IGF 2017 WS #61
Between a rock and a hard place?: Identifying encryption policies that are human rights respecting

    Short Title
    What does a rights respecting encryption policy look like?
    Proposer's Name: Ms. Sheetal Kumar
    Proposer's Organization: Global Partners Digital
    Co-Proposer's Name: Mr. Richard Wingfield
    Co-Proposer's Organization: Global Partners Digital
    Ms.,Sheetal,KUMAR,Civil Society,Global Partners Digital Mr.,Richard,WINGFIELD,Civil Society, Global Partners Digital
    Additional Speakers

    No other speakers have been added but all the original ones have been confirmed:


    Why: This workshop will build on the outcomes of an IGF session debate in 2016 entitled "On cybersecurity: Who has got our back?". During that session proposal, one of the key outcomes and requests of participants was that there is a need for more guidance on how encryption policy can be human rights respecting. This session will provide participants with the ability to critically assess existing encryption-related policies against human rights standards and is equally divided between a moderated panel discussion with experts and an interactive, hands-on session for participants.

    20 minutes: A moderated discussion with experts

    Four experts (see below) will provide their perspectives on the interplay between encryption and human rights for 3-5 minutes each.

    15 minutes: Interactive analysis in break-out groups

    All participants will then break out into groups. They will be asked to analyse a piece of legislation or policy and provide recommendations on how to improve it.

    20 minutes: Sharing insights in plenary

    Each group will be asked to present their analysis and take questions from the other participants.

    5 minutes: Wrap up and next steps

    A short wrap-up will summarise findings and explain what next steps, including any concrete outputs/materials that will follow the session that summarise findings, which be distributed.