Digital Divides & Inclusion
Digital, Media, and Information Literacy
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
-Mr. Shinichi Yamaguchi, Executive Research Fellow/Associate Professor, GLOCOM, International University of Japan, Japan(Onsite)
-Ms. Madeline Shepherd, Digital Safety Lead, Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd, Australia (Online)
-Ms. Chay F. Hofileña, Editor Rappler, Philippine (Online)
-Mr. Aribowo Sasmito, Co-Founder and Fact-Check Specialist MAFINDO, Indonesia(Onsite)
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Targets: - 5. Gender Equality - 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions This session is to discuss how to address online disinformation, which may escalate discrimination against women and girls and other minorities and pose a threat to democracy and the rule of law at the national and international levels.
Panel Discussion
Existing Practices against Disinformation (EPaD)
This session is to introduce “Existing Practices against Disinformation (EPaD)” and the details of the measures taken by various stakeholders around the world against online disinformation.
EPaD is gathered and compiled by G7 members, as declared in the G7 Digital and Tech Ministers’ Meeting on April 30, 2023, to share existing practices by various stakeholders in each member, including social media platforms, civil society the Internet technical community, and academia, to address online disinformation.
Disinformation is one of the threads against information integrity which is, as declared in the aforementioned meeting, a challenge in strengthening trust in the digital economy with broader societal implications.
This session will offer suggestions to all relevant parties around the world on how to combat the spread of disinformation, not only through the introduction of EPaD by the moderator(Mr. Daisuke Furuta, an editor-in-chief of Japan Fact-check Center), but also through the reports and discussion by the panelists with professional knowledge and experience from around the world.
<Time table>
- Introduction “Existing Practices against Disinformation (EPaD)”
- introduce each practices against Disinformation from 4 speakers
- Disucussion
- Summary
Reference: Ministerial Declaration at the G7 Digital and Tech Ministers’ Meeting (April 30, 2023)…