NRIs Virtual Meeting VIab, 23 and 27 May 2016


National and Regional IGF Initiatives: Planning the IGF 2016 Substantive Session

- Virtual Meeting VI: 23 and 29 May 2016 -



1. The sixth virtual planning meeting for the National and Regional IGF Initiatives’ (NRIs) Substantive Session at the IGF 2016, took place on 23 May 2016. Due to the challenges of different time zones, the Secretariat, in agreement with the Substantive Coordinator and the NRIs coordinators, decided to host two virtual meetings on the same subject agenda, but in different times, for the purposes of the coordinators and members of the Asia Pacific region to join the meetings in appropriate hours. Thus, two meetings with the same agenda were held: Monday, 23 May 2016, at 14:00 p.m. UTC, [referred to as Meeting 1 in this document ] while the second meeting was Friday, 29 May 2016 at 8:00 a.m. UTC [referred to as Meeting 2 in this document].

2. Both meetings were hosted by Ms. Anja Gengo from the IGF Secretariat and moderated by Ms. Marilyn Cade, MAG Member and Substantive Coordinator of the planning process for the NRI substantive session at IGF 2016, invited by the 2016 MAG Chair, Ms. Lynn St. Amour.

3. The agenda is attached to this document as Appendix A1 and a list of Meeting Participants as Appendix A2. Appendix A3 includes a list of other relevant documents, as explained in this report.




4. Participants introduced themselves stating which NRI they are affiliated with, and were asked to share any updates on their Initiative’s activities and future plans. Participants of newly formed [or referred to as: ‘in formation’ initiatives] were asked to briefly describe their initiative. During this meeting, a coordinator of recently established Central Asian sub-regional IGF briefly updated the participants on the organization of their Initiatives planned annual meeting. Opening remarks: Chair of the 2016 Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) during Meeting 1: Ms. Lynn St. Amour

5. At the invitation of the Substantive Coordinator, the 2016 MAG Chair, Ms. Lynn St. Amour participated and welcomed the participants by thanking them for actively contributing to the development of the IGF 2016 intersessional work, as well as for contributing to the overall IGF processes. The Chair emphasized the importance of the NRIs to be actively involved in the overall IGF processes, as it is crucial to have active voices from all parts of the world.

6. The Chair presented a summary of her remarks from the CSTD annual meeting, held in Geneva from 9 to 13 May. She stressed that an extended point on the importance of the NRI’s has been made both in her comments, and also by the IGF Secretariat, Chengetai Masango, in his comments.

7. The need for the IGF engagement with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was emphasized in line with the NRI’s crucial role in these processes.

8. Participants were informed that prioritizing linkages between the IGF and other entities or forums related to the Internet Governance was addressed during the CSTD week, as well.

9. The need for continuation of the work on the Connecting the Next Billion- Phase II (CNB II), was explained in line with the need for the NRI’s to send their feedback. It was noted that in Connecting the Next Billion 2015, the 22 contributions from the NRIs formed a major portion of the total submissions.

10. Participants were informed that this year CNB II project will be more focused on how to leverage the impact of the last year’s outcomes on national and regional level.

11. The Chair reminded the participants that the UNDESA launched a Retreat on Advancing the 10-Year Mandate of the Internet Governance Forum, as announced on the IGF website [Attached as Appendix A3]. It was pointed out that the main purpose of the proposed Retreat is to expand the horizons in the new ten year long mandate of the IGF. The participants were encouraged to submit their inputs and contribute in their NRIs capacities within their respective communities.

12. The Chair concluded her remarks by stressing that the existence and close work with the national and regional IGFs is crucial if we want to make a difference in the world. Participants were advised that there will be an online contribution process for the Retreat; as well as a segment of the Open Consultation Day of the MAG meeting in July, and NRIs were encouraged to submit their suggestions on how the MAG and the Secretariat can help their work as well as to send their feedback on the overall IGF activities and the way how the overall planning and implementing process should be improved. Opening remarks: Program and Technology Manager of the IGF Secretariat during both Meetings: Mr. Chengetai Masango

13. On behalf of the IGF Secretariat, Mr. Chengetai Masango emphasized the importance of the NRIs to the IGF processes and intersessional work.

14. It was noted that the Secretariat will make additional efforts in order to support the work of the NRIs in line with making them more visible to the wider Internet governance (IG) community. Mr. Masango briefly updated on the updates being undertaken for the IGF website.

15. The support for the Chair’s statement on the importance of the NRI’s to be involved in the proposed Retreat was expressed. In line with this support, it was explained that the Retreat is highly important as it will be opportunity to address the questions on how to shape the IGF intersessional activities during the next ten years.

16. Participants were advised that it is proposed to invite 35 people in total to attend the Retreat. The reasons for this number are of a purely practical nature with the goal to have a constructive meeting.

17. Specifically, the possibilities for the NRI’s active involvement in the proposed Retreat were explained. In addition, the Secretariat discussed the plans for an open online consultation. Participants were encouraged to submit a written input to the Secretariat, to be gathered in a synthesis document. This synthesis paper will be a direct input to the Retreat and the discussion will be developed around it.

18. This proposal was welcomed by the Substantive Coordinators and by the majority of the participants on the Call. Further steps for the coordination of this process of aggregating inputs will be conducted.

19. Mr. Masango stressed that the process of developing a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the proposed Retreat is ongoing and should be finalized shortly. By the time of publishing this report, the FAQs are published on the IGF website [attached as Appendix A3].

20. In his closing remarks, Mr. Masango once again invited all representatives of the NRIs to actively participate in all intersessional activities of the IGF and to continue sending their suggestions for improvements.


NRIs 2016 Substantive Session

21. Since the Public Call for Suggestions for organizing the 2016 Substantive Session was sent out a month ago, the first gathered results were announced on a call, as it follows:

• Number of inputs received. 22 inputs were received by the time of a Call. It was noted that the process of submitting inputs was still ongoing. • Format of the session. The majority of the responses proposed round table as a format of the session.

• Content of the session. Received inputs were summarized into main points, following what the majority indicated:  

   · To understand what are biggest concerns in each region

   · To understand what are the issues addressed at other NRIs meetings (to identify what are the challenges and good practices)

   · To identify what are the most outstanding issues for 2016 year

   · To hear NRIs experiences (regarding the most challenging issues, involved stakeholder groups, gender representation, youth representation, participants, partners, sponsors, agenda, overall management)

   · How the NRIs view their links to the global IGF?

   · Do NRIs get political attention and how they use social media?

• Some of the participants proposed individual topics to be addressed as it follows (note that the proposed topics are being moved to this report in its original form, as they were proposed):

1. Digital trust

2. Presentation: the status of places of safety infrastructure and individuals on the Internet in Benin

3. Connected The offline;

4. Access To the universal service in rural areas,

5. The Present, the Future of the Internet

6. Internet and Sustainable Development;

7. Creation and Development of Local Content

8. What Legal status for National and Regional initiative.

9. The Young people and the ecosystem of the Internet Governance;

10. Internet and sustainable development

11. Open, easy access for all 

12. Freedom of internet,

13. Digital opportunity and minimize divide,

14. Secure internet,

15. Innovation and new applications

16. Child Safety

17. The attack on privacy through the introduction of a mandatory authorization. Many public services and social networks under the way of so-called protection from fraud and theft of passwords of access;

18. Threading through directives and laws to protect intellectual property of state control over information resources and electronic media.

• Creation of a Working Group/Focus group: Majority of the responses supported the organization of a Work/Focus Group to support the organization of the Substantive Session.

• Booth. Majority of the responses welcomed the idea of organizing a Booth for the NRIs by the NRIs. However, there was one proposal that suggested that the Booth should be organized in conjunction with IGFSA. During the Call, the Substantive Coordinator explained that this will not be feasible as the IGFSA has different work activities than the NRIs.

- Some indicated that Booth is useful for regionals but not for national IGFs.

- One proposal suggested to organize booths per regions.

- It was noted by EuroDIG and Netherlands IGF that they are traditionally organizing their own booths and can’t be included in the organization of one joint booth for all NRIs. The discussion on this subject was developed as summarized below.


Organization of the NRIs Booth at the IGF 2016

22. The Participants agreed that it is crucial to think about the necessity of the Booth and its purpose.

23. Some of the Participants pointed out that the Booth will be excellent opportunity to highlight all the work that has been done by now. It was noted that the organization itself is very specific, as it requires the coordination of more than 60 NRIs teams.

24. It was suggested to leave this agenda item for further discussion, during the next virtual meeting, while at the same time proposing that the participants should also think about developing a potential agenda for organization of the Booth. One proposal was made for the booth schedule to be made in accordance to the regional representation of the NRis per day [for example, representatives from one region can be in charge for one day] however, no decision was taken regarding this suggestion. Involvement of the NRIs in Connecting the Next Billion- Phase II

25. The Participants were reminded that the IGF will continue with the work on the second phase of the Connecting the Next Billion - Phase II project.

26. One participant raised the concern of a practical impact of the last year’s very important produced paper on the CNB. It was pointed out that the questions of its impact, how it was disseminated and what influence it made, should be addressed to the IGF. Answers to these questions will be valuable lessons from experience for this year’s more effective continuation of work.

27. A participant representing UK Government stated that the UK Government is very supportive about the development of the CNB project, but that the whole community must focus on how the produced outcome suggestions will be implemented and on how such recommendations will be used by the wider community.

28. In line with previous, it was suggested that the NRIs could be the key players when it comes about measuring the impact of the CNB work. The participant added that it would be useful to hear some stories of a successful use/implementation of the produced CNB document from last year. NRIs and SDGs

29. The discussion was developed on how the NRIs could contribute to the overall development of the UN 2030 Agenda regarding the defined Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

30. It was suggested that the NRIs should be better introduced to the basic terms and notions of the SDGs. A potential way to do this could be to organize a briefing in a form of a webinar and to disseminate it to the NRIs. The Substantive Coordinator committed to resubmit information from the recently launched Global Connect Initiative as an informational document.

31. On the above mentioned webinar, it was suggested by some participants that a written publications reflecting the overall work and engagement of the NRIs is needed. It can be formatted as a video as well. This was subsequently further discussed by the IGF Secretariat and Substantive Coordinator and will be responded to in a next meeting. Who will attend ICANN 56 in Helsinki?

32. The Secretariat has launched the doodle poll in order to gather information from the NRIs colleagues on who will attend the ICANN 56 meeting, scheduled to be in Helsinki, Finland from 27-30 June 2016, noting that the IGF Secretariat will be represented by Mr. Chengetai Masango, and that the Substantive Coordinator, Ms. Marilyn Cade will both be attending. The purpose of this is to determine if it is possible to organize an informal meeting of the NRIs colleagues, as it was done at ICANN55. The results of the poll were announced, with for now, 13 participants that confirmed they will attend. The NRIs Substantive Coordinator took the responsibility of further organization of this meeting. Updates on this will be sent to the coordinators mailing list. Next Steps

33. The Secretariat will summarize the key suggestions raised during two meetings and will distribute the meeting summary during the week of 30 May.

34. The Secretariat will also follow up regarding the written request made by the Substantive Coordinator to the MAG for an extension until June 8, for comments on the draft 3 page document: Connecting the Next Billions: Phase II, which is the work plan and timeline.

35. Next meeting: The Secretariat will distribute the Doodle poll for the members of the NRIs to cast the votes for the best time slots for the two virtual calls, during the week of 9 June.

36. For any suggestions or questions regarding the Report, kindly contact the Secretariat at: [email protected] or [email protected].




AGENDA: National and Regional IGF Initiatives Planning the IGF 2016 Substantive Session: Virtual Meetings VI: 23 and 29 May 2016

1. Introduction with informal comments from 'in formation' Initiatives to introduce themselves

2. Overview of the received inputs for planning the IGF2016 Substantive Session

3. Discussion of next steps for planning the IGF2016 Substantive Session

4. IGF2016: firming up concept of a booth

5. Intersessional engagement for NRIs in the 'Policy options for Connecting the Next Billion - Phase II'

6. Discussion about briefing on SDGs and implications for NRIs

7. Feedback from the doodle poll of who is attending the ICANN56 Meeting in Helsinki and potential informal gathering

8. AOB




  1. Abdel Bachar Bong Brahim, IGF Chad
  2. Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, IGF Sri Lanka 
  3. Ali Hussain, IGF Pakistan (under formation) 
  4. Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat 
  5. Artem Goryainov, Central Asia IGF
  6. Brian Gutterman, IGF Secretariat 
  7. Chengetai Masango, IGF Secretariat
  8. Christine Arida, Arab IGF and North African IGF
  9. Eleonora Anna Mazzucchi, IGF Secretariat 
  10. Fotjon Kosta, IGF Albania (under formation) 
  11. Janvier Ngnoulaye, Cameroon
  12. Juuso Moisander, MAG Member; IGF Finland,
  13. Kary Fong, Macao IGF
  14. Lianna Galstyan, IGF Armenia; SEEDIG
  15. Lynn St. Amour, MAG Chair 
  16. Maheeshwara  [details to be identified due to audio issues] 
  17. Makane Faye, African IGF
  18. Marilyn Cade, MAG member; IGF USA
  19. Mark Carvell, MAG Member; Commonwealth IGF
  20. Matias Jackson, IGF  Uruguay
  21. Michael Oghia, Turkey, observer 
  22. Miguel Ignacio Estrada, MAG Member, IGF Argentina
  23. Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, MAG Member
  24. Sorina Teleanu, SEEDIG
  25. Yannis Li, Asia Pacific regional IGF 
  26. Yulia Morentes, Youth IGF movement 



- Report on the Implementation of the Outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). 2015 Input from the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

Available here:

- Call for participating at the Retreat on Advancing the 10-Year Mandate of the Internet Governance Forum

Available here:

- Retreat FAQs

Available here: