IGF 2020 The Criticality of the Internet for SIDS in a global crisis

    Friday, 6th November, 2020 (17:10 UTC) - Friday, 6th November, 2020 (18:40 UTC)
    Room 1
    About this Session
    How will Islands cope & survive in a world turned on its head by the social & economic effects of grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic? How can the Internet & related technologies help SIDS economies deal with and recover from the current challenges? More at: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tracyhackshaw_post-covid-19-in-small-island-developing-activity-6668348347331481600-7nI4
    Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy

    Round Table - Circle - 90 Min


    The 3rd DC Session will follow two clear paths:

    I. (30 mins) Reporting and Review of Internet Governance-related activities within Small Island Developing States (SIDS) during 2020

    II (30 mins) Discussion amongst DC members and session participants on the importance of the Internet to SIDS during times of global crisis - with special reference to the 2020 COVD-19 Pandemic

    III (15) Formulation of an Action & Research Agenda to ensure that SIDS better cope with the impacts of III

    Relevance to IG

    The role of the Internet is vitally important in times of global crisis - it is, in many cases, the critical link to the outside world for many SIDS who may be affected doubly over in these situations (see, for example, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/14/cyclone-harold-relief-for-vanuatu-delayed-by-coronavirus-contamination-fears). Internet Governance issues, perhaps even more so than in the case of several other underserved groupings, are paramount to the survivability of SIDS.

    Relevance to Theme

    See previous explanation.


    Tracy Hackshaw - Trinidad & Tobago Internet Governance Forum (TTIGF) / Internet Society Trinidad & Tobago Chapter (ISOC-TT) & Maureen Hilyard - Chair, ICANN At Large Advisory Committee & Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC)


    Session Chairs: Tracy Hackshaw - Trinidad & Tobago Internet Governance Forum (TTIGF) / Internet Society Trinidad & Tobago Chapter (ISOC-TT) & Maureen Hilyard - Chair, ICANN At Large Advisory Committee & Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC) 

    Lead discussants

    • Pacific Islands (Cherie Lagakali, Chair PICISOC, Fiji;  Jackson Miake, Vanuatu; Dalsie Baniala, MAG member, Vanuatu; Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair, At-Large, ICANN, Cook Islands; Georgina Naigulevu, PICISOC and Fiji Disability Forum) 
    • Caribbean (June Parris, Barbados; Nigel Cassimire, Caribbean Telecommunications Union & Caribbean IGF convenor; Bevil Wooding, Director, Caribbean Affairs, ARIN; Carlton Samuels, Jamaica; Rhea Yaw Ching, Covela Foundation; Lance Hinds, Guyana)
    • AIMS (Karim Attoumani Mohamed, Comoros)


    Internet Society IGF Youth Ambassadors: Mauricia Abdol-Tshilunda; Ananda Gautam; Herman Ramos; Veronica Piccolo

    IGF Youth: Yao Amevi Amessinou Sossou

    Onsite Moderator
    Internet Society IGF Youth Ambassador
    Online Moderator
    Internet Society IGF Youth Ambassador

    Internet Society IGF Youth Ambassadors


    GOAL 1: No Poverty
    GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-Being
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    GOAL 15: Life on Land

    1. Key Policy Questions and related issues
    The aim of the session was to present to our SIDS community initially what developments had taken place with regards to internet development in our regions. The Pacific and Caribbean communities were able to give comprehensive overviews of their activities since our last IGF meeting. There was no representation from the AIMS community (Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and Mediterranean and South China Seas) but if members attempted to join the session they may not have been recognised, and therefore able to participate as panellists within the webinar format. The programme of reports, discussion and a summary of commitments from the different regions as well as collectively was achieved during the session as planned.
    3. Key Takeaways
    • There was broad consensus around COVID-19 being a wake-up call for governments to accelerate digital transformation. The participants agree that COVID-19 has been accelerating the adoption of ICTs and the investments in the Internet, especially in providing connectivity;
    • Many indicated training and digital literacy as more urgent matters, while others highlighted cybersecurity and public policy on misinformation;
    • Some supported the idea that human resources and digital education are currently the main issues, especially when it comes to e-learning education and teaching. On this specific point, there is common agreement that the teaching staff is not prepared to use technology to deliver and plan lessons.
    6. Final Speakers


    Lead discussants

    • Pacific Islands (Cherie Lagakali, Chair PICISOC, Fiji;  Dalsie Baniala, MAG member, Vanuatu; Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair, At-Large, ICANN, Cook Islands)
    • Caribbean (June Parris, outgoing UN-IGF MAG Member, Barbados; Nigel Cassimire, Caribbean Telecommunications Union Ag. Secretary General & Caribbean IGF convenor; Bevil Wooding, Director, Caribbean Affairs, ARIN; Carlton Samuels, Jamaica; Rhea Yaw Ching, Covela Foundation; Lance Hinds, Guyana; Tracy Hackshaw, Trinidad & Tobago IGF / Internet Society Trinidad & Tobago Chapter)

    Also speaking: Anriette Esterhuysen, UN-IGF MAG Chair, South Africa; Jane Coffin; Jane Coffin, Senior Vice President - Internet Growth, Internet Society; Pablo Rodriguez, Vice Chair, ccNSO Council / Executive VP, Gauss Research Laboratory / NIC.pr, Puerto Rico; Deirdre Williams, Information Specialist, St. Lucia; Jacqueline Morris, Vice-Chair, Internet Society Trinidad & Tobago / e-Learning Manager, Judiciary of Trinidad & Tobago

    9. Group Photo
    IGF 2020 The Criticality of the Internet for SIDS in a global crisis