Round Table - Circle - 90 Min
Since the session at the 2018 IGF and throughout year, work has continued on developing a Taxonomy for Schools on Internet Governance 9SIG). There is a great variety among existing programs and diverse features of the various types of schools that often makes it difficult to talk about these SIGs and to describe them in a less ambiguous manner. The program this year involves coming to agreement on a first revision on the Taxonomy document. The plan for this session would be to work though any remaining issues in the doc so that it can be used as a tool for the new schools that are being formed every year and as the basis for the next steps in the DC SIG work. One important part of having the discussions at the IGF meeting before finalizing, is the inclusion of non DC members to makes sure the work makes sense to the larger community.
- Introductions
- Roundtable self introduction
- What the DC SIG is
- Review of work done since the last meeting
- Meetings held
- Web site
- Taxonomy draft 0.7
- Plans for the coming year
- Curriculum
- Ideas from those around the table
Taxonomy draft 0.7
The current document is the product of a cooperative effort by a group of organizers, faculty and fellows from several Internet governance schools from around the world. It is by nature an incomplete description as the field is growing and new approaches and courses are added all the time. This document will remain a living document of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance. (DC-SIG) and will be updated yearly based on the contributions of DC SIG participants and others.
One of the first tasks for the DC is to develop a taxonomy for describing Schools of Internet Governance (SIG). There is a great variety among the existing programs and the features of the various types of schools that often makes it difficult to talk about these Schools and to describe them in a less ambiguous manner. The current draft lays out some of the details and is intended to make it easier to talk about very different schools using similar terminology as the DC moves on to other tasks.
Readers will notice that some sections are more developed than others. This is a work in progress as well as a living document. The content is a reflection of the interests and knowledge of those who volunteered to contribute text.The DC met 6 times over the last year to review and approve new and edited text. Going forward, any reader who has been involved with a SIG who has knowledge in an item being discussed is invited to comment and to suggest edits or new content. The url to do so can also be found at the bottom of each page.
Part of this project includes collecting information from current SIGs on the DC website and the corresponding wiki.
As the project goes on, information on various existing schools is being collected. Readers involved in SIGs are invited to add their information to the map and to work with the DC on adding new information to the wiki.
Sandra Hoferichter, Rainer Rodewald; EuroSSIG Anriette Esterhuysen; AfriSIG, Association for Progressive Communication Avri Doria, SIG Faculty; Technicalities
Sandra Hoferichter - Moderator Avri Doria - Rapporteur Round table composed of reps from the various Schools
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals
The DC SIG had a very full session. 18 existing schools were present in the meeting and spoke. There were at least 3 Schools/IG programs in formation also in attendance.
- How do we improve the capabity building capabilitiy of schools on internet governance
We reviewed the content to help schools with planning on curicula and organization We explored activities for next year.
The website is at - anyone interested in particpating needs to contact the webmater fior access to their own section of the wiki. Also explained how to contribute to the continued development of the documention.
Monthly meetings will resume in January 2020.
Discussion was rich, with many suggestions for continued work.
Details on the web site, the wiki and taxonomy document were explored.
IG schools contribute to IG capacity. The work we are doing is useful in this regard and should be continued.
We. looked at new activities that could cotribute to out capacity building goals.
we need more people on the work, and several indicated their willingness to contribute to the project
100+ particpants in the room. There were only a few remote particpants
The session was diverse in terms of gender and national origin with school particpants from many regions in the world including both developed, and developing regions. Also representatives from a wide variety of school initiatives were presnet
Anyone interersted should follow for ongoing developments. the amount and quality of the content is ever improving.