IGF 2020
Best Practice Forum on
Data and New Technologies in an Internet Context
The IGF 2020 Best Practice Forum on Data and New Technologies in an Internet Context intends to establish a dialogue on how users' data is collected, analyzed and used and best practices to ensure that this data is used to bring benefit an not to harm users. (MAG Adopted proposal)
BPF Data and New Technologies Report
' A Dialogue on how users' data is collected, analysed, and usedand best practicesto ensure that this data is used to bring benefit and not to harm.'(download the report .pdf HERE) |
Data & New Technologies Issues CardThe BPF developed a Data and New Technologies Issues Card . It maps potential issues and challenges related to the use of users’ data by new technologies, formulated as four sets of questions, to foster discussions among stakeholders. ( online Issues Card here / download .pdf version ) |
BPF Data and New Technologies session at IGF 2020
Tuesday, 12 November, 09:00-10:30 am UTC
session link:
Recording at https://youtu.be/lK42w-_T5ns?t=180
Case studies
The BPF collected case studies and examples of how stakeholders address the challenges that emerge when collecting and using users' data.
Collected case studies
- The dos and don’ts for COVID-19 contact tracing apps - Access Now - case study
- CLAIRE Task Force on AI and COVID-19 - case study
- Three examples of how Microsoft approaches the collection, use and sharing of data - case study
- IoT-based scenario case study on the collection and use of users data (China-FIOT Open Lab) - case study
BPF Coordinating team
- Ms Concettina Cassa (MAG BPF Facilitator)
- Ms Emanuela Girardi (BPF Co-Facilitator)
- Mr Wim Degezelle (Consultant IGF Secretariat)
Contact: bpf-IoT-BD-AI@intgovforum.org
Mailing list: subscribe here
Preparatory process - Meetings & Activities
- Virtual Meeting X, Thursday 22 October,
- Virtual meeting IX, Friday 16 October,
- Virtual meeting VIII, Thursday 1 October,
- Virtual meeting VII, Thursday 17 September, slide deck
- Virtual meeting VI, Thursday 3 September, slide deck , summary
- Virtual meeting V, Thursday 25 June, slide deck . summary
- Virtual meeting IV, Friday 29 May, slide deck . summary
- Virtual meeting III, Friday 8 May, slide deck , summary
- Virtual meeting II, Friday 17 April, slide deck , summary
- Virtual meeting I, Friday 20 February, slide deck , summary
Join the Mailing list
Participation in the work of the BPF is free and open to all interested. Please subscribe to the mailing list to keep track of the latest developments. Subscribe to this BPF mailing list: https://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/aiiotbd_intgovforum.org