Header Through a bottom-up, consultative process, the NRIs are invited to submit issues of priority that would help understand the mutual thematic interest for all NRIs on which the NRIs sessions could focus. NRIs coordinators should submit inputs through the form below, on behalf of their organizing committees. The form opened on 12 March 2021. The final deadline to submit it extended from 3 to 26 May 2021, 23:59 UTC. The list of the so far submitted responses is HERE. Name of your NRI Name of the Submitter Contact email Name of the NRI Coordinator (please leave blank if the same as above) Check if you agree I confirm this input is submitted on behalf of my NRIs’ multistakeholder organizing committee. (A) PRIORITY ISSUES Name your 1st priority issue Please select the thematic category the 1st issue fits the best 1) Access and Inclusion 2) Security and Trust 3) Data 4) Digital Rights & Freedoms 5) Sustainability and Environment 6) Economic Issues 7) Internet governance ecosystem 8) New & Emerging Technologies 9) Technical Issues 10) Digital Cooperation Other... Enter other… Name your 2nd priority issue Please select the thematic category the 2nd issue fits the best 1) Access and Inclusion 2) Security and Trust 3) Data 4) Digital Rights & Freedoms 5) Sustainability and Environment 6) Economic Issues 7) Internet governance ecosystem 8) New & Emerging Technologies 9) Technical Issues 10) Digital Cooperation Other... Enter other… Name your 3rd priority issue Please select the thematic category the 3rd issue fits the best 1) Access and Inclusion 2) Security and Trust 3) Data 4) Digital Rights & Freedoms 5) Sustainability and Environment 6) Economic Issues 7) Internet governance ecosystem 8) New & Emerging Technologies 9) Technical Issues 10) Digital Cooperation Other... Enter other… Please select everything that applies for the named issues: These issues were discussed at the last annual meeting of my NRI These issues will be discussed at the next annual meeting of my NRI, as per the public call for inputs my NRI recently launched Other... Enter other… Please submit up to three Internet governance issues your NRI mapped as a priority. The 1st submitted issue is considered the highest priority, followed by the 2nd and then the 3rd as the least priority among the three. For each issue, please select the relevant category of a broad thematic cluster under which it could be placed. Please note that we only ask for concrete, specific issues, not session proposals. This means that you are asked to submit the name of the term that represents an Internet governance issue (e.g. taxation, child online safety, online education, 5G policy, Artificial Intelligence regulation, data portability, e-waste regulation, Future of Jobs, Doman Name System governance etc.). (B) NRIs COORDINATION SESSION Regarding the operational matters of the NRIs, individually and collectively, what do you think an annual open work meeting of the NRIs (known as the NRIs coordination session) could address? This can reference anything that relates to the NRIs sustainability, improvements, inter-relationship between all NRIs, including with the IGF and global Internet governance ecosystem. Check if you agree I agree that my responses under A and B are made publicly available at the IGF website, along with the name of the NRIs for which I submitted inputs. I understand that other information shared will only be made available to the IGF Secretariat for statistical and internal reporting purposes.