BPF Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) - (2019)

Best Practices (for policy and business to enhance justified trust in IoT, Big Data, AI applications and to stimulate their use and uptake to address societal challenges that otherwise would be more difficult to address.

The 2019 edition of the Best Practice Forum focused on trust in applications that combine IoT, Big Data and AI technologies for addressing societal challenges. The BPF identified policy questions related to trust in the use of IoT, Big Data and AI technologies to solve societal challenges, and collected best practices to address them.  The BPF built on the BPF 2018 that focussed on fostering the multistakeholder dialogue in field of IoT, Big Data, AI in an Internet context.

BPF Report

IGF2019 BPF IoT, Big Data, AI final output


I. Introduction

II. Opportunities:  IoT, Big Data, AI to address societal chalenges

III. Policy Challenges

1. Enhancing Trust in IoT, Big Data, AI 

2. Stimulate the Use and Uptake 

3. Collection and Use of Data



BPF IoT, Big Data, AI  workshop at IGF2019

Thursday 28 November 

Agenda and report  /  Recording



Preparatory Process

Draft output

IGF2019 BPF IoT, Big Data, AI draft report: link BPF report (.pdf)


Draft Work Plan

MAG accepted proposal BPF work 2019

Phase I: Scoping the work of the 2019 BPF   [March/April]

  • Identifying a select number of priority policy challenges 
  • Survey launch

Phase II:  Thematic discussions  [May/June]

  • Thematic discussions on policy challenges and best practices to address them

Phase III: Preparing the BPF output

  • Drafting BPF report   [July/Aug]
  • Review draft BPF Report [Sept]
  • Draft BPF report published for community input  [Sept/Oct/Nov]

Phase IV:  BPF IoT, Big Data, AI workshop at IGF 2019    

Publication final BPF output   [December 2019]

Participate / BPF mailing list 

Participation in the work of the BPF IoT-Big Data-AI is free and open to all interested. Please subscribe to the mailing list to keep track of the latest developments.

Subscribe to this BPF mailing list:  https://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/aiiotbd_intgovforum.org

Meeting Summaries and Announcements:


BPF IoT, Big Data, AI workshop at the IGF 2019, Berlin, Germany

  • Thursday 28 November at 11:30-13:00 (10:30am - 12:00pm UTC) 

IGF Code of Conduct