IGF 2020 WS #315 Silenced Communities: migration and digital gap in Honduras


    Organizer 1: Aldo Salgado, Laboratorio Ciudadano Honduras /Citizen Lab Honduras
    Organizer 2: Celeste Espinoza, Laboratorio Ciudadano Honduras / Citizen Lab Honduras

    Speaker 1: Sergio Bahr, ,
    Speaker 2: Linda Martínez Ortega , Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 3: Celeste Espinoza, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

    Celeste Espinoza, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Online Moderator
    Aldo Salgado, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Aldo Salgado, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

    Other - 90 Min
    Format description: Round Table - 45 MIN Breakout Group Discussion -45 MIN

    Policy Question(s)

    -What strategies could be developed to promote (better) Internet access and full digital rights for migrants? -How do we manage ICT implementation ensuring social inclusion and preventing disruptions in the life of migrant communities that may harm their social convenience, or increase previously existent inequality gaps? -How do we ensure that Internet governance processes are truly inclusive? What needs to be done to enhance the capacity of different actors (and especially those in developing and least-developed countries) to actively contribute to such processes and whose responsibility is it?

    -The role of migrants in the digital economy: -Othering, conditions(no access to sources, no consumer or creators of technology, technological exclusion) and roles assigned particularly to migrant women, which alienate and isolate them, silencing them in the economy and the digital world. -Conditions of expulsion from the home country -Conditions in which they find themselves in the host country


    GOAL 1: No Poverty
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
    GOAL 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
    GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


    Agenda -Introduction: Self-Reflection Exercise about Digital Privilege | 15 min -Roundtable discussion: |30 min Linda Martinez Ortega - Intersectional feminist and grassroots activist for Latin American migrants based groups in the city of Hamburg, Germany Celeste Espinoza - Feminist, social worker, law student and activist for freedom of expression and women's rights Sergio Bähr - Sociologist, human rights activist and community organizer -Breakout Group Discussion: |45 min Through the use of World Café methodology, The art of hosting methodology, open space technology Policy discussions: -Digital Literacy -Network neutrality -Social Inclusion -Reduction of inequalities

    Expected Outcomes

    -The reproduction of the results of the debate and the sources of information resulting from the panel in the communities of origin of migrants in Honduras. -The involvement of a wide array of critical voices from around the world and in particular from (paises que tienen un mayor desarrollo de educación digital y acceso a medios) about the way public policies.

    We want to motivate the participants to propose creative solutions to improve the problem posed, this through collective discussion that starts from raising awareness through a specific personal experience. For this purpose we have designed a form with questions that will make participants aware of their digital privileges in comparison with people living in communities in the global south.

    Relevance to Internet Governance: As global crisis such as Covid 19 place democracy under pressure and emigration has become one of the biggest public policy discussions of our time, the neutrality and freedom of the internet and digital society and economy must be stressed. The panel will contribute to shared principles of accountability, democracy and inclusion, as well as provide ideas for the development of public policy.

    Relevance to Theme: As Covid 19 ravages the world, most of the population in countries like Honduras have no access to effective means of communication, limited access to internet, little to no digital literacy, and little means of having their voices be a part of global conversation on democracy, digital rights, inclusion and digital economy. The panel will contribute to the discussion on how to better achieve inclusion, from the perspective of migrants.

    Online Participation


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