The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Jalisco, Mexico, from 5 to 9 December 2016. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Okay. But how do I put it on? Okay. Shall I try this one? I'm not sure the mics are working. I was really hoping to start on time. Where is the button? It's hidden. Does it work? So I was trying to keep the instruction to start on time, and sorry I failed in that. Welcome, everybody to this very friendly open forum of Diplo foundation where we mainly have people that are very close to us and work closely. I would like to check with Maria, our remote operator, what does it look like online? Nobody? Which means we will probably do the session a bit different, I suggest. I don't think it's needed to go through the formal presentation introducing what is Diplo and what is the Geneva Internet Platform and the work we do on the local level. If you agree, we might also use it as an opportunity to make sure we know each other and the stake that we have in this project. I think in this room are close friends, close collaborators, but the others might not be aware of, house is it? What's the interlink? So we can just use it like this and take this bit informally though I will need to speak into the microphone in case some more remote participants join us.
So, welcome again. For those who don't know me, my name is Tereza. I have worked with Diplo for over 12 years and my main job is project investment and I've been the lucky one involved in the early planning of the Geneva Internet Platform project which happens to be the major project that we are involved in. It's an initiative supported by the swiss authorities and operated by Diplo foundations, so for those of you that are not aware of what is like the branding difference and the link, so this is ‑‑ so the Geneva Internet Platform is a project, but a brand that we are implementing with the kind of support of the Swiss government.
So, I am not the one that should be talking most about Geneva Internet Platform project because it's currently coordinated by my colleague who is here with us. So for those of you who don't know, this is Roxanna Radu. She's based in our Geneva office and she's the one that has taken over the given project after I have left sit zero land. So, Roxanna, because people here involved may not be aware of all the details of the project, just explain briefly what the project is about, why do we do this?
>> ROXANNA RADU: Is it working? Oh, perfect. At the Geneva Internet Platform we are providing an inclusive and neutral space for debates. And this is our main aim to have this platform that allows everyone to be engaged, to have a space for information exchange and whenever possible we try to facilitate the involvement of a multitude of stakeholders. In Geneva, quita few things are happening. 50 percent of debates are debated there and are negotiated in Geneva. From the experience we have seen so far, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to cope with the development. Small and developing countries, in particular, also have a limitation in having the resources to follow everything that is happening and this is where we are jumping in to help with providing this space. Our platform has three different pillars. The first one is the physical platform where people can meet, come to our offices and have discussions there.
Then we also have an online platform that I will talk more about. It is an observe tory. Monitoring developments on digital policy and the third one is innovation lab and here we understand innovation more as an innovative approach to government issues rather than having the tech type in the We are also trying to bring the discussions of Geneva outside, going beyond the small impact. Also fostering the participation and inclusion of new comers, this is where the global initiative is playing a key role and I think I'll stop here for the moment.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: It's great. Thank you very much, Roxanna. So it works, you hear me, right? So this is in a nutshell what is the context of the Geneva project and I with like to ask briefly two organizations that are absolutely key in supporting the work that we are doing. I would first kindly like to ask Gorge from the swiss authorities that tell us what made you start thinking about an initiative of this kind and then I would briefly like to ask Constance Bommelaer from the society which is our very exciting partner supporting the online pillar that Roxanna was introducing to explain also why ISOC is part of this.
>> JORGE: This is Jorge from the Swiss office of communications. Nice to be here, to be part of this intimate session and while I think in a way we feel as part of a team, perhaps, we are not in the day‑to‑day business of a GIP. But, we participate, of course, in the meetings of the steering committee and we were at the beginning of this story. I personally was not there, because I joined the team like two years ago, but of course, there was a gap in bringing the information in a meaningful manner to all the diplomats, all the policy makers who are dealing with digital policy.
There was a gap in a way in this field. And I think the Geneva Internet Platform really fills up that gap in a very creative manner, in a very fast evolving manner. We are very server satisfied with the work which is being done by the GIP. We think that this brings a contribution in capacity building and giving meaningful information context, rich information to all people who are dealing with these issues. I, myself am a practitioner in this field mostly of IGF setting or Euro date settings, everything which is national and Internet Governance is part of my job, especially in ICANN. And I can use the tools of the Geneva Internet Platform. They are very useful to me and whenever I see the chance, I recommend it to other not because of a marketing objective but because I think they are really there to be used and they give a very good added value. I could spend hours and hours talking about what I find so good about the work of the Geneva Internet Platform, but especially we've been following from our office because this is a effort between our ‑‑ joint effort between federal relations.
We follow more the GIP Digital Watch which is a project in partnership, especially with ISOC, and the website of the Digital Watch is something, if you don't know it, please go there and use it because it gives you very good value. Be it on more generic, more abstract topics like the relationship between SDGs and the WSIS process, albeit very specific processes.
It gives you an overview that is really hard to find in other places and the information is always contextually rich with a lot of metadata which allows you to find whatever you need even the search engine, which is something very difficult to get right is working very, very well. And, it doesn't give you irrelevant information. It gives you the quality information you need. So we are very satisfied with the work of the Geneva internet platform and we feel part of this work. So, I leave it by that and if you have any questions on how the swiss authorities are participating here, I'm happy to answer. Thank you.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Thank you very much, Jorge. You have mentioned also for your department the online filler of the work is quite important and this is where we partnered with the intent society so for those of you who are not aware of this tool, we are running an online observatory which is a one stop shop about the description, who are the politicals involved, of what the events you should be missed? Should you be following this field? You are stressing the practical value of the work we are doing and the online observatory is one of the examples where we are trying to work in direction. Constance, can I ask you to say a few words from your perspective? Constance Bommelaer from the Internet Society.
>> CONSTANCE BOMMELAER: Thank you for the invitation to say a few words about this project, which is very important. At the Internet Society, we have a mission in terms of education, capacity building infrastructure development, but of course we focus on advocacy so for us it was really a natural partnership, the Geneva Internet Platform, DiploFoundation to partner with them on this very important project. From where we stand discussions we see at the end of the day always boils down to participation, always boils down to being on an equal footing in terms of having the right resources to be able to participate in these discussions in a meaningful way, whether it's the future of the IGF, whether it's the transition for any governmental official Civil Society activists, students, simple citizen who has a stake ledge the matily in all these issues, ‑‑ legitimately in all these issues, it felt it was really the appropriate tool, as Tereza said, the one stop shop to be equipped or to have information on where to have additional information if you want to dive deep in the various topics.
I know, from experience, many missions in Geneva aren't very large. Sometimes it's one person covering four or five topics and we know from experience that especially for those delegates, it's extremely precious to have this tool so the proud to be part of this initiative with sit zero land, of course, and we ‑‑ Switzerland, of course. And we encourage you to share with whatever your stakeholder might be, it really is a resource that can be used from simple citizens to top level government dealing with Internet Governance. Thank you.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: This is coming to the core of why we wanted to put this session together. It has been resonating, Constance has been saying, Jorge, Roxanna as well about the useful or practical element of the work we are doing. One thing we have realized that on the global level, the discussion, the priorities may be a little bit different than the needs on the local level. That's where we started experimenting and that's where we will get to the colleagues that are sitting with me here in front. As you know, we are trying kind of to help everybody navigate better through the complex field of digital policy and internet governance. We do it through various ways. The online observatory is one example under the kind of Digital Watch umbrella, and if I may ask you to put a slide up, we are also doing it through the newsletter that we publish every month trying to help you understand what are the main trends that have happened in internet governance in the previous month and may be able to hook out for in the month ahead. The newsletter will be here. Please grab your copy after the session. That's one way. One channel.
The other way we do it is we organize these monthly briefings on Internet Governance, we call it. This is something we started from the very beginning of the Geneva Internet Platform project and the way it worked practically is every last Tuesday of the month at 1:00 secretary rational European time we meet in Geneva and with online participation to provide this kind of short summary. Thirty minutes expose usually delivered by our director who apologizes that he's missing this IGF, and we try to provide you, as I call it, on a silver plate an overview of everything that has mattered in Internet Governance. Because we have this online participation element, we realized that there are many people joining us from all corners of the world but for them the issues that the people may be joining us in Geneva in the room, the priorities are maybe a bit different. Privacy discussed in the European context will probably be quite different to privacy discussed in the Asian context.
Again, it's important to have this gobble context but at the same time, the discussion comes down to the local level. Then, as I said, we started experimenting. We started playing around and we have played around with this idea of establishing so‑called hubs worldwide. This is an exercise we decided to do only with trusted partners, with organizations we have already worked with. We launched ‑‑ at this moment, we have four hubs that are active. One of them is represented here by ‑‑ from indonnisha in Jacarta. We also have from the Tunisia hub, working on the menna program. And the first hub, in the Rh he is working on the IGMENA hub. And also in the Rio de Janeiro, it was implemented by ‑‑ who was with and is now in Diplo and we are very happy we stole someone from you. And we are obviously a strong base because we have a physical office here.
And the way it works is that our hubs join us for the global briefing and either before or after, depending on the time zone, which doesn't always play in our favor, try to use the format of the briefing as an opportunity to bring together the stakeholders that are involved in digital policy discussion at the local level to give it to them as an opportunity to come, to discuss the local implications of the global developments.
It works basically quite well. We obviously, as I said, we are experimenting so we have made some mistakes, we have learned from the mistakes, but I think we all share that this is a win/win opportunity. We are super proud, having you on board, and we hope that you find the work useful and we really also try to work with each hub individually to see what is the biggest added value for each hub. Because you will see soon, you will hear from and see as well, you will hear from Cindy Hamza and Fluca ‑‑ and Luca that the reasons why they are part of this may actually differ. The reasons might be different. The reasons why to join such an exercise may be different and we are hoping that also through the session, we might encourage you are appearing here or remotely, I hope that we have some people that have joined us to maybe think about using this format in localizing the discussions a little bit more.
Cindy, would you mind if we start with you? Please, go ahead.
>> CINDY NOFITRI: Thank you. So, good afternoon, colleagues, I think it's evening already. My name is Cindy Nofitri. I'm from Indonesia and currently working with the Ministry of foreign affairs, but also affiliated with the Indonesi awe IGF and I would like it share with us hosting JaKarta for several months. So earlier this year, we are proud and honored to have Mr. Johan, DiploFoundation for the second time. He visited our capital city of Jakarta and to give some lecture on internet governance but also he shared these very good initiative of the Geneva internet platform and asked to join as Jakarta hub. During that lecture, our minister of communication and IT, Mr. ‑‑ also attended the lecture. And he was very eager and keen to accept the invitation. The minister also attended and addressed the briefing that night. It was very meaningful for us.
And afterwards, there are several multistakeholders from a private sectors also CSO who, which was hosting the hub, so not only the government, but also the other stakeholders who hosted the Jakarta hub in their premise.
And what we have been doing so far in Jakarta hub as Tereza already mentioned before, that we kind of summarize several highlights of the issue and in development of governments in Geneva and we report to Geneva to share our Diplo gobblely and then during the briefing we also host a local discussion in which participants can join in NC2 discussion in one of our premises, and then afterwards, we can discuss so many issues. Mostly local but sometimes we talk about the more global development of Internet Governance.
And I think what is ‑‑ what has been very meaningful for us that from the government sector, I say the minister, he has been very supportive along the way. All of the business sectors, CSO and technical communities have been engaging very closely with the Jakarta hub and attending the discussion every month and I believe that one of the most valuable experience for Indonesi awhile doing Jakarta hub is this gives us the chance to ‑‑ this initiative was founded in 2012 and we also hosted the global IGF in Bali in 2013. However, it has been hibernating for almost two years until the GIP happened so this GIP served as platform for us to meet again and to discuss about how to plan our next national dialogue of IGF. And we were very proud to have our national IGF last month and it was attended by 400 participants, it was highest ever in our national dialogue and I think we couldn't make it unless we join the GIP and the GIP hams and we finally have one participate to see each other every month.
I think this is very useful. Demand for the history, I think we in Indonesia we have two key points of reflection from all of our experience during hosting Jakarta hub. First is that is has been served as a platform for us to see each other and discuss and find a common solution on what are we facing in internet governance in Indonesia because local dialogues rarely happens and it serves as a very about platform for us. And I believe ‑‑ a very good platform for us. I believe that it also gives us more opportunity to have a more multistakeholder approach in responding so many challenges in Internet Governance in our nation.
And the second one is the IGF ‑‑ sorry, the GIP briefing itself. I personally find it very fruitful and useful because it has been providing a platform to exchange information on internet governance globally and sometimes during the speed of information, we miss so many development. We miss so many information and this GIP can help us to capture what really matters in the development of internet governance in the global context. And also, in the other way around, Indonesia also have the opportunity to share what is our concerns, what are issues that matters in our local hubs, to a more wider and broader audience in the global GIP hub. And also to our colleagues in other hubs.
And I think also one of the important things is that we feel like we need to have a more discussion like this, not only in Indonesia and several hubs. I think some of other country also can joining, not only in the web, also have their hubs, probably. And as a way forward, ID IGF is planning to keep doing Jakarta hub and adding a schedule this Jakarta hub as our monthly discussion and we wish that everyone can join as well and this GIP so that we can broader our perspective and knowledge on the development of policy. And internally, we take note that also there has been some lack of awareness of what GIP is and how this really matters for them so it is perhaps our job in the near future to make sure that our community understand what is GIP, what are the importance of GIP for them, and how does it really matters for them and contextualize the GIP development to our local context so people can join the discussion. Yeah.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Thank you, Cindy, very much for sharing your reasons and also the work that you're doing from the ground and helping us because this is obviously something we wouldn't be able to do had from elsewhere. Over to Hamza in our hub in Tunisia so how did this come about?
>> HAMZA: Thank you very much, Tereza, for inviting me. Such a great panel. I'm really thrilled to see people in this tiny room and to share my perspective about the IGMENA local hub we have. First of all, ENA region is not Brazil or Tunisia. It has 14 countries so it is so broad so we try with the IGM program that works on IGMENA and gives capacity on local government stakeholders to try to give incentive for people to write about global policies. To try to be informers. So we have one of the biggest structures in the region and you have choose in particular Tunisia because there's a lot of activism and dynamism when it comes to local grass roots people represented by engineers, people from the private sector to come and write about relevant issues when it comes to government so we have content related to online, data protection privacy but we work as well on many other technical issues.
I think why the Geneva hub is really relevant for IGMENA because I think it is a decentralized model that really gives incentive for the grass roots communities to talk about relevant policies for them that are not sometimes relevant or heard and seen by the global policy context so what we try to do is try to link the local development to what is happening at the global level or what is happening in Geneva so our approach is to give the chance to our local community. We have one of our community leaders to speak about those relevant topics, about the internet in Tunisia so we don't only folk s on Tunisia, so we focus on other countries in the MENA region. And we try to give the chance for people from the government to come and speak, people from the private sector to come to speak, people from the Civil Society to speak about local issues and I think that has been really successful to try to bridge that linkage when it comes to the global context of policies to the local context.
The good thing is that now Tunisia is going on deeply structural changes when it comes to the Internet Governance. And the good thing is that we are doing the hub in the previous center where censorship was deployed so we do it in ATI, Tunisia technical agency that was responsible for censoring the internet in Tunisia which now has an open space for Civil Society actors to come and speak about internet governance issues. So I think we have done 5IGMENA hubs and we talk, for example, about issues that are really relevant to Geneva. We have talked about voice IP and for example, from the Moroccan perspective. From our perspective, we have talked about the cybersecurity dilemma that exists in Tunisia and the cyber billing that being drafted now in ee git and we have been localizing issues that are relevant to the region, giving incentive for people to speak about these issues and linking them to Geneva.
We have been talking about if I would link that to the IGF process, I think to see tangible change when it comes to policies at the grass roots level, you have to begin local so that's what we do in the IGF program. We try to target local communities about policies that matter to them at the ground. It's good to be here in the IGF which are networks or foundations that are too centralized. We need to find ways, or I call them intent cooperatives or intent grass roots initiatives like the one you're developing and the 1IGMENA developed to try to get insights and what people need and so I think that diversify ‑‑ diversified approach. To speak about other topics that are relevant to us, relevant to you, and we thank you very much for believing in this
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Thank you very much. That's really kind words from you. If we go, now, to Brazil. Let us say the hub has taken it to let another level because besides having Rio join us regularly every month for the monthly briefing, there was another experiment that we initiated. For the newsletter that we published that I talked about briefly, again, some of our partners remain ‑‑ really appreciate this and say, I wish we had something like this available in our local language or I wish we had something that fit more on the main topics we discuss on the local level. So okay, why not translating this? So I'm really happy that this monthly newsletter is for quita few months already is available in Portuguese. I would like to talk about it more as the Portuguese version of the newsletter, we should try to call it as the Brazilian government because again, we are trying to use the space in the newsletter. Provide us additional value that lies not only in the opportunity for the people on the ground to read it in Portuguese but also, again, to get the information about what is happening on the local level and what is of interest. But I will let Luca speak about this a little more.
>> LUCA BELLI: Thanks, Tereza. Hello, everyone. I'm Luca Belli, senior research for the center of technology and society in the area of Geneva and I'm currently coordinating the Rio hub that started such a successful partnership that decided to move to Diplo, so thank you, Diplo.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: You're welcome.
>> LUCA BELLI: As Tereza was saying, we are not only engaging monthly in the debate. We are also trying to be a sort of interface between the global level and I would say also a regional level talking about digital policies. What we're trying to do is convey the discussion to you very well we are doing in Geneva with the internet platform from a global perspective to the local, let's say, in Brazil, local perspective. But also to the regional one. We also accept contributions from other partners in countries and we also decide to have a regional hub discussion, a live meeting with also some special guests from another country. In the very beginning, we started only having Brazil society or academics or government representative joining us in the hub, hub that we have for the global one and then recently, we have started to have some special guests. Meaning that the very first time was a coincidence. We had two partners from Argentina visiting us and we invited them to speak at the hub and then we realized that it was a very good idea to have these kind of interactions, not only because it made the conversation much more interesting than discussing only Brazilian issues but also because it allowed us to have a sort of comparison with other countries.
So we tried to fortunately, or sadly, depending on your point of view. In Brazil, there is a lot of policy proposal going on very frequently, especially in past year of quite turbulent political environment so that allows us to be able to compare local policy and proposal of any type with other people from other countries. So, for instance, last month, we had a quite senior official from Costa Rica that conversations were greater than explained how they regulated Telecom market over past year and what success they had and what failures they had. It was very, very interesting for us to compare it with the current attempt to redefine the general law in Brazil because it was exactly the same topic but from a different perspective. So it has been very useful for us not only to be sort of an interface or gateway between Brazil and rest of the world, but also to convey the best practices that are debated and adopted at the global level into the national level, integrate them. For those who don't know. The center was very key prominent player so it is also very good for us to be able to convey the best practices that we have at the local level of international level. So, it is so far, it has been extremely productive. We are super happy about the partnership. Very happy to keep on having it. The only sad note is that you stole Maurilia so thank you.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: It was not meant like that. It just happens. Luca, thank you very much. You could hear from our speakers here how the contacts in their particular organization work but also the context of the country really shapes and determines what little nuances the hub would take for MENA region and for Latin America, there might be a desire to do this more regional, let's say, community building in a sense as well for Indonesia, the hub naturally developed in a different direction. You were discussing bringing more to the national IGF discussion and this was exactly what we were hoping for to provide a stool that can be used for the work of our partners. So, thank you again for your kind words. It looked like I bribed you to just say nice words, but it wasn't like that.
And we really, even on our side, we definitely value the cooperation. I would like, once more, to encourage if you think you might find a value in being part of this experiment because I would still like to call it an experiment, please talk to me. We also have some on what does it take to start a hub? What are the practicality? Because it's not difficult. Even on a technical level, I can assure you, it's not difficult and we try to apply maximum support to our hubs not to have any kind of technical pressure on them and we try to be as supportive as possible and then the kind words that you hear here proved that hopefully, this is paying off.
Now, I would just like to say briefly something about this IGF and how we are involved here. Because I am talking too much, Marilia, could I ask you that you could maybe introduce the other experiment and adventure that we are up to here at the IGF?
>> MARILIA: Sure. It's my pleasure since y'all mentioned my name so many times, I feel like I need to say something. So, another experiment that we started, the previous IGF which can which is quite an endeavor that involves a lot of engineering and people working all across the globe was the challenge to report IGF sessions. As we know, IGF is a large forum. There are many sessions happening in parallel and it's very hard to follow everything so Diplo has reviewed support from the Internet Society, from to amazing supporters that take place in IGF. They are either from the Diplo team, they see the sessions, they summarize what happened in the session from a very neutral standpoint so trying o say what was discussed and the main issues that the speakers raised, the report from each session is available online.
But when the IGF finishes at 6:00 and all of us go to our hotel what happens is the Diplo team based in Europe starts to work at midnight. They go through every report, every session in the IGF, and what they do is do not only tell us what happened in each session, they analyze each report and say what happened with the discussions of privacy in the IGF. What happened under the discussions of security in the IGF. So the issues are not summarized session by session, but by trend which gives another perspective with regards to what is being discussed in the event so this team works over night, not only the ones that go through the reports but also the ones that do the proofreading, the designing. This file is sent to us in the morning around 4:00 a.m., which is, of course, sent to the printer. There is a printing company in the Guadalajara that kindly accepted to wake up early during IGF days and to print and to have everything ready for us to pick up at 7:00 a.m. So at 7:00 a.m., usually you will receive by email if you are in one of our mailing lists.
If you are not, please subscribe to the Geneva Internet Platform mailing list or you will receive from one of us in the IGF corridor, one version of the Geneva Internet Platform initiative to do the IGF daily. So, this is quite an endeavor but we are very happy and proud to do it and the feedback we have received is that this is very useful not only to have this pan or amic view with regards to what happened, but also because all of us need to report back to our communities, to our groups, to our organizations, what happened in the IGF? And this is a vehicle that helps everyone that is present in the meeting to report back and to say what happened so we find this is a very interesting, and true element is a resource to all of you and we hope you will continue to find this relevant and that we expand to other spaces as well. We also did it in the WSIS forum so if you go online, you will see the reporting from the WSIS forum so this is something we're trying to do in different spaces when there is a man with very good feedback, so we are proud to have it and please take a copy before you go if we have not approached you yet.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Thank you very much, Marilia. That's great. So, yes, grab a copy at our booth in the morning and then make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list because on Monday after the IGF we are aiming to send out a full summary report of the full Internet Governance. Before I go over to you for any questions, concerns, I would just like to quickly introduce a few people that are sitting around the room and are absolutely crucial for the project.
So, Marilia, you know already. Now Glen and Hafath happen to be our two assistant curators for digital observatory, again, another kind of corporation that has evolved through our partnership with ISOC who, again, help us to localize the discussions that help us to contribute to our work whenever there is a context for it so they are both involved in this reporting at the IGF. Thank you for that. I would also like to introduce Serena who joined us full‑time as a member of the Diplo team this summer. And she's based in our Malta office, one of the key carators. Last but not least, and I will quickly run across the room because I don't want to forget, is Ida, who is also one of our key curators for the digital observatory and she also happens to have been assigned the reporting from this session.
So, what Ida is actually doing now, not looking at me, but she's typing like crazy not to miss a word. Is it you, Serena? You switched? Okay, sorry. So Ida was assigned so within two hours you can find the session report on our website so both Ida and Serena are really key curators. I hope there's no hiding curator here that I forgot to mention. Thank you for your attention. That's it for now. Over to you.
If you ask a question, please introduce yourself and if we have any questions from the remote participants, just indicate to me. We have two questions. One in the back then we will go to you. Thank you.
>> JIVAN: Hi. My name is Jivan. I'm the head of the Estonian mission in Geneva and sometimes researcher as well. I see there's a great value in what you do in terms of people being informed at any given moment. But I see great value and possibilities in this being a great research tool as well. And especially if you can go back to past IGFs and do the same thing that you've done for this for other IGFs and perhaps connect it with the little tabs and make a little knowledge base around this so that they can see the development of policies and development of positions. I think there was like a very interesting debate that has developed in several different places on looking back and what were the positions of actors and this. What was ‑‑ how was this policy presented? Then, this IGF during the WSIS.
And I think that we have gaps because perhaps different places have different knowledge and if you're doing this from now on, it's great that you keep doing it. But if it's possible it look at transcripts from past IGF, I know it's a big project, but worth it. Something to throw at you as a possibility. But otherwise great stuff. Really valuable stuff.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Thank you, Jivan. It's a great idea. This is the second IGF we are doing this from and we do hope we will do our best to make this sustainable in ensuring this kind of support for the future IGFs. Digging back sounds great. Maybe over the weekend.
Yeah, it is a great idea. I agree with you. Thank you. Can I ask for your question?
>> ANDREW: My name is Andrew, school of economics. Thank you for all things you're doing. It's great and amazing, of course. And I believe that after this session you will have much more ups than previously ‑‑ help than previously and personally, I will try to do something to support this. Maybe to organize the hub. We will discuss this. Just to say something, thank you very much.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Andre, that's really kind of you. Thank you very much and we would certainly be happy to discuss further the Moscow hub because in Russia ‑‑
>> We will discuss it.
>> HAFET: Thank you for this occasion to let us discuss about the differentiation. In fact, I'm impressed about this small ‑‑ I can say that working days and night, and I really wanted to see such inspiring, let's say, engine, who is great and a kind of knowledge. And they think that based on the fact that kind of work and the acts of collaboration between north and south for the region, based on the sustainability of SDG number 17, which is collaboration with different, let's say, small cells creating knowledge, you know that we have a big vision, which is knowledge creation. So we still miss content in Ar abic. All the internet, when it comes to content in Arabic so I think it's great to see, how can we collaborate? We know that your resources are limited but you're doing a good job and we see that DiploFoundation is impacting Tunisia in the grass roots. And we hope that in the future, we see, somehow collaboration.
I heard today that you are translating the content from English to Portuguese. Why not expand it to Arabic because it's one of the engines that many and many technical staff, academics, et cetera are working on and wishing how to create in the future. Version, a kind of curriculum when it comes to Internet Governance in our University, to help our student with this skills of Internet Governance and depth engine for outreach and to help under small Internet Governance.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Thank you. Thank you, Hafet. Thank you and we certainly would like to discuss how to spill this over. Shita was in Indonesia.
>> SHITA LAKSMI: Thank you. Actually, the same from the gentleman. I'm kind of envy that Luca has access to translate the hub into Portuguese. We understand from the next people we're access through the internet are non‑native speakers, so I think it would be very nice if the GIP have also been translated into the other languages. I think in Indonesia we have discussion about making it into regional ones, Asia or Asia Pacific because we don't have resources as well to do that. We are so focused on ourselves so not focused on others so it would be nice to start the discussions with dip low whether to spread them out into more bigger countries as well. Thank you.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: This sounds also encouraging. Thank you, and we certainly would like to continue in this conversation. Are there any other questions a the this moment? So, if not, then I suggest you get your agendas out now, and note down Thursday 7:00 p.m. local time in bilateral room 1, that's its biggest bilateral room. So not the workshop room, but the bilateral room. We have a kind of informal gathering of Diplo alumni. Diplo alumni is currently over 5,000 people, but we will not have that many. It's more exclusive meeting unfortunately only for those of us here where we would like to get together. I can promise some wine and refreshments and we will connect it with the launch of the new addition of the introduction to Internet Governance book.
Some of you may be familiar with the book which is kind of our signature publication and introductory text on Internet Governance. So, we have worked hard to, certify even, and that has really been instrumental in these efforts supporting the main author, Jovan Corbalia, our director in completing the seventh edition of this book in time for the IGF. The book has been up until now translated in ten languages. For this year, we have managed only in English, and by the way, translated in Spanish. So tomorrow, we will be launching it officially. Everybody, unless there are 5,000 people coming, will get a copy of the book. So, please join us tomorrow. Otherwise, just you know, to quickly touch the base on some of the other sessions that we will be part of and here, I will ask my colleagues to compliment, because I know you're speaking in other sessions which I might not be over.
But super quickly, tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning we will have a workshop in observatories where we will be discussing with some of the other online observatory initiatives with how we work together and trying to get feedback from the community of what the demands actually are, so it's tomorrow at 9:00. On Friday, we will be involved ‑‑ well, let's stick to Thursday. Mareiia, Roxanna, Serena, any sessions you would like to quickly point out because we have about four minutes left.
>> Thank you, sorry, again. Tomorrow, I think from 12 or 1,215.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Any address sessions on Thursday or Friday?
>> There is a session tomorrow on cyber norms in the afternoon. I will be speaking and we will discuss how to make a closer connection between security discussions and Internet Governance. How to bridge the gap.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Excellent. Roxanna, there will be two sessions on Friday. One of them will be on how to assure multistakeholder legitimacy. It will be kind of a working type of session, workshop, and I'll be involved in moderating one of the group discussions so join us. It should be quite creative. Last but not least, there is an open forum of Indonesia. Cindy, would you like to say a few words?
>> Sure. We are proud to have our first forum on Friday, December 9, 2016 at 1:30 I believe in workshop seven. We will discuss democracy and we are glad to have Riza as one of our panelists and hope to see you there.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: So I hope we haven't forgotten anything. Stay tuned. Sub vibe to our mailing list through that channel, you get all the information because there is a lot going on. Thank you for all the support. If there is anything else ‑‑
>> Yeah, I just want to add something. So we have been engaged in the region. Special thanks to Hanane Boujemi who is here with us. Thank you.
>> TEREZA HOREJSOVA: Thank you very much everybody for spending here the last session on day three, or day 2, actually. But, you know, third day of this very busy week. We really hope to see you all tomorrow. I suggest you also look into Glen's amazing clicker sight for a future photo coverage of this year's Internet Governance. If you're looking for some nice photos, this is the place to go. Thank you and have a good evening. See you tomorrow. Thank you guys.
(Session was concluded at 5:58 p.m. CST)