IGF 2018 WS #289
Design for good: digital initiatives from French Berry

    Organizer 1: Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Organizer 2: Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Organizer 3: Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Organizer 4: Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Organizer 5: Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 1: Elise Loeuille, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Adrien Camp, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Johanna Camp, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Birds of a Feather - 90 Min
    Culture, innovation and design - Elise Loeuille and Jean-Marc Seynhaeve Elise and Jean-Marc will energize technical and process thinking by maintaining a creative, dynamic and engaging atmosphere throughout the workshop. They will introduce inspirational trends, guide and facilitate the findings within groups and teams, making sure individuals understand format, tools and material used. Moreover, they will ensure content and ideas are engaging and inspiring before, during and after the workshop. Innovation and digital services in rural areas - Johanna Camp, Adrien Camp, Lucie Di Biasi Johanna, Adrien and Lucie will present key rural and remote territories requirements and business opportunities around digital inclusion based on their personal and professional experience of innovation in French Berry. They will provide meaningful and solid datasets to shape the right economic, technical and cultural context around digital inclusion. They will work with groups and teams to outline facts, issues and ideas that move discussions forward. They will participate to shape the creative roadmap as local subject matter experts (innovation, design and communication), making sure ideas and projects are relevant to their experience before, during and after the workshop. Technical representative (remote participant from French Berry - to be confirmed): A technical contact will work with us to define technological boundaries in rural and remote areas, acting as a single point of contact for network, connectivity and access questions. He or she will ensure output solutions remain technologically feasible and work with the team to define the best technological framework before, during and after the workshop.
    The team presents gender diversity (3 women and 2 men) and ensures roles and responsibilities on stage as well as in the room are dispatched regardless of gender, cultural or physical differences. With individuals living in urban, developed and connected areas in Australia as well as rural based French entrepreneurs, the team gathers a variety of cultural and professional standpoints to ignite creativity. The team gathers entrepreneurs with outstanding track records of business achievements in cultural, media, consumer electronics, telecommunications and consumer goods sectors, within rural, national and international companies. They are all first time IGF session speakers and organizers.
    Introduction: Inspirational trends - innovating in a rural context: key requirements, constraints and benefits (10 min) 1. Economic and human benefits of digital inclusion: digital inclusion in rural and remote areas, key requirements and guidelines to proceed (15 min) 2. Business Case: circular innovation and digital services in French Berry - presenting key milestones and results of innovative initiatives from French Berry as a result of digital inclusion (15 min) 3. Methodology: design thinking and user-centricity: outlining business and cultural imperatives of human centricity for digital innovation (20 min) 4. Conclusion: collaborative scenario - imagining new local content services with the audience based on high level design-thinking methodology and audience participation, on a volunteering basis with 3 to 5 participants and votes, questions and answer from the audience (30 min)
    The discussion will be facilitated by an inspiring and engaging workshop atmosphere and material, based on design-thinking and product development formats extensively mastered by the team. An entrepreneurial tone will trigger a creative yet bottom-line focused pace in discussions, facilitated by local subject matter experts as well as experienced and dynamic workshop professionals. By producing and using physical material combined to digital tools for remote participation, the team seeks to highlight a rich diversity of standpoints to produce a highly creative and inspiring roadmap for participants to re-use in their own projects. The discussion will include content and material shared before, during and after the workshop to engage participants in the longer term.
    Human centricity and need for local content creates new opportunities to develop strategies and services closer to end-user reality, especially in remote and rural areas. This presentation will introduce a local circular innovation project based on content, communication and digital tools, seeking to enable French Berry villages to seize digital economic and social opportunities. By adapting their approach to local skills, communication codes and local initiatives, a team of entrepreneurs has managed to create innovative, systemic and circular projects that spread digital innovation value across a vast variety of local stakeholders while preserving and respecting local human needs and values. They will present their methodology, their vision of hyper-local opportunities and key requirements to seize them. Eventually, they will provide cultural guidelines to help attendees develop meaningful local content based on human needs.
    Online Participation
    Online participation will consist in the identification of remote stakeholders, prior to the workshop, who will be interviewed to shape inspirational trends and systemic context around digital inclusion in rural and remote areas. They will be invited to join the workshop remotely through a skype conference, and will comment and review findings along with participants throughout the workshop. Depending on the workshop format, they will participate as a jury to help select solutions. Our online moderator and the organizing team will ensure remote attendees are included in discussions by creating interactions with them before, during and after working sessions, potentially asking them to further develop one of the inspirational trends to guide participants during the workshop.