IGF 2020 Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance

    Wednesday, 4th November, 2020 (08:10 UTC) - Wednesday, 4th November, 2020 (09:40 UTC)
    Room 2
    DC Schools on Internet Goverance

    Round Table - U-shape - 90 Min


    The DC SIG meets yearly with 3 main goals: To do outreach to those interested in schools on Internet governance; to review the work done the year before; to decide on the work for the next year. The meeting is a round table composed of the members of the DC SIG who are directly involved in creating and sustaining the schools.

    Relevance to IG

    The SIGs (Schools of Internet governance) are vital in educating policy makers in the subject of Internet governance. There are schools popping up in many countries and regions all the time. The task of the DC SIG is to create znd provide materials useful in setting up a school, running a school and developing its curriculum. The schools serve all stakeholder groups and focus, among other things, on the meaning and application of the words from the working definition of Internet Governance. It is one thing to have a working definition of Internet governance, it is another to understand and apply it.

    Relevance to Theme

    Part of digital inclusion involves understanding how the Internet is run and how to affect the policies involved in maintaining and sustaining the Internet, which is a critical feature of modern life. The Internet contributes in one way or another in many of the efforts to achieve any of the SDG goals as well as surviving economically and culturally during a worldwide plague. Understanding it is part of digital literacy, allowing for inclusion, both in access and in policy creation.

    In providing Schools on Internet Governance, the organizers of the schools are involved in widening the inclusion of people in the discussion and practice of Internet Governance. The schools provide training to many of the people who eventually become contributors and leaders of various IG organizations and policy efforts. Understanding Internet Goverance is a digital literacy requirements for anyone who would attempt to contribute to Internet governance.


    Avri Doria - Technicalities Sandra Hoferichter - EuroSSIG The members of the DC SIG


    Intended as a round table of school organizers.

    Onsite Moderator
    Avri Doria - Technicalities
    Online Moderator
    TBD from the DC SIG as the meeting gets closer and we know who can attend
    Avri Doria - Technicalities

    GOAL 4: Quality Education

    Reference Document: https://www.igschools.net/sig/