Welcome to the IGF 2020 booth for Just Net Coalition!
The Just Net Coalition is a global network of civil society organizations working on issues of equity and social justice in the digital world. Founded in February 2014, the coalition is committed to fighting for an open, free, just and equitable internet and engages on topics of internet governance, aiming to promote democracy, human rights and social justice.
1. A Digital New Deal: Visions of Justice in a Post-Covid World
Just Net Coalition has collaborated with IT for Change for one of our most ambitious intellectual undertakings -- 'A Digital New Deal: Visions of Justice in a post-Covid World'. This online compendium of essays by and interviews with passionate and committed scholars, activists and visionaries from around the world, reflects on the challenges for the digital in the Covid moment. The contributors envision progressive ways to engage with the digital in a post-Covid landscape by reclaiming its original promise and building a digitally just world.
Read the contributions here: https://itforchange.net/digital-new-deal/
2. The Digital Justice Manifesto
The Digital Justice Manifesto, released in 2019, builds on the 2014 Delhi Declaration for a Just and Equitable Internet and extends it. It lists 16 key principles to ensure a digitally just world, elaborating on the current state of digital technology and suggesting progressive strategies to usher in digital justice.
Read the Digital Justice Manifesto here: https://justnetcoalition.org/digital-justice-manifesto.pdf
3. The Delhi Declaration for a Just and Equitable Internet
The founding principles of the Just Net Coalition are contained in the Delhi Declaration. All members of the Coalition have pledged agreement to these principles.
Read the Delhi Declaration here: https://justnetcoalition.org/delhi-declaration
Follw us on Twitter @Just_Net