IGF 2018 OF #21 What future for the Internet?

    Salle VII

    The session will provide an update on the state of the art of the European Commission Next Generation Internet initiative and how the Internet Governance narrative will feed into it.


    European Commission


    Olivier Bringer (European Commission)

    Michiel Leenars (NLNet)

    Maryant Fernandez Perez (EDRi)

    Moderator: Monique Calisti (Martel Innovate)

    Closing remarks: Pearse O'Donohue (European Commission)

    Online Moderator
    Valentina Scialpi
    Session Time
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    Session type: Open Forum

    Title: What future for the Internet?

    Date & Time: Tuesday 13th November, 12.20-13.20

    Organiser(s): European Commission

    Chair-Moderator: Dr. Monique Calisti (Martel Innovate)

    Rapporteur/Notetaker: Valentina Scialpi (European Commission)

    List of Speakers:

    Olivier Bringer (European Commission, M)

    Michiel Leenars (NLNet, M)

    Maryant Fernandez Perez (EDRi, F)

    Dr. Monique Calisti (Martel Innovate, F)

    Closing remarks: Pearse O'Donohue (European Commission, M)

    Theme: Trust and Accountability Measures

    Subtheme: Data Privacy and Protection

    The Internet of the next decade will be built around the users. It will have to be a human centric Internet, an Internet of values, that ensure privacy and data control and a more inclusive, transparent and democratic digital environment for all.

    Europe has developed what is probably the most advanced regulatory framework for the internet, with the General Data Protection Regulation, the eIDAS framework, rules on the open internet, and the new measures under the Digital Single Market Strategy in the areas of cybersecurity, platforms, online content, or the free flow of non-personal data. In this context, the Next Generation Internet initiative aims to build the key technology building blocks for the internet of tomorrow through ground-breaking research and innovation that is aligned with our regulatory framework. It will shape new technology developments in support of an internet of humans that responds to our fundamental needs, including trust, security and inclusion, and in general reflecting the values and the norms that we enjoy in our societies.

    The European Commission has launched the Next-Generation Internet initiative, aiming at designing this internet of values. To this end we have engaged all different stakeholders that will help us build the internet of the future: top innovators, startup and civil society.

    The session provided a state of play of the initiative, what will be the way forward and information on how to get involved.

    The participants appreciated the effort of reaching out to new stakeholders that could contribute in building the next disruptive, breakthrough technologies.

    Number of participants: 60 (of which 20 Women)

    Other relevant links (URL):
