IGF 2020 WS #297 Infrastructure and digital service: which territoriality


    Organizer 1: Michel TCHONANG LINZE, CAPDA
    Organizer 2: Christian Nzhie, B. outsourcing
    Organizer 3: Avis MOMENI, PROTEGE QV
    Organizer 4: Serge ENGAMBA, ART

    Speaker 1: Bachar Bong Abdeldjalil, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 2: Sébastien BACHOLLET, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Albert KAMGA, Government, African Group
    Speaker 4: Joseph Dubois ASSENE, Government, African Group
    Speaker 5: Alfred NGANGUE, Government, African Group

    Michel TCHONANG LINZE, Civil Society, African Group
    Online Moderator
    Serge ENGAMBA, Government, African Group
    Christian Nzhie, Technical Community, African Group

    Round Table - Circle - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    1) Local Content & Language Diversity 2) Availability, Affordability & Access of Infrastructure 3) Accessibility & Policy for Social Inclusion 4) Digital Literacy, Capacity Development, and the Future of Work 5) Sustainable business models in the Digital Age

     Very low response time  Availability and Accessibility  Affordable and significant pricing based on Internet’s model  Fostering economic development and promotion of the local content development  Community network implementation  Diversity and geographical inclusion  Infrastructure quality and/for total inclusion  Real challenges and expectations of citizens due to the development of the internet  Quality of service


    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities


    Despite significant investments made to date by governments, the level of use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by people and local businesses in particular in developing countries remains very low. To be more specific, internet access at home is still very low in both urban and rural areas. Likewise, the ubiquitous , awareness, dissemination, adoption and appropriation of ICT in our different geographic areas and regions remain very insufficient and insignificant. • Given the level of development of the ICT industry and broadband communication infrastructure; • With regard to the activities resulting from the development of ICT and the transformation of existing business through the integration of the use of ICT, • With regard to the current sanitary situation worldwide in general and our sub-region in particular; • Considering WHO and governmental measures which encourage social distancing and remote work for all (public / private employees, students, pupils, teachers); • Given that the current situation and measures affects not only users of large cities but, the whole nation, • etc. This workshop aims at establishing and promoting broad discussions and debates on the effectiveness and responsiveness of our respective nations from the digital point of view; on the sufficient digital capabilities of the sub region to urgently, quickly and efficiently meet the digital needs not only in normal operation but also in the event of a pandemic To sum up, change of behavior is now imposed hence the obligation to collect various points of view and experiences will therefore foster the development of a digital ecosystem and effectively contribute to the development of a safer internet for everyone.

    Expected Outcomes

    • Press release • Publication • Government recommendation • Workshops • Regional Follow up events • Affordability and security for citizens • Improvement in the governance of technical infrastructure and data

    • Case study from countries involved in the discussions to make more attractive • Quizzes • Videos • Round-table

    Relevance to Internet Governance: ◦ This workshop aims to establish and promote broad discussions and debates on the effectiveness of our respective nations/regions/countries on the digital point of view; On the sufficient digital capacities to meet not only the digital needs of the nation in normal operation but also urgently, quickly and efficiently in the event of an extreme pandemic? ◦ Many stakeholders will therefore come into play with effective suggestions on how best to nation-widely tackle infrastructural issues, digital services for insuring national an d sub-region inclusion. ◦ The discussion about regulations, principles, norms and standards in order to guaranty and satisfy the real expectations and needs of the society nationwide due to the potential development of ICT and the transformation of activities and processes.

    Relevance to Theme: The session will contribute to the thematic track in 4 respective ways in regard of the inclusion ◦ High quality infrastructure to ensure inclusiveness ◦ The real expectations of actors in society due to the development of ICT and industry transformation for a widely consideration and roll out strategy that will nationwide. ◦ The digital services enable by the highly qualify infrastructure ◦ National Infrastructural approach as an enabler for an effective inclusion

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool. Additional Tools proposed: Zoom, Jetsi, Skype