IGF 2017 WS #256
What´s going at the ITU, how it affects Internet Governance, and why you should probably care

    Short Title
    ITU, Internet Governance, and why you should probably care.
    Proposer's Name: Mr. Gus Rossi
    Proposer's Organization: Public Knowledge
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Anriette Esterhuysen
    Co-Proposer's Organization: APC
    Ms.,Anriette,Esterhuysen,Civil Society,APC Mr.,Gus,Rossi,Civil Society,Public Knowledge Ms.,Deborah,Brown,Civil Society,APC
    Additional Speakers

    Robert Pepper, Head, Global Connectivity and Technology Policy, Facebook

    Benedicto Fonseca Filho. Director, Department of Scientific and Technological Themes. Ministry of External Relations. The Federative Republic of Brazil

    Deborah Brown, Global Policy Advocacy Lead, Association for Progressive Communications

    Thomas Schneider, Ambassador  and Vice ­Director, Office fédéral de la communication

    Mehwish Ansari, ‎Digital Programme Officer, ARTICLE 19


    The workshop will be run as a roundtable discussion. Participants will be required to consider jointly a number of generic issues proposed to them by the moderators. This approach will make for a dynamic exchange, conducive to creative collective thinking on the issues at stake. Audience participation with on-site discussants will also be actively encouraged, both in-room and remotely. 

    (10 min) Scene setting: what is the mandate and scope of ITU for Internet Governance issues?
    (20 min) What are the ongoing efforts at ITU on Internet Governance?

    (10 min) Why should the different IG stakeholders care?

    (20 min) What are the most pressing issues? Plenipot 2018? OTT re-regulation?

    (30 min) Q&As and discussion