IGF 2019 OF #16 Collaborative Multistakeholder Approaches in Cybersecurity


    Collaborative multistakeholder model at national, regional and global level in creating Cybersecurity strategies provide the framework to support an all encompassing approach to protect the Cyberspace infrastructure, its content, users and create cyber resilience. It states national priorities and goals, assigns roles and responsibilities and resources. A particularly important issue stems from the increased tying of ICT with critical infrastructure sectors and systems such as energy, transport, finance, healthcare, telecommunications, food and water supply. Many new areas are added to the list as “essential services”, some of the “e-“type (like e-health, e-commerce, etc). With robust cybersecurity frameworks in place, countries can better leverage the opportunities offered by ICT for socio economic development. We recognise however that implementation and budget allocation for cybersecurity activities presents a significant challenge for states. This proposed forum will therefore address how countries can build national cybersecurity systems with a multi-stakeholder cooperation and engagement framework beyond borders.


    Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation


    1.Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Acting Secretary General, CTO 2.Kathryn Jones, Senior Policy Advisor, International Cyber Security, Cyber Security and Data Protection Directorate, UK Government 3.Dr. Martin Koyabe, Manager Technical Support & Consultancy, CTO

    Online Moderator
    Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisations

    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals

    1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations
    1. What role can different stakeholders play in cybersecurity capacity building? Resource challenges and what can be done to address the challenges?
    2. What are the needs and requirements in achieving a multi-stakeholder initiative in Cybersecurity?
    3. How can Governments use emerging technology in addressing issues of trust, privacy and data protection?
    4. What is the role of national CSIRTs/CERTs in enhancing cyber resilience?
    2. Summary of Issues Discussed

    There was broad support for inclusive and multistakeholder approaches to cybersecurity strategies. Cybersecurity challenges are broad and interrelated but there is still scarce examples of implementing the model maturity model of cybersecurity.

    Many indicated that there is need for clear programmes and approaches to assist with practical implementation of cyber security. There was alot of support for cybersecurity collaboration and  capacity building and capacity sharing.

    In the Latin America there is a wide engagements of public safety through public and internet actors through technical cooperation and CSIRT building. There is need to work more cohesive with law enforcement and support police investigation and prosecution of cyber crime.


    3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward

    Capacity building of law enforcement to collect and present evidence (data involved),

    Raising awareness raising of users on the threats in cybersecurity and have reporting mechanism for cyber crime among users.

    Awareness raising of users especially in rural areas on online safety is crucial and civil society has a concrete role in implementing cybersecurty


    Strengthen cybersecurity for elections.

    4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues

    Efforts of the Commonwealth Secretariat in implementation of the Commonwealth Cyber declaration os 2018. There are four broad programmmes in this relation which are:

    • Africa focused on Gambia, Kenya and Namibia conducting cyber capabity and cyber resilience to identify key areas for legislative focus
    • Carribean focused to build capacity of judges, prosecutors on electronic evidence
    • A programme to strengthen cyber security internationally for Commonwealth countries.There are barriers in moving electronic evidence across borders
    • Strengthening cybersecurity in elections by working with country partners to develop guides.
    5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues

    Cybersecurity actors and local communities can work together to build effective strategies.

    Countries should share the cybersecurity challenges in order for them to be addressed.

    Having a reporting mechanism for cybersecurity can assist in tracking progress and a sustanable model for capacity building in cyber security.

    6. Estimated Participation

    Around 100 participants onsite.

    More than a third of the participants were women.Ge

    7. Reflection to Gender Issues

    Gender issues were discussed in relation to awareness on cyber threats and capacity building to users on skills gaps where more women than men lack the cyber security skills.

    8. Session Outputs
    • There is need for increased capacity building of law enforcement to collect and present digital evidence (data involved),
    • Raising awareness of users especially in rural areas on online safety is crucial and civil society has a concrete role in implementing cybersecurty strategies.
    • Countries should strengthen cybersecurity for elections programmes
    • Cybersecurity actors and local communities can work together to build effective strategies and share the cybersecurity challenges in order for them to be addressed.
    • Having a reporting mechanism for cybersecurity can assist in tracking progress and a sustainable model for capacity building in cyber security.
    • There is broad support for inclusive and multistakeholder approaches to cybersecurity strategies. Cybersecurity challenges are broad and interrelated but there are still scarce examples of implementing the model maturity model of cybersecurity.
    • There is need for clear programmes and approaches to assist with practical implementation of cyber security. There is a lot of support for cybersecurity collaboration and capacity building and capacity sharing.
    • In the Latin America there is a wide engagement of public safety through public and internet actors through technical cooperation and CSIRT building.
    • There is need to work more cohesive with law enforcement and support police investigation and prosecution of cyber crime.