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IGF 2021 Town Hall #53 AI for inclusion and diversity - 4 continents perspectives

    Friday, 10th December, 2021 (14:05 UTC) - Friday, 10th December, 2021 (15:05 UTC)
    Ballroom C

    Economic and social inclusion and sustainable development: What is the relationship between digital policy and development and the established international frameworks for social and economic inclusion set out in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in treaties such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Conventions on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, on the Rights of the Child, and on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? How do policy makers and other stakeholders effectively connect these global instruments and interpretations to national contexts?
    Inclusion, rights and stakeholder roles and responsibilities: What are/should be the responsibilities of governments, businesses, the technical community, civil society, the academic and research sector and community-based actors with regard to digital inclusion and respect for human rights, and what is needed for them to fulfil these in an efficient and effective manner?

    Panel - Auditorium - 60 Min


    The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and its progressively broader societal impacts on many sectors requires an urgent assessment on how to regulate AI for inclusion and diversity and its effect on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). It is imperative to focus on the unequal ways in which the benefits and harms of AI may be distributed across populations and geographies. This panel will bring perspectives from four continents on the societal impacts of AI, focusing on salient concerns and governance approaches through the lens of inclusion and diversity. The aim is to leverage globally diverse viewpoints, and practical experience, and thereby contribute to the development of a shared understanding and more harmonized research efforts in addressing and regulating AI technologies to foster inclusion and diversity. The main questions to be addressed on the panel are: - What are the salient concerns and drivers of the AI governance discourse related to inclusion and diversity in your region? Who are the main stakeholders in the discourse and what are their aspirations? - How has the policy response been so far? Has there been any law/legislation, standard or guidelines addressing the concerns? - What do you think other regions can learn from the initiatives and responses in your region? How do you see (and hope to see) the discourse developing in your region in the coming 5-10 years?

    The session will be divided into two parts to provide an interactive and thought-provoking experience. In the first part, the dynamic will be an exchange between the panelists, discussing the proposed questions from the perspectives of the regions they represent (four corners).

    In the second part, the floor will be opened to the audience. Individuals will be able to bring forward their perceptions regarding AI inclusion and diversity.

    Throughout the whole session, we will fill a mural with the different perceptions of inclusion and diversity in AI from different parts of the world. The moderator and the rapporteur will be in charge of cataloging the perceptions and insights noted starting with the 4 speakers and moving on with the speakers. In the end, we will have a broad picture of the opportunities and hurdles of AI from all over the globe.



    3AI:The Triple Partnership For Responsible AI
    Janaina Costa, Institute for Technology & Society, Civil Society Organisation, Latin America; Christian Perrone, Institute for Technology & Society, Civil Society Organisation, Latin America; Christian Fieseler, BI Norwegian Business School, Academia, Europe.


    Celina Bottino, Institute for Technology & Society, Civil Society Organisation, Latin America; Sandra Cortesi, Berkman Klein Center For Internet & Society, Academia, North America; Samson Esayas, BI Norwegian Business School, Academia, Europe; Shaun Pather, University of University of the Western Cape, Academia, Africa;

    Onsite Moderator
    Christian Fieseler
    Online Moderator
    Christian Perrone
    Janaina Costa

    5. Gender Equality
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Targets: AI can enable the accomplishment of various targets across all SDG´s, but it may also inhibit many others. In this sense, the inclusion and diversity lenses that we will bring to this session are an important aspect of this analysis that should not be overlooked. In this panel, we will discuss the recent results of research and practices assessing the potential impact of smart algorithms, image recognition, reinforced learning and data-driven approaches on resulting or reproducing discrimination and bias against women and minorities, being directly linked to the SDG´s 5, 8 and 16. In addition to the lack of diversity in datasets, we expect to touch base on another main issue of AI, i.e., the lack of gender, geographical, racial, and ethnic diversity in the AI workforce. Diversity should be one of the main principles supporting innovation and societal resilience, which are essential to achieve SDG´s 8, 9,10 and 16 through AI design, development and implementation. Finally, by bringing experts from the four corners of the world to the table, we hope to shed light on how to strengthen global cooperation regarding SDG´s 16 and 17, in the sense that AI is a global technology and the opportunities and impacts are international.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    Many of the challenges faced in Africa and Latin America with regarding to digital divide and exclusion are similar.
    AI regulation and policies are more advanced in North America and Europe, with an increasing emphasis on regulation aimed at fundamental rights. Nevertheless, certain groups, such as youth, still need to have their voices heard.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    Deepen inter-disciplinary research to understand the problem of AI based discriminatory practice and increase multiparticipation in political debate.
    A more structered and coordinated response and greater investments are needed to ensure that the minimum infrastructure and conditions exist for AI development in LATAM and Africa.