IGF 2021 NRIs Call for Issues

Through a bottom-up, consultative process, the NRIs are invited to submit issues of priority that would ‎help understand the mutual thematic interest for all NRIs on which the NRIs sessions could focus. ‎NRIs coordinators should submit inputs through the form below, on behalf of their organizing ‎committees. 

The form opened on 12 March 2021. The final deadline to submit it extended from 3 to 26 May 2021, 23:59 UTC.‎

The list of the so far submitted responses is HERE.


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Please select the thematic category the 1st issue fits the best ‎
Please select the thematic category the 2nd issue fits the best ‎
Please select the thematic category the 3rd issue fits the best ‎
Please select everything that applies for the named issues:
Please submit up to three Internet governance issues your NRI mapped as a priority. The 1st submitted issue is considered the highest priority, followed by the 2nd and then the 3rd as the least priority among the three. For each ‎issue, please select the relevant category of a broad thematic cluster under which it could be ‎placed. Please note that we only ask for concrete, specific issues, not session proposals. This means that you are asked ‎to submit the name of the term that represents an Internet governance issue (e.g. taxation, child online safety, ‎online education, 5G policy, Artificial Intelligence regulation, data portability, e-waste regulation, Future of Jobs, Doman Name System governance etc.). ‎
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