NRIs Meeting XV



- Virtual Meeting XV, 28 November 2017, 16:00 p.m. UTC -



  1. The 15th virtual meeting of the National, Regional and Youth IGF Initiatives (NRIs), took place on 28 November 2017 at 16:00 p.m. UTC.
  2. The meeting was hosted by the IGF Secretariat’s NRIs Focal Point. Agenda is attached to this document as Annex A1 and a list of Meeting Participants as Annex A2. The list of share documents is attached to this report as Annex A3.
  3. The Host asked the participants to review the shared agenda for its final approval. The agenda was adopted as presented (Annex A1).

Summary of key points

  1. The IGF Secretariat’s Associate Information Systems Officer, has joined the meeting to explain how the System for Meeting Interventions functions, with noting that it will be used during the 12th annual IGF meeting. All participants were direct to this link, where there are options to raise hand up or down, depending if a participant wants to intervene or remove the initially requested intervention.
  2. The Host shared the setup of the room where the NRIs main session will be hosted (Annex A3.1).
  3. After sharing the draft sample of the NRIs 4-info pager and a poster (Annex A3.2 and Annex A3.3), all participants were invited to share feedback on a design and content of both.
  4. The Host explained that the currently shared 4-pages needs to be updated in terms of the number of the NRIs annual meetings and recognized NRIs. It was explained that it will reflect only the recognized NRIs, as per the IGF’s website.
  5. From Bolivia IGF, it was advised that after the needed updates are made, a working version could be sent to the NRIs, for potential translation.
  6. It was agreed that there should be consistency between all NRIs related documents, regarding the color scheme that is used to illustrate the national, regional and youth IGF initiatives. It was agreed to use red color for regional and subregional IGFs; blue for nationals and green for youth IGFs. For the NRIs map, it was said that a legend should be added.
  7. Some participants suggested to have the size of the print versions be bigger, both for the 4-pager and for the poster. It was proposed to have A1 or A0, instead of a proposed A4 format.
  8. From EuroDIG, it was advised to have two or three different posters, that will reflect the NRIs records and global spread, but also the collaborative sessions. In addition, it was advised to have a printed sample of the NRIs Toolkit and the Youth Engagement at the IGF publication, presented at the booth. Leaflets could be also presented containing the information where these publications can be found at the IGF website.
  9. There was a proposal from the IGF-USA, to have one poster with only the NRIs map on it.
  10. Coordinator from EuroDIG expressed this initiative’s potential willingness to cover the costs for printing these info materials. The Host and the present participants thanked the coordinator. It was agreed that the related planning logistics will continue after this meeting.
  11. The Host has shared the schedule for the NRIs joint booth, indicating that only few slots have been reserved (Annex A3.4). All NRIs participants were encouraged to volunteer to spend some time at the booth, as it shown to be a very effective practice last year at the IGF 2016 meeting.
  12. A presentation that showcases the nature and records of the NRIs network, and that will be used for the opening of the NRIs main session, was shared with the participants (Annex A3.5). All participants were asked to comment on its content, structure and design, with noting that the records need to be updated.
  13. Participants agreed that a reference to the NRIs Toolkit should be added in the presentation (possibility to be placed on the 3rd slide).
  14. Regarding the status of the remote hubs, the Host reported that only four NRIs have registered their remote hubs, which is a significantly low number compared to last year’s record. Everyone were encouraged to reconsider organizing the remote hubs for following the NRIs related sessions, and other of interest.
  15. The Host explained what is the purpose of the NRIs Coordination Session. It was reminded that for the first time, the NRIs hosted this session at the 2016 IGF in Mexico. Its main purpose was to gather the NRIs, the MAG Chair, IGF Secretariat and the UNDESA representatives in one place, to reflect the work of the NRIs, identify challenges and look into the ways for collaboration. After this, all NRIs were invited to share their inputs for the structure and agenda of this session that will happen during the IGF 2017 meeting.
  16. From the IGF-USA, one member advised that the coordination session, as an excellent opportunity for the NRIs to meet and exchange good practices, should try addressing substantive topics of interest that could be the NRIs focus for the IGF 2018, taken from their 2017 programmes and plannings for 2018 year. In addition, a remark was shared that this depends solely on the NRIs decisions as they are truly bottom up and independent initiatives. It was advised that this session should be less formal, and that it should have a working character with treating all present participants equally.
  17. Another member of the IGF-USA, shared inputs regarding the structure and potential agenda for the coordination session. It was proposed for the session to be divided into two sections. The first section will allow for 10 minutes long introduction reflecting the so far made NRIs progress, with allowing comments from the UNDESA, IGF Secretariat and the MAG Chair on the relevant matters from their point of view. The second segment, to be approximately 45 minutes long, will focus on the planning activities of the NRIs for the IGF 2018. Within this segment, 30 minutes will be reserved for the interventions from the NRIs coordinators (limited to 5 minutes maximum), and the rapporteurs will have up to 10 minutes to present final key messages from this session.
  18. Coordinator from the APrIGF noted that this session at the IGF 2016 meeting, was very informative, effective and beneficial for the NRIs. It was said that the APrIGF does not intend to speak for the NRIs for the region, but to share good practices from this regional IGF initiative. An agreement was shared with the IGF-USA’s proposal to have a structured session.
  19. Coordinator from the Colombia IGF has noted that the session was structured well last year at the 2016 IGF. It was advised to look at what are the projections of the NRIs, and how the NRIs can bring local inputs to the IGF, and vice versa.
  20. On behalf of the African IGF, the coordinator said that the onsite support by the IGF Secretariat is important for the NRIs, and that this should be an agenda item for this session. This was supported by several NRIs present at the meeting, like SEEDIG and APrIGF.  With expressing the understanding that it would be impossible to have presence at all national IGFs, for objective reasons, it was advised to rethink of attending the regional IGFs, given that there are only 17 of them, and to have the regional IGFs as places where all NRIs can meet in person. Also, as one of the agenda items, it was advised for the NRIs to discuss planning the annual calendar of all NRIs events in advance, so that the overlapping of the meetings on a same day, be avoided.
  21. From the Bolivia IGF, a coordinator noted that the differences among the topics the NRIs are discussing are important, and that it would be good to reflect this in this coordination session. With this, maybe it could be possible to identify topics that are of a common interest for all. It was also advised to use this session to indeed look at the role of the regional IGFs, and verify if these indeed take inputs from all communities within region.
  22. EuroDIG’s coordinator underlined that the UN presence at the NRIs meetings is important, as well as having opportunity for the NRIs to meet face to face among themselves. In order to come up with a pragmatical approach to this, it was noted that there is a more realistic possibility for everyone to visit five regions within one IGF cycle, than all NRIs individually, given the total number of them that goes beyond 90. This is why five regional IGFs could be the meeting points for all NRIs and the UN IGF relevant authorities to meet in person, and discuss matters of relevance. The coordinator reminded that during the coordination session last year, the NRIs asked for the extension of the IGF Secretariat’s support through a dedicated Focal Point, what was done. Because of this, it was said that the NRIs should provide feedback on this provided support.
  23. The Host shared an input received by several NRIs colleagues during some informal discussions, for the role of the regional IGF initiatives to be specifically looked at, as this year they have served as a meeting point for many national IGFs.
  24. Coordinator from the China IGF noted that this session should reflect the good practices from each of the NRIs, and the ways of collaboration between the NRIs; and between the NRIs and the IGF.
  25. Member of the Italian IGF and an active member of the IGF MAG’s Working Group on IGF Improvements (WG-IMP), noted there should be a streamlined way of gathering inputs from the bottom to up, and vice versa. In addition, efforts should be invested in looking at how to streamline the NRIs calendars, in order to bring the NRIs participants to the IGF. It was also advised to look at how we could support the countries where there are no existing IGF initiatives.
  26. All participants were advised to look at the IGF website for any updates related to the status of eight NRIs collaborative sessions (Annex A3.6). The focal points for four sessions (European national perspectives on securing critical information infrastructure; Digital Currency; Digital Currency and Blockchain Technology; Multilingual Internet: IDNs under the magnifying glass and Working together on national regional level to encourage IPv6 deployment: Experiences and addressing challenges), briefed participants about the most recent updates of the preparations of these sessions, mainly in terms of the involved co-organizers speakers, and invited everyone to join. The focal point for the mentioned session on the IDNs invited experts from this field to join the session, and help its substantive preparation.
  27. It was agreed that a feedback should be asked during the collaborative session, from the present participants. For this purpose, written feedback forms could be developed.


  1. Present MAG member has invited all participants to join a specific main session at the IGF 2017 titled: Digital transformation: how do we shape its socio-economic and labor impacts for good?
  2.  The co-coordinators from the Italian IGF have briefly outlined a very successful 2017 annual meeting of this national IGF, with noting that the full report will follow soon.
  3. One participant asked if there will be a possibility for the IGF 2017 participants to register onsite in Geneva. The Host explained that the online registration is mandatory as per the security’s requirements, with pointing to the deadline extension to be on 4 December.
  4. Coordinator from the Italian IGF asked how many of the NRIs will participate onsite in the NRIs main. The Host said that currently, 23 NRIs have confirmed their attendance. However, the confirmation process is underway.


Next Steps

  1.  A full summary report will be sent to the NRIs mailing list.
  2.  The IGF Secretariat will consolidate all received inputs to develop a draft agenda, and invite all NRIs to review it and add their suggestions.
  3.  The Host will update the 4-info pager and a poster, as per this meeting’s inputs, and share with the NRIs on Monday, 4 December for final feedback.
  4. Next meeting: The Secretariat will distribute the Doodle poll for the members of the NRIs to cast the votes for the best time slots for the next virtual meeting, via the NRIs mailing list.
  5.  For any suggestions or questions regarding the Report, kindly contact the IGF Secretariat, NRIs Focal Point at: [email protected].



National and Regional IGF Initiatives (NRIs)
AGENDA: Virtual Meeting XV, 28 November 2017, at 16:00 p.m. UTC

  1. Welcome and introduction (3 minutes)
  2. Updates from the IGF Secretariat:
    - to display images of the Main Meeting Room;
    - present draft of the 4-pager and a poster for the NRIs Booth;
    - present the schedule for the NRIs Booth;
    - show power point presentation for the NRIs Main Session introduction;
    - NRIs Remote Hubs status; 
    - IGF registration logistics) (5 minutes)
  3. Planning the NRIs Coordination Session (agenda, structure, format) (30 minutes)
  4. Status of the NRIs Collaborative Sessions (speakers, format and structure, ways to engage) (20 minutes)
  5. AoB


 (in alphabetical order, from both meeting):

  1. Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat
  2. Concettina  Cassa, Italy IGF
  3. Dustin Phillips, ICANNWiki, IGF-USA
  4. Eduardo Santoyo, Colombia IGF / LACIGF
  5. Élisson Diones, Youth LACIGF
  6. Giacomo Mazzone, EuroDIG/Italy IGF
  7. Jennifer Chung, APrIGF
  8. Judith Hellerstein, IGF-USA
  9. Julian Casasbuenas G., Colombia IGF
  10. Luis Bobo, IGF Secretariat
  11. Makane Faye, Africa IGF
  12. Marilyn Cade, IGF-USA
  13. Marjolijn  Bonthuis, Netherlands IGF
  14. Michel TCHONANG LINZE, Central African IGF
  15. Natasa Glavor, Croatia IGF
  16. Renata  Aquino Ribeiro, IGF MAG Member
  17. Roberto Zambrana, Bolivia IGF
  18. Sandra Hoferichter, EuroDIG
  19. Sorina Teleanu, SEEDIG
  20. Stefano Trumpy, Italy IGF
  21. Susan Chalmers, IGF-USA
  22. Tian Luo, China IGF
  23. Ying-Chu Chen, observer
  24. Zoraida Frias, Spain IGF



  • Annex A3.1: NRIs Main Session Room (Room XVII), available here (slide 3)
  • Annex A3.2: 4-info pager, available here
  • Annex A3.3: NRIs Poster, available here
  • Annex A3.4: NRIs Booth Schedule, available here
  • Annex A3.5: NRIs presentation, available here (slides: 5-13)
  • Annex A3.6: NRIs Collaborative Sessions, available here