IGF 2019 OF #26 FOC Open Forum


    The Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) is an intergovernmental coalition of 30 countries committed to advancing Internet freedom – free expression, association, assembly, and privacy online – worldwide. This Open Forum will provide IGF participants with the opportunity to learn more about the FOC's activities under Ghana's Chairmanship of the Coalition, the implementation of FOC activities under the Program of Action for 2019-2020, including the upcoming FO Conference in Accra. This session will include a discussion on the FOC's Joint Statement on Disinformation, and its recommendations to stakeholders. In this session IGF participants will be encouraged to engage directly with the panellists of FOC and FOC Advisory Network Members and to discuss the FOC's priorities and activities. Participants in the session will be invited to pose questions and comments and participate in a lively discussion on promoting and protecting human rights in the face of ongoing and emerging threats to freedom online.


    Freedom Online Coalition Support Unit
    This session is being submitted by the FOC Support Unit and the governments of Germany, Ghana and the US:
    Rainer Schmiedchen, Federal Foreign Office, Germany
    Emmanuella Darkwah, Ministry of Communications, Ghana

    Jordyn Arndt, US Department of State

    • Albert Antwi-Boasiako, National Cybersecurity Advisor, Ghanaian Ministry of Communications;
    • Mallory Knodel, Head of Digital, Article19
    • Elonnai Hickok, Chief Operating Officer, CIS;
    • Rauno Merisaari, Human Rights Ambassador, Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and
    • Charles Bradley, Freedom Online Coalition Support Unit (Moderator).

    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
    GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

    The Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) is an intergovernmental coalition of 30 countries committed to advancing Internet freedom – free expression, association, assembly, and privacy online – worldwide. This Open Forum session will provide participants with the opportunity to learn more about the FOC's latest activities under Ghana's Chairmanship of the Coalition and the FOC's priorities under the Program of Action for 2019-2020. In this session IGF participants will be encouraged to engage directly with the panellists, consisting of FOC Members and Members of the FOC Advisory Network. Participants in the session will be invited to pose questions and comments, and participate in a lively discussion on promoting and protecting human rights in the face of ongoing and emerging threats to freedom online.

    2. Summary of Issues Discussed

    The discussion focused on Ghana's chairmanship of the coalition and the the  priorities under the FOC's Program of Action 2019-2020, including digital inclusion, disinformation, artifical intelligence and cybersecurity and human rights. The current Chair provided an update and overview of the upcming Annual Freedom Online Conference. 

    The focus of the FO Conference 2020, Achieving a Common Vision for Internet Freedom, recognises the significance of convening key actors to renew commitments and pathways towards a rights-respecting framework for Internet freedom through achieving certain key goals.  

    The Conference will provide a unique forum to re-examine the state of play of current and arising challenges to freedom online, exchange perspectives and identify possible solutions. With Ghana at the helm, the Conference will put particular emphasis on reviewing the current state of digital rights across Africa, outlining strategies for improving digital rights on the continent, and globally.

    There was also discussion about the importance of multistakeholder engagement with many of the members of the FOC Advisory Network participating in the discussion. 


    4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues

    Responding to the challenges for Internet freedom and human rights online, FOC Members continue to work closely together to coordinate their diplomatic efforts, shape global norms, and engage with civil society and the private sector to support Internet freedom – free expression, association, assembly, and privacy online – worldwide. 

    The Annual Freedom Online Conference is the flagship event of the FOC, bringing together governments and stakeholders from around the world to discuss the most urgent challenges to the realization of human rights online. In 2020, the Conference will take place at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra, Ghana from 6-7 February.

    6. Estimated Participation

    50 participants