National and Regional IGF Initiatives
- Virtual Meetings I and II: 16 and 17 January 2017 -
1. Due to participation challenges depending on different time zones, the Secretariat hosted two meetings on the same agenda, in earlier and later UTC hours. The first meeting took place on 16 January 2017 at 16:00 pm UTC, while the second one was hosted on 17 January 2017 at 09:00 am UTC. This documents refers to the first meeting as to the Meeting M1, and to the second one as to Meeting M2. This summary report reflects the key points raised by the participants at both meetings.
2. The Meeting was hosted by Ms. Anja Gengo, the IGF Secretariat’s Focal Point for the NRIs. Agenda is attached to this document as Appendix A1 and a list of Meeting Participants as Appendix A2. Appendix A3 includes a list of other relevant documents, as referenced in this report.
3. Participants introduced themselves stating which NRIs they are affiliated with, and were asked to share any updates on their Initiatives’ activities and future plans.
4. The Host explained that the purpose of this call is for the NRIs to provide feedback on the IGF 2016 community intersessional work and annual meeting, with focusing on the NRIs related activities.
5. Host shared the agenda with everyone. It was asked for the following discussion items to be added under the Any other Business agenda item (AoB): ICANN57 meetings in regards to organizing an informal gathering for the NRIs; to consider if the coverage of the NRIs on the global IGF website can be further developed in line with coordinating the NRIs inputs to the IGF community intersessional work, in a form of a narrative on the IGF website. Two initiatives asked to share updates from feedback to the IGF meetings they had at your initiatives. The agenda with these additions, was unanimously adopted. Note that during the discussion, all added items, except the ICANN 58 that was discussed under the AoB, were discussed during first and second agenda items, following the logics of the discussion.
6. It was clarified that, on the NRIs mailing list, two invitations for feedback came from the Secretariat. This one, that is a subject of these two virtual meetings, looks into the annual IGF meeting and the related preparatory work, with focusing mostly on the NRIs work, while the second one called for inputs on the substantive support the NRIs would need from the Secretariat and the MAG. Inputs from these two meetings will be incorporated into NRIs joint submission document for Taking Stock. After this, the Host asked participants to provide feedback on the overall organization of the NRIs sessions, and suggestions for improvements.
- NRIs main session feedback
7. Participants agreed that this session was a good start for the NRIs to present their work to the wider IGF community. It was emphasized that this session showcased that the NRIs have many quality inputs to offer to the global IGF, making its content being more comprehensive.
8. Many participants compared the 2016 NRIs work with the previous years, noting that that this year (2016) was a major turn for the NRIs in terms of their visibility to the IGF community.
9. In line with stressing that the main session was a major step forward for the NRIs, and that it should be called for another one in 2017, it was advised that the 2017 NRIs session should be more interactive, with potentially fewer speakers, focused on specific questions and themes.
It was noted by some, that the national IGFs are independent and they do not report to regionals it was suggested that, instead of limiting the number of speakers, other options be explored ( e.g. limitation of time, dividing the session into more than one day).
10. Further with explaining that no one should be excluded from speaking at the session, a comparison was made to the ICANN GAC sessions, where not everyone are allowed to speak. One participants, however, stressed that these two entities cannot be compared, as the NRIs sessions are not of a decision making nature, but they are discussions focused on sharing experiences.
11. It was agreed that the session will need a round table approach.
12. While discussing the potential logistics of the 2017 main session for the NRIs, remarks were made toward the new venue at Palais de Nations in Geneva, with some participants explaining that this year it will be more practical to organize the session, as the venue is well known to them. Additionally, many of the MAG members affiliated with the NRIs, will be able to visit the meeting rooms during the MAG Meeting and report back.
- NRIs engagement, coordination session, booth
13. Many colleagues stated that the Secretariat had a good communication with the NRIs through dedicated Focal Point. A special recognition by many was given to Ms. Marilyn Cade, that acted as a substantive coordinator for the past two years.
14. In regards to the NRIs intersessional work, it was noted that it was an inclusive process, done through many public calls for inputs and feedback, surveys, rounds of public consultations and focused virtual meetings. This showed to be different than previously and effective, as NRIs coordinators and the community had multiple opportunities to get involve and contribute to the overall process. The sense of a community was developed.
15. In line with noting that there is a good regular communication and collaboration between the NRIs and the IGF, some participants asked for establishing some shapes of coordination between the regional and national IGFs. This was followed by calling for strengthening the engagement between the national IGFs themselves. Some participants stressed that having presence of the UN IGF at their annual meetings is important.
16. Following the above mentioned, many participants supported the idea of the NRIs organizing sets of flash sessions at the 2017 annual IGF meeting. An example of the IGF-USA organizing a 30-mintes longs ‘scenario’ sessions at some of the previous IGF annual meetings, was given. It was said that this session created a bond between their initiative and the Russian IGF, that resulted in mutual visits to their meetings, and for several years they had a continuous practice of exchanging views. From this example, it could be learned that these 30-minutes long sessions were a way for two IGF initiatives to partner one with each other. The proposal to think deeper about this suggestion, and to suggest to the 2017 MAG to support the NRIs having these types of sessions was welcomed by many participants.
17. Some participants noted that the MAG members should be actively engaging with the NRIs from their country/region.
18. Many of the NRIs noted that the Toolkit, that was developed in a bottom up process, is very important for the upcoming IGFs. It is a significant change within the NRIs community, as it lays foundations for each of the initiatives.
19. Many participants emphasized that it was very useful for the NRIs to organize the booth, as a meeting point for all NRIs, but also as an info-point for all interested in their work.
20. Many stated that the Host Country was very friendly and flexible as an organizers toward participants, especially when it was requested for extra facilities.
21. With noting that the awareness about the NRIs work is now much higher, it was stated that the NRIs should explore ways on how to engage more with the IGF community intersessional work.
22. One of the challenges ahead of all of us, is maximizing the participation of the NRIs both within the NRIs preparatory work and the annual meeting itself. Good basis for this have been created.
23. The NRIs booth was a good idea, as it allowed many of the NRIs to meet in person, exchange experiences, but also for many other stakeholders to ask for more information about the NRIs. As a meeting point, it should be maintained as a practice. However, many noted that it will need to be supported with more facilities, such are: NRIs related publications, flyers, coffee, etc.
24. Some shared ideas on having the NRIs wearing colour ribbons, so that other interested stakeholders could connect with them.
25. It was advices that the Secretariat should pay attention to balancing the NRIs sessions within the IGF schedule, as many of the similar topics or high-interest sessions (like BPFs sessions) overlapped with the NRIs session, that affected the total number of participants in audience.
26. An idea called ‘Meet the NRIs’ was shared. It was explained that this is an idea that dates from the last year, where all NRIs would submit a short description and basic information about their initiatives, that could be compiled and formatted into one publication, to be exposed at the boot, but also to be published at the UGF website, to support promoting the NRIs.
27. The NRIs coordinating session was a very important and a good meeting. However, giving the scale of contributions and level of interest, everyone would benefited more if there was a bigger room.
- Youth IGF
28. While discussing the Youth IGFs, it was said that the Youth IGF programme should be more supported. It was suggested to have more flash sessions for Youth IGF, that could share their experiences on how to organize their Youth IGFs.
29. It was suggested that, similarly as the IGF has gender report cards, to have those types just on Youth.
30. One participant shared the update from their national IGF, where they have scheduled a meeting regarding their feedback on the IGF 2016. It was noted that the NRIs main session and other activities resulted in more stakeholder wanting to engage in this national IGF, as there is now public understanding that the global IGF recognizes and appreciates the NRIs.
31. It was noted that informal gathering of the NRIs will be organized at the upcoming ICANN 58 meeting in Copenhagen, schedule to be from 11-16 March 2017. Details will be distributed timely through the NRIs mailing list.
Next Steps
32. The Secretariat will summarize the key suggestions raised during the meetings and will distribute the Summary Report through the NRIs mailing list.
33. Next meeting: The Secretariat will communicate with the NRIs on this matter.
34. For any suggestions or questions regarding the Report, kindly contact the IGF Secretariat’s NRIs Focal Point at: [email protected]
MEETING AGENDA: National and Regional IGF Initiatives
Virtual Meetings I and II: 16 January at 09:00 am UTC, and 17 January 2017 at 16:00 pm UTC
- Welcome and introductions
- Taking Stock of the IGF 2016 programme - what worked well and what not so well?:
a) Community Intersessional Work: preparatory process with accent on the NRIs preparatory process
b) IGF Annual Meeting: Feedback on logistics, settings and content of the meeting with accent on the NRIs activities - How to improve the IGF 2017, with accent on the NRIs processes?
- AoB
MEETING PARTICIPANTS ( both meetings, in alphabetical order):
- Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, IGF Chad
- Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat
- Daniel Macias, IGF 2016 Host Country, Government of Mexico
- David Ng, Asia Pacific Youth IGF and Hong Kong Youth IGF
- Fotjon Kosta, IGF Albania
- Izumi Okutani, IGF Japan
- Jennifer Chung, Asia Pacific IGF
- Judith Hellerstein, Washington DC ISOC, USA-IGF
- Julian Casasbuenas, IGF Colombia
- Juuso Moisander, IGF Finland
- Lianna Galstyan, IGF Armenia and SEEDIG
- Maheeshwara Kirinidgoda, IGF Sri Lanka
- Marilyn Cade, USA-IGF
- Mark Carvell, IGF UK
- Mary Uduma, IGF Nigeria
- Oksana Prykhodko, IGF Ukraine
- Olivier Kouami, IGF Nigeria
- Renata Aquino Ribeiro, LAC IGF
- Shita Laksmi, IGF Indonesia
- Shreedeep Rayamajhi, Nepal observer
- Sindy Nur Fitri, IGF Indonesia
- Stefano Trumpy, IGF Italy
IGF Community Public Consultation: Call for Inputs - Taking stock of the 2016 work program and 11th IGF and suggestions for 2017 and 12th IGF: