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IGF 2018 WS #337
Children's Rights and ICANN - what's the connection

    Organizer 1: John Carr, eNACSO
    Speaker 1: Jasmina Byrne, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization
    Speaker 2: Edmon Chung, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Jutta Croll, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 4: John Carr, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    John Carr, assisted by someone from the eNACSO network
    Online Moderator
    Cristiana de Paoli, Save the Children, Itlay
    John Carr
    Round Table - 60 Min
    Verisign, Go Daddy Nominet, Affiliias, other Registries and Registrars will be invited along with ICANN staff and Board members to participate.
    The speakers are gender balanced with one speaker from Asia, two from Europe and one from a global organization based in the USA
    How can ICANN and other key actors ensure they have necessary awareness of the UNCRC and its implications for their work and how do we build sustainable models which will ensure such awareness becomes linked with expertise which, in a practical way, can help the wider multi stakeholder community?
    Each of the speakers has direct hands on or a research background in the topic of the workshop. They will open with short statements which point both at the problems and potential solutions.
    There are two dimensions to this: Looking at ICANN's role and responsibilities in managing the DNS in ways which reflect and honour international law, in particular the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and, in that context, examining what happened in the 2012 round of new gTLDs. The latter is particularly important in light of the fact that yet another round of new TLDs is being considered within ICANN right now.
    Online Participation
    It is intended to open up the session to the eNACSO and ECPAT International networks and promote it to others organizations likely to have an interest.