The Youth Observatory is an organization formed mostly by young people and have about 1200 members from all over the world. It is an initiative focused on increasing the participation of young people in the discussion spaces on Internet governance at a global level.
Formally established in October 2015, since February 2016 it has been officially recognized by Internet Society as a Special Interest Group (SIG).
Our work can be organized in 3 areas:
- Include young people in the Internet governance ecosystem
- Create an open space for young people to develop projects
- Give visibility to young people and their work
We have produced several outcomes, such as:
- Analysis of Connected Youth (available in Spanish, Portuguese, English)
- Creating Networks Project Competition and Youth Atlas.
- Youth LACIGF Organizers since 2015.
Short description of the items above:
-Analysis of a Connected Youth: the Book was produced in 2017 thanks to the Beyond the Net funding provided by Internet Society. It contains articles written by young people from different Latin American countries. It was released in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with physical copies in English and Portuguese. Presented for the first time in the LACIGF, and then in several national, regional and global events.
- Creating Networks: the goal for this initiative was to map the current initiatives and organizations that involve young people ICTs. We got over 150 organizations all over the world mapped and we organized a fellowship program. 10 projects were created and the best group got a fellowship to attend the IGF 2019 in Berlin.
-Youth Atlas: It is a book to give visibility to the young people already engaged in the Internet governance ecosystem. We managed to collect over 160 testimonials of young people all over the world and understand their views on the Internet governance ecosystem.
-YouthLACIGF: Since 2015, we have been orgazing the most important annual meeting for youth in Latin America and the Caribbean related to Internet Governance matters. This year, we had our online meeting on September 5-6, with 4 thematic areas and in the 4 languages spoken in the region: Spanish, Portuguese, English, French. You are more than welcome to check the recordings at our YouTube channel!
Recognition/Special Participation:
Youth SIG has participated in several forums in Internet Governance, speaking as panelists, moderators, etc. Some examples: Youth IGF Argentina + YouthLACIGF (2018); National Strategic Partners of We, The Internet in Argentina (2020); Representation at the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance (2020); and many more..
Download our materials:
Analysis of Connected Youth: English, Portuguese, Spanish.
Youth Atlas: link
Declaración "Nosotros la juventud de América Latina y el Caribe/Declaração Nós a juventude da América Latina e do Caribe/-Declaration-We-the-youth-of-Latin-American-and-the-Caribbean link
Register in advance: https://www.intgovforum.org/content/networking-break-room-1-let%E2%80%9…