IGF 2020 WS #328 Enabling IoT Implementation in Namibia in fragile terrain


    Organizer 1: Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Namibia University of Science and Technology
    Organizer 2: Natasha Tibinyane, ACTION Coalition
    Organizer 3: Anna Amoomo, Internet society Namibia Chapter

    Speaker 1: Paul Rowney, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 2: Natasha Tibinyane, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 3: Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Civil Society, African Group

    Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Civil Society, African Group
    Online Moderator
    Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Civil Society, African Group
    Anna Amoomo, Civil Society, African Group

    Round Table - U-shape - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    No extincting policy to address these issue in Namibia apart from Cyber security other issues are always overlooked especially IoT issues

    Environmental impact due to lack of IoT and Internet Human Wildlife conflict is on the rise Life on Land running out of it natural habitat below are some of the problems: Cattle tracking sensor – suggested that IoT sensors may be used When the villager said that he will start a process of research. Yet another participant, suspiciously asked: “How will IoT help us to get water in our villages, if it does not rain”. There was no easy answer to this question. Feld Fire Detection – One of the participants complained that there are regular, almostor tracking cattle in villages or on farms. With the combination of GPS technology farmers, especially in communal areas may easily be able track where their cattle have moved to. Managing Water resources – Another participant from Onayena Village, was of the strong opinion that IoT may find application in managing scarce water resources in Namibia. annual feld fires in his region. Much vegetation is always lost this way. wondering whether IoT may not be applied to alert the residents and leaders in his region of the fires before they grow large combined with other technologies such as drones and others, not only to detect the fires, but also to fight them. Monitoring animals near fences – suggestion that Namibia could look at the possibility of applying IoT to detect animals near the national highways in order to avoid accidents that are caused by vehicles running into animals crossing the roads. He suggested that IoT sensors may be attached to fences in areas know for animal crossings overthe road. When animals are detected perhaps visible signals may be given to drivers to be alerted that an animal has crossed the fence and may be headed for the road. Human-Wildlife Conflict – Another possible and related application for IoT is to address the current Human-Wildlife Conflict that has been identified as a major challenge in Namibia. How exactly this could be done can be a subject of a research project by organizations or schools. Crowded Malls Detection – A female participants expressed a wish to have IoT used for detecting over-crowded malls in order to avoid them. This comment drew a few chuckles from the group. Another lady from the group, observantly asked: “What happens after using IoT sensors to track, detect, map, collect data? can be used for two main purposes. Firstly, the data can be used for immediate, Cost issues – One participant strongly felt that introducing an electronic Health Passport would be a very efficient step in the general healthcare system in Namibia. However the initial investment in such an digital Health Passport system would be astronomical. This is probably true with implementing any IoT or digital system at the start. 2. Systemic corruption – The same participant who pointed out the cost issue also highlight the fact that, although the cost benefits for introducing a digital or IoT-enable solution are established, systemic corruption may still hinder or stop the introduction of innovative solution, because some officials and business people may have been corruptly benefiting from the procurement of the paper based Health Passports and it is in their interest to maintain the status quo. 3. Unfavorable regulations – One participant shared with the workshop group that CRAN, the regulator, has regulations that make it hard for IoT to take off in Namibia. These regulations prohibit the manufacture of IoT components. There are also very tight regulations on the import of some of the necessary components such as Raspberry Pi microcomputers. It will become very necessary to engage with the regulator to have these “sanctions” on IoT components lifted. Perhaps this can be one of the advocacy projects for ISOC Namibia, going forward. 4. Limited Internet Access - Another major issue identified was the limited internet access, especially for rural and peri-urban. Without adequate internet access in these regions it may be impossible to carry out any innovative IoT-related projects that may have potential to improve the lives of people in these regions. 5. TVWS not allowed in Namibia – TV White Space (TVWS) is the technology concept that proposes to use the region of the radio frequency spectrum that was previous used by TV stations that have now move to digital methods, to provide internet access. This can provide wide coverage and connectivity for IoT devices across the country and especially in remote locations.


    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    GOAL 15: Life on Land


    Last year Namibia held 2 days innoagural IoT forum’ the workshop, provide an overview of current IoT-related activities in Namibia (a market analysis) and to create a study / focus group (Namibia IoT Forum) that will continue to watch and report on the ongoing IoT and related activities in Namibia.The workshop and its presentation also highlighted to the participants that Namibia is currently in the process of developing a “national digital strategy”, in which the role of IoT is not clearly highlighted. There will thus be a need for the Namibia IoT Forum to study the Position Paper for the National Digital Strategy and to be involved in the coming consultation meetings in order to ensure that it it incorporates the much needed attetion to IoT and other related aspects and how they affect areas of our lives

    Expected Outcomes

    Share experience from our inagural IoT Forum with attendees and a draft road map to Implementation of develop iot policy for Namiba

    note from different countries experience sharing session

    Relevance to Internet Governance: IoT needs internet Good Policy will expand the grow and strenght of the internet

    Relevance to Theme: Iot Internet and the emviroment

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool. Additional Tools proposed: zoom. facebook live isoc nam group