IGF 2018 OF #38 The role of the regulator in promoting the deployment of IPv6

    Salle II

    The technological evolution and the widespread use of the Internet protocol have given rise to a new scenario in which Internet addressing resources are a critical element to continue with the innovation of services and technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT). The need to deploy the IPv6 protocol has as one of the causes, the growth of connected devices. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be around 29 billion of them, which approximately 18 billion will be related to the IoT. Furthermore, a point to highlight is that the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are not compatibles, so it is necessary that the websites of Internet have an IPv6 configuration, otherwise the users will not be able to access its content. Furthermore, the Internet service providers must support the IPv6 protocol so that their users can access content published only in that protocol. It is for the above that the different sectors and involved in the development of the Internet, including users, creators and content generators, service providers, technology providers, companies, public administration entities and international organizations, must have knowledge of the operation and deployment of the IPv6 protocol to encourage its use and achieve a rapid, efficient and safe transition. Therefore, the Federal Institute of Telecommunications of Mexico has been a promoter of the transition to IPv6, since in the country this transition is considered as a platform for innovation, economic development and global connectivity. Among the activities that the Institute has carried out in order to promote the deployment of IPv6 are the following: • Issuance of guidelines and technical provisions. o “Guidelines that set the terms under which the predominant economic agent in the telecommunications sector or with substantial power must have a physical presence at Internet traffic exchange points in the national territory and enter into agreements that allow service providers Internet exchange of internal traffic more efficiently and less expensively.” These guidelines were issued in July 2017 and they require statistical information regarding the volume of incoming and outgoing traffic exchanged in the IXP through the IPv6 protocol. o “Agreement on Minimum Technical Conditions and Interconnection Fees, 2018.” Its objective is to establish the rules for efficient interconnection and interoperability between public telecommunications networks which will permit efficient traffic exchange between public telecommunication networks under equitable conditions and will lay the foundation for healthy competition. A four-year term is established to complete the transition to IP technology interconnection. In addition, the IPv6 addressing scheme should be used, IPv4 addressing can be used by mutual agreement between the parties. • Micrositio IPv6 In order to promote the transition to the use of the IPv6 protocol, during the last quarter of 2017, the Institute developed a microsite to inform permanently about the benefits and advances of its adoption in Mexico. For this, considering the best international practices, in this microsite will be published a series of recommendations that allow public and private entities that use and / or offer services through the Internet the transition to the IPv6 protocol that promotes interoperability with services borrowed through future generation networks. The microsite is addressed to Internet users, academics, industry, interested in the sector, dependencies and federal, state and municipal entities. The information is organized as follows: 1. What is IPv6? Information about what is the Internet Protocol version 6 is provided, what are its foundations, as well as information regarding the transition. 2. Indicators and statistics. This section presents key information to interpret the current state of the adoption and use of the IPv6 protocol in Mexico and with this find a point of reference for international comparisons. Also has information regarding the deployment and adoption of IPv6 in the international arena. 3. IPv6 library. It provides documents, books and presentations, among other resources related to IPv6; also, it contains information about some proposed standards related to the subject. 4. Useful links. In this section are provided different links to other websites of organizations, groups and entities, both national and international, in order to deepen more on the subject. 5. Best practices. This section provides some documents, made by the IFT, related to best practices regarding the transition to IPv6. Also, there are some documents related to best practices at the international level. 6. Tools. This section provides some tools with which the networks and protocols that are supported can be evaluated. 7. Frequent questions. This section addresses questions about what IPv4 and IPv6 is, the importance of IPv6, what the transition is, how this transition affects the user, among others. The information on this website is constantly being updated, also provides information about national and international events that are related to the transition to IPv6. Within the content of this microsite, there is a Reference Guideline for the implementation of the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), elaborated by the Institute in order to establish a reference guide of the relevant and necessary aspects to consider for the design of implementation of IPv6. This guide consists of four stages, which describe some activities that will facilitate the understanding and implementation of a network based on the IPv6 Protocol. 1. Training - Training for telecommunications team. The first point for the implementation of IPv6 is the training of the responsible personnel for implementation. This have the purpose to familiarize the staff with the concepts and logic of the protocol's operation. 2. Equipment capabilities - Perform an audit of all hardware and software about their support for the IPv6 protocol. It is necessary to perform an audit of all the hardware and software used in the organization. This list must include the corresponding models and versions, as well as the details on their compatibility with IPv6. 3. . Design - Address planning. Determine the type of IPv6 addressing according to your needs. IPv6 addresses of all types are assigned to interfaces, not to nodes, therefore, each interface can use different IPv6 addresses simultaneously. 4. Testing - Construction of a test IPv6 network. It is recommended to build a test network and implement the same services that run over IPv4. The promotion of the deployment of IPv6 is one of the actions that the Institute is carrying out with the approach of participating in the digital ecosystem. The future regulation of the digital ecosystem is a key issue, at a time when the pace of regulatory changes is not reaching the speed of transformation in the digital world. Therfore, to meet the expectations of the rapidly evolving digital ecosystem, regulators have to adapt and create more flexible, innovative and less invasive regulatory frameworks that transcend the traditional telecommunications sector to take into account the multi-faceted and multipartite nature of the world digital. Therefore, based on the activities carried out by the telecommunications regulator of Mexico, this panel will address the following issues: • Exhaustion of addressing • Incentives and facilities for the deployment of IPv6 • Role played by users and the industry • Work of the regulatory body to promote the deployment of IPv6 • Participation of regulators in the digital ecosystem


    Federal Telecommunications Institute
    Víctor Martínez Vanegas, Federal Telecommunications Institute, Mexico Jimena Sierra, Federal Telecommunications Institute, Mexico


    Javier Juárez, Federal Telecommunications Institute, Mexico Juan Carlos Hernández Wocker, Federal Telecommunications Institute, Mexico

    Online Moderator
    Edna Aurora Ferrer Román - Federal Telecommunications Institute, Mexico
    Session Time
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    IGF 2017 Report

    “The role of the regulator in promoting the deployment of IPv6”


    -Sessión Title:

    The role of the regulator in promoting the deployment of IPv6

    -Date: November 13th, 2018


    -Time: 9:00-10:00 am



    Edmundo Cazarez, Network Information Center (Private Sector)



    Jimena Sierra Navarrete, IFT


    -List of Speakers and their institutional affiliations:

    Javier Juarez, Comissioner, Federal Telecommunications Institute (Government)

    Willy Ted Manga, Regional Techinal Officer, Agence Universitaire of the Francophonie (Remote Participation, Civil Society)

    Chafic Chaya, RIPE NCC (Private Sector)

    Guillermo Fernandez, General Director of ICT, Federal Telecommunications Institute (Technical Community)



    -Key Issues raised (one sentence per issue):

    • Exhaustion of addressing
    • Incentives and facilities for the deployment of Ipv6
    • Role played by users and the industry
    • Work of the regulatory body to promote the deployment of IPv6
    • Participation of regulators in the digital ecosystem


    -If there were presentations during the session, please provide a 1-paragraph summary for each presentation:


    There was a presentation during the session of "Lessons learned of transition from IFT to IPV6", in where it was presented the transition from IFT to IPv6 and the background that addressed the general direction of ICT in the IT infrastructure of IFT; The IFT transition does not haves IPV4 addresses assigned.


    It was said that during the transition, it was necessary the training of the staff was needed through workshops, presentations, etc., where he evaluated in different phases, 1; Internal network and 2; the use of the same network, giving a period of preparation of a year; In order for this project to be carried out, the renovation of the main telecommunications and cybersecurity equipment within the Institute was required, the ISP had to be ready to be transmitted by IPv6 (in 2016 there were only two operators that formally granted that service in Mexico) and, finally, the assignment of the Ipv6 segment was obtained.


    - Please describe the Discussions that took place during the workshop session (3 paragraphs):


    The discussion took place in a progress to follow about how it should be the precise deployment based on different steps, the first is the training for the implementation of IPv6 is the training of the responsible personnel for implementation This have the purpose to familiarize the staff with the concepts and logic of the protocol's operation; second, to perform an audit of all the hardware and software used in the organization. This list must include the corresponding models and versions, as well as the details on their compatibility with IPv6; third, determine the type of IPv6 addressing according to your needs. IPv6 addresses of all types are assigned to interfaces, not to nodes; therefore, each interface can use different IPv6 addresses simultaneously.; And the last, It is recommended to build a test network and implement the same services that run over IPv4.The promotion of the deployment of IPv6 is one of the actions that the Institute is carrying out with the approach of participating in the digital ecosystem. The future regulation of the digital ecosystem is a key issue, at a time when the pace of regulatory changes is not reaching the speed of transformation in the digital world. Therefore, to meet the expectations of the rapidly evolving digital ecosystem, regulators have to adapt and create more flexible, innovative and less invasive regulatory frameworks that transcend the traditional telecommunications sector to take into account the multi-faceted and multipartite nature of the world digital.


    It was mentioned that this lack of transition has become a problem for years, since the rate of use of the IPV4 is running out, and almost all regions have reached the point where you are using the latest resources available policies already public implemented, with the exception of Africa which are not in the same situation; The panelist of the AUF is a clear example of the action of IPv6, the AUF is an association working in the academic field is made of regional bureau such as the one located in Yaounde Cameroon; it covered central Africa and great lakes areas; Therefore, it was necessary to understand IPv6 and implement it within their own networks; All ISPs in Cameroon have IPv6 prefixes. In Yaoundé and Ngaoundere, CAMTEL (AS 15964) is the ISP of AUF; it has been assigned the prefix 2001: 4268: / 32 since June 13, 2006 for 12 years. The training of technical personnel in 2011 had a great influence on the implementation and designation. Previously, there was the v6 routing problem with CAMTEL's upstream provider, but justification defense management was driven by the Cameroon regional manager to use IPv6 in their networks; that is why it was necessary to intervene in the deployment of IPv6 within the government, the ministries, the presidency, the regional offices and even the regulator itself.


    The group discussed that it is necessary that the websites of Internet have an IPv6 configuration; otherwise, the users will not be able to access its content and is more difficult to add new devices and grow the network. The adoption of IPv6 It is not a new issue, it has been trying to be implemented for more than 10 years, many technologies help to adapt the protocol and that it is granted free of charge by network operators having an effective result in their country, for example: 1) Mexico is at 14.51%; 2) USA 34.17%; 3) Brazil 26.47%; 4) Australia 14.28%; 5) France 24.73%; Etc.


    The importance of properly disseminating information on the implementation of IPv6 and the role that has technological evolution, in this sense, should be addressed to the different sectors and involved in the development of the Internet, including users, creators and generators of content, service providers, technology providers, companies, entities of public administration and international organizations, must have knowledge of the operation and deployment of the IPv6 protocol to encourage use and achieve a rapid, efficient and safe transition. Therefore, the Federal Institute of telecommunications of Mexico has been a promoter of the transition to IPv6, since in the country this transition is considered a platform for innovation, economic development and global connectivity. The activities that the Institute has carried out to promote the deployment of IPv6 the include issuance of guidelines and technical requirements.



    - Two questions from the audience deserve special note due to the lengthy discussion


    There was only one question. There were opening comment, which have been integrated in other parts of this report.


    •  An interrogator asked if there was a problem with the IPv6 adoption rate and if this rate really reflects the growth that IPv6 has. Moreover, because this is not effective enough, because it generates a problem and not a solution for the assignment of addresses.


    -Please describe any Participant suggestions regarding the way forward/ potential next steps /key takeaways

    (3 paragraphs)


    • An audience member from a Telco in Asia noted that they had turned on IPv6 back in February, and already they saw 75% of the traffic on their cable running over IPv6. In their case, they had a clear rationale – IPv4 addresses in their region are trading from upwards of $15 USD each. On the other hand, IPv6 is practically free, so for their country there was no choice. He also noted that originally their technical team had told him a separate team would be needed to do IPv6, but they quickly discovered this was not the case.
    • ARCEP, the French regulator, began promoting IPv6 two years ago, identifying six key actions it could take: training, developing a roadmap, improved coordination, providing information, and finally – preparing for the end of IPv4. A key part of ARCEP’s approach was establishing an observatory that collects information from many different links in the technical chain – transit providers, ISPs, mobile operators, hosting providers, etc. It was also noted that statistics should be at the appropriate level – national or regional statistics can quickly settle on a percentage that masks the real differences that exist between networks. In its “Annual Barometer” report that ARCEP has been handing out at this IGF, they have published statistics that look at individual ISPs. This is helpful for giving a more accurate picture of IPv6 adoption, though it really shines a light on those players who are lagging behind.
    • Orange Telecom started in 2015 to repair all the problems related to the introduction of IPv6 in its infrastructure with the collaboration of all Lebanese. Counting with 40 or 50 ISPs and each ISP has its own infrastructure, with the support of RIPE and Mr. Chafic and his team at Orange Telecom, which is the public telecommunications operator in Lebanon, all the preparation problems, technically the software and hardware was resolved with the collaboration of ISPs and DSPs, data service providers have solved this problem, where only the start of the transition was expected in June 2016.


    Gender Reporting


    -Estimate the overall number of the participants present at the session:


    There were approximately 80 participants


    -Estimate the overall number of women present at the session:


    There were approximately 30 women and 50 men inside the Forum, panelists were men


    -To what extent did the session discuss gender equality and/or women’s empowerment?

    -If the session addressed issues related to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment, please provide a brief summary of the discussion:


    The session did not directly address issues related to gender equality and/or women´s empowerment