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- Virtual Meeting IV: 4 April 2017 -
- The fourth virtual meeting of the National and Regional IGF Initiatives (NRIs), took place on 4 April 2017, at 15:00 p.m. UTC.
- Meeting was hosted by Ms. Anja Gengo from the IGF Secretariat.
- The agenda is attached to this document as Annex A1 and a list of Meeting Participants as Annex A2. Annex A3 includes a list of other relevant documents, as referenced in this report.
- The purpose of this meeting was to review the summary of received inputs to the Call to the NRIs for describing the needed additional support (further in this summary referred as the Call), sent by the IGF Secretariat on 8 March 2017. The Call and the summary are attached to this report (Annex A3).
- Participants introduced themselves stating which IGF initiative they are affiliated with, and were asked to share any updates on their activities and future plans.
- The Host shared the agenda with everyone. Participants were asked if they are in agreement with the proposed agenda and to suggest any edits.
- The agenda was unanimously adopted as proposed.
Summary of received remarks
- The Host asked for the comments to the second agenda item, related to the nature of received inputs to the section A. Prior to giving the floor to the NRIs coordinators, the Host shared a concern in regards to the number of received inputs that compared to the total number of the NRIs is relatively modest, as well as to some opposite views, that all together makes challenging to develop a potential consensus between the NRIs. Some NRIs coordinators agreed with this. The host asked for the NRIs coordinators to share their views.
- It was underlined by some, that having a MAG dedicated member to the NRIs (as the option 1 of the Call proposed), implies establishing a potential collaboration between these two networks, without having any concerns that the appointed representative could control the NRIs.
- Following the above, it was proposed that for this option, as well as for all other potential options, a set of assigned Terms of References should be developed by the NRIs. Some indicated that the process needs to be transparent and accountable.
- Some were of opinion that the NRIs cannot develop a set of separate Terms of References for the appointed MAG members, as those are already developed by the United Nations responsible parties. In that sense, it would be very challenging to come up with an effective mechanism of checks and balances for the appointed MAG member.
- Some shared concerns that by appointing a MAG member, the criteria of multistakeholderims can be put in questions, as the MAG members come from certain stakeholder groups. It would be unusual to have one member from one stakeholder group representing the NRIs that are of a multistakeholder nature themselves.
- Others were of opinion that this concern is in a same way applicable to the option that is proposing appointment of a non-MAG member, as that particular person will also come from one of the stakeholder groups.
- Some participants reiterate the meaning of their submitted inputs, by saying that the person appointed to represent the NRIs interests in regards to the IGF annual programme, will need to have needed knowledge, experience and enough time to commit to this complex task. They found to be difficult for the MAG member to be in this position as they are serving a limited number of terms.
- Some participants were of opinion that this process is not necessary and that it should be simplified. Many agreed that the last year’s concept of having Ms. Marilyn Cade working with the IGF Secretariat’s Focal Point for the NRIs, worked well. In this regards, some proposed for Ms. Marilyn Cade to continue supporting the NRIs in this year as well and in collaboration with the IGF Secretariat Focal Point.
- However, some noted that it was an advantage for Ms. Cade to be a MAG member during past three years, that gave an opportunity to the NRIs to gain visibility on the MAG, and in that sense, within the IGF annual programme. Having Ms. Marilyn Cade working as a MAG member with the NRIs was not seen as conflict of interest. In light of this, it was proposed to continue with the practice of having a dedicated MAG member representing the NRIs in regards to their interest to the IGF annual programme.
- Some were of opinion that the NRIs should focus now on their substantive activities for the IGF 2017 annual meeting, where the IGF Secretariat’s Focal Point can support the organization, until consensus is reached on this matter of potential representation.
- It was proposed by some that the MAG Chair could issue a call for the MAG members to volunteer for this position, with described commitments it requires. Some added that the NRIs should be appointing a dedicated member from the MAG, not the MAG Chair.
- Many noted that the NRIs should reach a consensus on this matter, and that voting should be avoided.
- All participants agreed that the received inputs, as summarized by the IGF Secretariat, should be submitted to the Chair, that further will advise.
- Upon inquiry by some, the host explained that the proposal to the MAG for the NRIs to organize a main session at this year’s IGF, as well as the proposal for the continuation of the coordination sessions was submitted during the latest MAG meeting, in line with the proposal that called for more representation of the NRIs within the IGF annual meeting’s programme. In this regard, and as per the NRIs inputs previously received, section B of the Call asked the NRIs if there will be an interest for some of them to partner with other individual NRIs and organize substantive sessions on a topic of their mutual interest.
- Some participants underlined that this is a good way of their work to be more visible.
- All participants agreed that the summary of received inputs on this section as well, should be submitted to the MAG Chair to explore this potential option.
- It was informed that the next virtual meeting of the MAG is on Tuesday next week, 11 April, and that the NRIs have a reserved slot in the agenda of 20 minutes in total. The participants were informed that the MAG meetings are open to observers and that they can attend, but cannot intervene.
Next Steps
- The Secretariat will summarize the key suggestions raised during this meeting and will distribute the meeting Summary Report through the NRIs mailing list.
- The Note for the MAG Chair will be developed by the IGF Secretariat indicating that the requested process has been conducted, and attaching the summary of received inputs as well as this summary report as annexes.
- Next meeting: The Secretariat will distribute the Doodle poll for the members of the NRIs to cast the votes for the best time slots for the next virtual meeting.
- For any suggestions or questions regarding the Report, kindly contact the IGF Secretariat, NRIs Focal Point at: [email protected]
AGENDA: National and Regional IGF Initiatives (NRIs)
Virtual Meeting IV, 4 April 2017, 15:00 p.m. UTC
- Welcome and Introductions
- Discussing the received inputs to the section A and defining further actions
- Discussing the inputs received to the section B and defining further actions
- Discussing the format of the NRIs submission to the MAG
- AoB
MEETING PARTICIPANTS (in alphabetical order):
- Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Chad IGF
- Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat
- Bram Fudzulani. Malawi IGF
- Carlos Vera, Ecuadro IGF
- Chengetai Masango, IGF Secretariat
- Fotjon Kosta , IGF Albania
- Hisham Aboulyazed, Arab IGF
- Imran Ahmed Shah, Pakistan Youth IGF
- Israel Rosas, Mexico IGF, IGF Host Country representative on the MAG
- Judith Hellerstein, IGF-USA
- Julian Casasbuenas, Colombia IGF, MAG member
- Juuso Moisander, Finland IGF
- Lianna Galstyan, Armenia IGF, SEEDIG
- Lorena Jaume Palasi, German IGF
- Maheeshwara Kirindigoda, Sri Lanka IGF
- Makane Faye, African IGF, West Africa IGF
- Marilyn Cade, IGF-USA, IGFSA
- Mary Uduma, Nigeria IGF, West Africa IGF
- Oksana Prykhodko, Ukraine IGF
- Omar Mansoor Ansari, Afghanistan IGF, MAG member
- Sandra Hoferichter, EuroDIG
- Sorina Teleanu, SEEDIG
- Susan Chalmers, NTIA
- Tracy Hackshaw, Trinidad and Tobago IGF
- Zeina Bou Harb, Lebanon IGF, MAG member
- Public Call for Describing the additional IGF support to the NRIs: Summary of Received Inputs