Organizer 1: Charles Kpan, CYGEC IT SOLUTIOSN INC.
Organizer 2: Courage J F T Chileegbo, CYGEC IT SOLUTIONS INC
Organizer 3: Josephine Koryon, Liberia Information Technology Students Union
Organizer 2: Courage J F T Chileegbo, CYGEC IT SOLUTIONS INC
Organizer 3: Josephine Koryon, Liberia Information Technology Students Union
Speaker 1: Arsene Tungali, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 2: Peterking Quaye, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 3: Bram Fudzulani, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 4: Maria Harrison, Government, African Group
Speaker 5: Juliana Harsianti, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 2: Peterking Quaye, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 3: Bram Fudzulani, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 4: Maria Harrison, Government, African Group
Speaker 5: Juliana Harsianti, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Courage J F T Chileegbo, Private Sector, African Group
Online Moderator
Josephine Koryon, Civil Society, African Group
Charles Kpan, Private Sector, African Group
Debate - Auditorium - 60 Min
Policy Question(s)
What are strategies National Governments need to put in place to address the security & privacy of the data of their citizens? Why should Multistakeholderism be considered instead of Multilateralism? What are measures to ensure that multi-stakeholders are involved in Internet governance decision-making in Africa in relation to ID4Africa as a case study?
Connection with previous Messages: Development of petition regarding the involvement of multi-stakeholders in decision making regarding Internet Governance in Africa
Gathering of diverse points of view of benefactors from across all societal sectors.
A network of stakeholders from all levels of decision-makers will be established to continue further engagements and advocacies around Internet Governance Issues.
Post-engagement activities will be designed to ensure that the policy recommendations are considered for possible inclusion in Internet Governance Policies in Africa.
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Targets: #9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure ( 9b: Support domestic technology development, research, and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities. Our session supports SDG Goal 9b which is in line with our overall objectives to ensure that Conducive Policies are developed to ensure smooth business operations across countries in Africa. For this to be done, the benefactor and end-users of the internet must be involved in the process of policy formation. We are preaching multistakeholderism which encourages the involvement of everyone from all sectors to be a part of the decision-making process. Goals 5.5 & 5.b Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life. We will prioritize the balancing of gender by including females to be a part of the session online and onsight.
Targets: #9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure ( 9b: Support domestic technology development, research, and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities. Our session supports SDG Goal 9b which is in line with our overall objectives to ensure that Conducive Policies are developed to ensure smooth business operations across countries in Africa. For this to be done, the benefactor and end-users of the internet must be involved in the process of policy formation. We are preaching multistakeholderism which encourages the involvement of everyone from all sectors to be a part of the decision-making process. Goals 5.5 & 5.b Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life. We will prioritize the balancing of gender by including females to be a part of the session online and onsight.
The Internet is open, distributed, interconnected, and transnational. The multistakeholder approach to Internet governance has grown from the Internet’s own DNA and is what allows it to thrive. Multistakeholder approaches are used in many areas as an accepted international norm. In the Internet area, as in other areas, the multistakeholder approach is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for a globally distributed network. This is reflected in declarations, resolutions, and day-to-day working practices of a growing number of international organizations. As the internet is connecting people and bringing lots of innovation, data regulation and data privacy are very important. The national government should implement a strategy that will regulate cross-border data flows, using ID4Africa as a case study. As ID4Africa aims to address the need for a clear robust national system that provides identity to all Africans, ensuring that everyone can access government services and benefits, prove their eligibility, and be included in Africa’s democracy and economic takeoff.
The Internet is open, distributed, interconnected, and transnational. The multistakeholder approach to Internet governance has grown from the Internet’s own DNA and is what allows it to thrive. Multistakeholder approaches are used in many areas as an accepted international norm. In the Internet area, as in other areas, the multistakeholder approach is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for a globally distributed network. This is reflected in declarations, resolutions, and day-to-day working practices of a growing number of international organizations. As the internet is connecting people and bringing lots of innovation, data regulation and data privacy are very important. The national government should implement a strategy that will regulate cross-border data flows, using ID4Africa as a case study. As ID4Africa aims to address the need for a clear robust national system that provides identity to all Africans, ensuring that everyone can access government services and benefits, prove their eligibility, and be included in Africa’s democracy and economic takeoff.
Expected Outcomes
Development of petition regarding the involvement of multi-stakeholders in decision making regarding Internet Governance in Africa
Gathering of diverse points of view of benefactors from across all societal sectors.
A network of stakeholders from all levels of decision-makers will be established to continue further engagements and advocacies around Internet Governance Issues.
Post-engagement activities will be designed to ensure that the policy recommendations are considered for possible inclusion in Internet Governance Policies in Africa.
Hybrid Format: We are going to ensure that the workshop is hosted using a Hybrid Participation Model.
Aside from the Onsight participants, we’ll launch awareness campaigns to the global internet community involving: Government Officials, Civil Societies, the Private Sector, Students, etc.
We’ll utilize the ZOOM Online Meeting Platform to connect online participants.
There will be speakers from both online and onsight.
There’ll be two session moderators. One moderator will control the onsight session and the other moderator will control the online session.
Online participants will be allowed to ask questions and make comments or recommendations also and they will be projected on onsight.
We ensure full participation of everyone as we commit to Gender inclusion and equality.
Online Participation
Usage of IGF Official Tool.