IGF 2021 NRIs Collaborative Session: Enabling local smart solutions to close the global digital divides

    Thursday, 9th December, 2021 (12:50 UTC) - Thursday, 9th December, 2021 (13:50 UTC)
    Hall A3
    About this Session
    NRI collaborative session

    The coronavirus pandemic has made clearer than ever the pertinence of the digital divide, exposing a wide gap between those who have access to broadband internet and those who do not. This issue does not only exist between high- and low-income countries, but within cities and countries. A report released in February from the company BroadbandNow found the Federal Communications Commission’s estimate that 21 million Americans lack access to broadband actually undercounts the figure by 20 million. The gap does not end at broadband access, and pertains also to imbalances in terms of access to Internet infrastructure, information and knowledge, and equality of opportunity depending on income, race, ethnicity, gender or other similar criteria.

    To move toward a more sustainable society, governments and other stakeholders must concentrate on ensuring equal opportunities for the young and future generations, those that can afford internet access and those that can’t, and to those that are citizens of a country in tandem with those that have migrated. Digital technology is a vital component of that future, and bridging the digital divide should become a priority of every country, done in a sustainable manner with thoughtful and sustainable governance. Navigating responsible digital governance must be a priority for governments worldwide in order for access and inclusion to occur in a manner that benefits everybody.

    Hybrid Format of the Session: 60-minutes interactive roundtable discussion with introductory substantive remarks and open floor for questions and answers.

    Expected Outcomes: Understanding specific challenges and examples of good practices on local levels.

    Discussion Facilitation: The moderator will follow the agreed set of policies and will allow for introductory, case study remarks by the NRIs speakers. This will be followed by engaging other present participants in developing an interactive discussion.

    Online participation: A dedicated online moderator will be placed next to the onsite moderator. All participants will be using the online speaking queue to be treated equally in their requests for interventions. All input presentations will be made available at the IGF website and links will be shared via the online tool.


    1. Madagascar IGF , Harimino Rakotondrainibe
    2. Cabo Verde IGF, Suzete Centeio
    3. Benin IGF, Kossi AMESSINOU
    4. Youth Argentina IGF, Eileen Berenice Cejas
    5. Dominican Republic IGF, Osvaldo Larancuent
    6. SEEDIG, Olga Kyryliuk
    7. Italy IGF, Titti Cassa
    8. IGF-USA, Dustin Loup
    9. Spain IGF, Felix Hernandez and Jorge Perez
    10. APrIGF Jennifer Chung
    11. Namibia IGF, Josephat Vijanda Tjiho
    12. Lebanon IGF, Zeina Bou Harb and Layal Bahnam
    13. France IGF, Lucien Castex
    14. Mauritius IGF, Mahendranath Bosgapaul
    15. West African IGF, Mary Uduma
    16. Argentina IGF, Eileen Berenice Cejas
    17. Côte d'Ivoire, Salyou Funny


    Connection to SDGs:

    Key Takeaways (* deadline 2 hours after session)
    The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the necessity of rethinking and adopting policies in Internet governance processes, especially in areas of security, human rights and capacity development.
    Multistakeholder communities need to continue working technically to provide intelligent digital tools in different languages.
    Call to Action (* deadline 2 hours after session)
    Children, youth and rural areas populations should be given support by private sectors, particularly the telecommunication companies
    2. Summary of Issues Discussed


    3. Key Takeaways
