IGF 2022 WS #200 Ecological water transport, medicine and training online

    Organizer 1: Henryk Połcik, Association Affranchisement „Ownership”
    Organizer 2: Yuriy Starodub, Lviv National University
    Organizer 3: Katarzyna LISZKA, Polish Foundrymen’s Association
    Organizer 4: Albert MAIRHOFER, Tirol-Adria KG des Albert Mairhofer & Co.
    Speaker 1: Henryk Połcik, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 2: Yuriy Starodub, Intergovernmental Organization, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 3: Katarzyna LISZKA, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 4: Albert MAIRHOFER, Private Sector, Eastern European Group
    Henryk Połcik, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Online Moderator
    Henryk Połcik, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Henryk Połcik, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Debate - Classroom - 60 Min
    Policy Question(s)

    What should be done to provide health care for residents in hard-to-reach places (K1 - KEY PROPOSALS ACROSS THE 12 COMMITMENTS)? Response : Remote medical clinics instead of exclusion from healthcare? How to help with education throughout life ( K1- KEY PROPOSALS ACROSS THE 12 COMMITMENTS)? Response : Online training for engineers from countries whose citizens emigrate to Europe Which directions of development should be supported to increase the share of renewable energy (K2- KEY PROPOSALS ACROSS THE 12 COMMITMENTS)? Response : Ecological, local water transport in global transport
    Connection with previous Messages: The proposed topics are in line with the topics outlined in the 12 issues presented by the United Nations in IGF2021. I present 3 problems related to some topics „ KEY PROPOSALS ACROSS THE 12 COMMITMENTS - K1,K2,…”. (The problems are described in the attachment in pdf format). Problem P1 - ”Ecological, local water transport in global transport” is associated with K 2 -Commit to the 1.5-degree Celsius goal and net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. Problem P2 –„ Online training for engineers from countries whose citizens emigrate to Europe” is associated with : K1-… education and lifelong learning; K2- Package of support to developing countries ; K9-… to reach those furthest behind; K10- United Nations Office for Partnerships to consolidate access and inclusion, including accessibility online. Problem P 3 - Remote medical clinics instead of exclusion from healthcare? is associated with: K1-..protection, including health care; K4- Universal access to the Internet as a human right; K7- Connect all people to the Internet, including all schools; K9-… including a reinvigorated WTO; K12- Accelerate product development and access to health technologies in low- and middle-income countries .

    Targets: 3.d, 9 c. : Remote medical clinics instead of exclusion from healthcare? 4.4, 10.7 : Online training for engineers from countries whose citizens emigrate to Europe 9 a., 13 a.: Ecological, local water transport in global transport

    We present proposals aimed at communities of hard-to-reach places. During IGF2021, the issues of climate, renewable energy, tourism, health protection and education were discussed. According to the UN, 1/3 of the world's people do not have access to medicines. We propose to create remote medical clinics in hard-to-reach places. Such clinics can function on the basis of satellite internet, drones and solar panels as power sources [1,2]. It is proposed to launch ecological water transport in riverside towns, based on constructed hydropower plants as renewable energy sources [4,5]. It is an implementation of the development of tourism mentioned by the UN, in this case water tourism. There may be small hospitals serving remote medical clinics [3] and education centers on board ship. To ensure lifelong learning, we propose online training organizations [6]. The presented proposals can be implemented in cooperation with local organizations of hard-to-reach places by organizing bottom-up debates [7]. Literature 1. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/satellite-internet-drones-creating-remot… 2. https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/advance-article/doi/10.1093/eurheart… 3. https://thepointsguy.com/guide/cruise-ships-medical-centers/ 4. http://www.tirol-adria.com 5. https://www.salon24.pl/u/henrykpolcik/1192113,turystka-i-energia-odnawi… 6. https://odlewnictwo-szkolenia.pl/;https://www.salon24.pl/u/henrykpolcik… 7. www.g1000.org
    Expected Outcomes
    The problems presented in my speech will be published. The publications will include, among others, proposals for the creation of an international consortium to prepare appropriate projects to achieve the goals. The creation of international training teams will be proposed. The idea of bottom-up debates with the participation of local NGOs will be presented.
    Hybrid Format: The presentation will be presented on the screen together with the slides. My first speech will be general (Ecological water transport, medicine and training online). The next ones will be in order. The problems are described in the attachment in pdf format. Problem 1 Ecological, local water transport in global transport (my speech). Supplemented by a speaker appointed by me 1. (Albert MAIRHOFER in German or her representative thereof) Online and local questions from participants. Problem 2 Online training for engineers from countries whose citizens emigrate to Europe (my speech). Supplemented by a speaker appointed by me 2. (Katarzyna LISZKA) Online and local questions from participants. Problem 3 Remote medical clinics instead of exclusion from healthcare? (my speech) Supplemented by a speaker appointed by me 3. (Yuriy (George) Starodub) Online and local questions from participants. My final comment. .......... I do not have "onsite moderator". .......
    Online Participation

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