODERATOR: And we have a question right next to you.

     (Away from mic)

     >> AUDIENCE: I will start again.  I advice the UK public body around democracy and elections on issues pertaining to technology.  A big bring of GPAI: A as well is guided by the shared Democratic in professionals of its members and you are moving forward into the Indian presidency whether there is plans to address issues around AI in elections.  The challengessen opportunities moving intole year ahead.

     >> INMA MARTINEZ: MAG perspective one of the major bruising points of generative AI and AI used is the risk to Democratic countries and the risks toed democracy inned world.  This cascades into various projects not just the one because we believe that the pillars of the world is democracy welfare society that looks after its people and ensures their well being.  If you want me to tell you which ones the theme is running across various projects from responsible AI to data governance.  Data governance from 2022 had a specific project on human rights and comes from nonDemocratic situations.  I can talk to you after the session.  I fling we have reached minus one minute.  I would like to thank all of the panelists and our colleague in Paris -- Alan Paic for convening and being with us and presenting our vision, our hopes for the future and the circularity of this -- singularity of from initiative which many times when people ask me what GPAI is I always say when you wonder if governments care about people this is one of those.  They truly do.  They truly do.  And they do tare best to really take the reint and make sure that is for opportunity and good.  Let's hope we can achieve that.  Thanks to those coming to the session and connected online.  And I declare the session finished.  Thanks very much for your questions.