This year the Steering Committee of the Internet Rights & Principles Coalition, an IGF dynamic coalition, is focusing on Article 5 (Freedom of Expression & Information on the Internet), Article 18 (Right to Legal Remedy and Fair Trial for actions involving the Internet) and Article 19 (Right to Appropriate Social and International Order for the Internet) of the IRPC Charter and highlighting issues such as the protection of the rights of refugees and displaced people online or cybercrime.
The IRPC SC also welcomes further collaborations with other initiatives and organisations on these and other issues, including environmental sustainability, AI and Human Rights.
*IRPC Recent Activities*
April 28-29: Council of Europe online event on Freedom of Expression and Political Speech
May 14: YOUthDIG Webinar
June 1-2: Council of Europe's 21st CDMSI Plenary Meeting
June 2: SwissIGF and the launch of the CODES Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age at Stockholm +50
June 2: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) Research meeting on Human Rights