IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XVI

Event Calendar Date
Tuesday, 24th August, 2021 (14:00 UTC) - Tuesday, 24th August, 2021 (16:00 UTC)
Hosted by IGF Secretariat


  1. Welcome from the MAG Chair
  2. Updates from Host Country
  3. Updates from the Secretariat
  4. IGF 2021 preparatory and engagement phase
    1. Confirming the new dates for the introductory sessions
    2. Presentation of the final proposals for the sessions by issue teams followed by discussion (5 mins per issue team)
  5. Next steps to finalize and promote preparatory and engagement phase sessions
  6. Issue mapping wiki pages: status on adding relevant content 
  7. Planning of the main sessions: next steps on the timeline
  8. AOB


Proposals for the introductory sessions: