IGF 2020 BPF Gender: Public survey

This year, the BPF on Gender and Access is looking at Internet-related policy processes and spaces through a feminist approach, to determine whether and how they protect and foster participation of women and gender-diverse people. The focus (as described in the work plan) is placed on Internet-related policy processes and spaces that foster discussions or develop policies, recommendations, and/or guidelines that focus on (a) limiting violence and harm in the online space and (b) fostering the use of the Internet for self-expression and pleasure with consent as a guiding principle. In line with this, we intend to:

  • Look at whether and how the BPF thematic issues (violence, harm, pleasure and consent online) have been brought up at the IGF since IGF 2016
  • Identify regional policy processes and spaces (if any) that tackle the BPF thematic issues (from a gender-diversity perspective)

For this part of the BPF work, we invite you to respond to this survey by 20 September 2020.

About you (should you be willing to share this information)
You are welcome to remain anonymous should you prefer to do so.
5. Over the past five years (IGF 2016 – IGF 2020), have you submitted a session proposal for an IGF annual meeting that focused on, or was in any way related with, any of the the four thematic issues that the BPF is focusing on this year (violence, harm, pleasure and consent online - in relation to women and gender-diverse people)?
This is a follow-up to question 5 and it relates to sessions that focused on, or were in any way related with, any of the four thematic issues that the BPF is focusing on this year (violence, harm, pleasure and consent online - in relation to women and gender-diverse people).
5.3. If you hosted such a session at the IGF between 2016 and 2019, please rate your overall experience with the session.
This is a follow-up to question 5 and it relates to sessions that focused on, or were in any way related with, any of the four thematic issues that the BPF is focusing on this year (violence, harm, pleasure and consent online - in relation to women and gender-diverse people).
5.4. For the same session, please also rate the level of engagement.
6. If you attended an IGF session that focused on, or was in any way related with, any of the four thematic issues that the BPF is focusing on this year (violence, harm, pleasure and consent online - in relation to women and gender-diverse people), please rate your overall experience with the session.
7. For the same session, please also rate the level of engagement.
12. To what extent is the identified process or space including women and gender-diverse people in its policy discussions and/or decision-making processes?