Réglementation émergente : structure du marché, contenu, données et droits et protection des consommateurs

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IGF 2022 NRIs Main Session: Safeguarding and Strengthening the Core Principles of a Trusted Internet

The Internet is a proven accelerator of overall sustainability. It is an enabler of the people’s wellbeing and life prosperity. However, the Internet is not just a way for harnessing good. If misused it creates serious consequences for people and societies. The world has witnessed cases of data breaches causing massive financial losses and life disruptions. It has also seen use of the Internet-based technologies for spreading false information, entering other people and institution’s private bank accounts, surveillance and various other illegal activities.

IGF 2021 Main Session Regulation and the open, interoperable, and interconnected Internet - challenges and approaches

Stakeholders around the globe are increasingly considering legal and regulatory approaches to address various public policy issues posed by rapid digitalization. However, the very nature of the Internet as a borderless, interconnected system makes it too complex to be solely managed by any single country, company or organisation.

IGF 2021 WS #51 A Meaningful Standard for Necessary Scope of PI Processing

Additional Speakers

(1) Dr. Jovan KurbalijaExecutive Director of DiploFoundation, Head of Geneva Internet Platform, former Executive Director of the Secretariat of the High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation

(2) Prof. Dr. Xiaodong Lee, Founder & CEO of Fuxi Institution, Director of Center for Internet Governance of Tsinghua University

IGF 2020 WS #184 Children’s Rights and Participation in Data Governance

Additional Speakers

Main speakers include:

Velislava Hillman 
Velislava Hillman is a senior researcher and a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics & Political Science. Her research interests are in children's role and rights in education data use, data privacy preservation and data ownership, and children's voices in increasingly digitized and data-driven learning spaces. Velislava is the founder of EDDS, a start-up focused on student data privacy and literacy.

Nick Couldry
Nick Couldry is a sociologist of media and culture. He is Professor of Media Communications and Social Theory at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and from 2017 has been Faculty Associate at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. He is the author or editor of fifteen books including most recently The Costs of Connection: How Data is Colonizing Human Life and Appropriating Life for Capitalism (with Ulises Mejias, Stanford UP), Media: Why It Matters  (Polity 2019), Media, Voice, Space and Power (Routledge 2020), The Mediated Construction of Reality (with Andreas Hepp, Polity, 2016), Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice (Polity 2012) and Why Voice Matters (Sage 2010).

Gretchen Greene
Gretchen Greene, C.Phil, M.S., J.D., is an internationally recognized expert on face and emotion recognition and AI and AV policy and ethics whose advice to governments has been read in 8,000 cities. Gretchen Greene is an AI policy advisor, Yale trained lawyer, computer vision scientist, autonomous vehicle engineer and former U.S. national lab mathematician whose broad, multi-industry and government experience includes technical, legal and policy work for the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, Justice and Homeland Security, the British House of Lords, NRDC Asia and Ropes & Gray.

Doaa Abu-Elyounes 
Doaa Abu-Elyounes is a doctoral student at Harvard Law School; and an affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Doaa researches the effect of artificial intelligence algorithms on the criminal justice system; and the legal framework that is suitable to govern the new space.

Beatriz Botero Arcila
Beatriz Botero Arcila is a doctoral candidate at Harvard Law School and an affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Her research studies the governance of data collected by digital platforms in cities, such as sharing economy firms and smart city technology providers. 

Varunram Ganesh
Varunram Ganesh is a Research Engineer and Entrepreneur from Chennai, India working at the MIT Digital Currency Initiative (DCI). His background is in technology research and data privacy, and his interests span cryptocurrencies, personal data security and emerging technologies. As an active entrepreneur, he performs research at the intersection of data privacy and student inclusion at EDDS, a startup focused on student data privacy, and leads Bitcoin education initiatives at BitHyve.

IGF 2020 WS #340 Checks and balances of data privacy within mass surveillance

Additional Speakers

Speaker 5: Ian Brown, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG) [CONFIRMED]
Speaker 6: Nneka Ekechukwu-Soyinka, Private Sector, WEOG [CONFIRMED]
Speaker 6: Chenai Chair, Civil Society, Africa Group [CONFIRMED]


Intended agenda:

Introduction - 5 min

First segment - 25 min

Second segment - 25 min

Q&A - 20 min

Final considerations - 15 min

IGF 2020 WS #125 How do you embed trust and confidence in AI?

Additional Speakers

The moderator role will be take over by Catherine (Katie) Kummer, Global Deputy Vice Chair, Public Policy at EY, who will replace Hassan-Szlamka Fatima in this role since Fatima will be on maternity leave.

Mr. Ajijola Abdul-Hakeem,the Chair of the African Union Cybersecurity Expert Group (AUCSEG), will replace Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid, who unfortunately will have to attend to other AU matters at the time of our panel.


IGF 2020 WS #204 Internet Data Protection Under Different Jurisdictions

Additional Speakers


Badii Farzaneh, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group

El Bekri Mohamed, Government, African Group

Kulesza Joanna, Civil Society, Eastern European Group

Lanfranco Sam, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

Sanchez Leon, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

Second Rapporteur:
Araj Victoria, Civil Society, Intergovernmental Organization

  • Opening and introduction of the workshop and the experts – Moderator (5 min)
  • Introduction to the topic
  • The difference in approach between GDPR and the Mexican data protection law in the differentiation of natural vs legal persons and how this has affected WHOIS - Leon Sanchez (3 min)
  • How jurisdictional differences are invoked to argue for less or more data protection for data subjects, especially in the context of WHOIS/RDAP - Farzaneh Badii (3 min)
  • The use of available personal data, and captured transactional and ambient data as inputs into AI to construct digital personas for various economic, political and other purposes, in the absence of common jurisdiction, agreed on worldwide - Sam Lanfranco (3 min) 
  • The European approach to privacy and data protection, including both: the GDPR and CoE 108+ - Joanna Kulesza (3 min)
  • Data Protection Jurisdictions in North Africa - Mohamed El-Bakri (3 min)
  • Open structured discussion - Attendees & Experts (35 min)
  • Recap and identification of the discussion outcome points. – Moderator (5 min)

IGF 2020 WS #194 Governing Cross Border Data Flow & Sustainable Development

Additional Speakers

We are bringing in an additional speaker from the intergovernmental organisation, which would add more value and gender and regional diversity in our panel instead of Mr. Peter Mwecha. The speaker’s experience and expertise in the areas of international trade and technological developments would bring in a developing country perspective on the issue of cross border data flows and its impact on trade-led growth in the African region. Additionally, her advanced experience with an intergovernmental organisation would help shed light on the role of such organisations in building regional partnerships leading to more dialogue and discussion between countries. Moreover, we have taken into account the valued feedback given by the MAG committee to inculcate more diversity into the panel by adding a new speaker. Our final speaker list is-

  1. Mr. Raymond Tavares, UNIDO
  2. Mr. Jay Gullish, USIBC
  3. Dr. Joy M.A Katgekwa, UNDP
  4. Mr. Bipul Chatterjee, CUTS International (Moderator and Presenter)

The session aims to engage the audience with the finding of an evidence-based study conducted by Consumer Unity & Trust Society and thereafter engaging in a panel discussion on key issues. .



5 minutes

Introductory Remarks – Setting the context and shedding light on the purpose of the  session

10 Minutes

Presentation of findings of evidence-based study conducted by  Consumer Unity & Trust Society on the impact of  Data Localisation (DL) on Digital Trade, Exports and Consumers

30 minutes

Panel Discussion

  • What is the impact of restricting cross-border data flow, on different stakeholders? Is it likely to inhibit competition, innovation, sustainable and inclusive economic growth?
  • To what extent, if any, could the development of international norms and principles facilitate common approaches and interoperability of data protection frameworks, and also facilitate international trade and cooperation? How does the recent ‘Schrems II decision’ impact such interoperability?
  • How can we ensure the fundamental right to privacy and enhance consumer welfare, while advancing the need for cross-border data flows?
  • How can valid regulatory objectives of DL (such as Law Enforcement Agencies’ access to data, economic development, national security etc.), be balanced with the imperative of cross border data flows, given its benefits?


 10 minutes

 Question and Answer Session

 5 minutes

 Closing Remark – Summarising the key points from the discussion

IGF 2020 WS #247 ICTs, SDGs, and Existing Data Gaps for Measuring Progress

Additional Speakers

We would like to replace the 3rd speaker (Christopher Yoo) with the following speaker since Christopher Yoo would be the moderator.  

Anne Delaporte - Senior Insights Manager, Connected Society, Mobile for Development, GSMA 


The moderator will open the session by welcoming the participants, introducing the topic and the speakers. Then he will present the findings on data gaps based on the analysis of 120 case studies of ICT-based connectivity initiatives in various areas including digital skills, women empowerment, health, and economic growth, raising questions and issues for discussion (15 minutes) Then each of the four speaker will share their views on the topic, reflecting on existing trends, data gaps, and action steps. The moderator will keep an eye to the audience for comments and questions for the speakers at any point. (40 minutes) Right after the discussion with panelists, the moderator will engage the audience to get their questions and comments on the discussion (15 minutes) The moderator will then identify the overarching themes from the discussion with panelists and audience and ask the panelists about their take-aways and roadmap to address these issues. (10 minutes) Finally, the moderator will wrap up the discussion by summarizing the key points, policy and institutional guidelines on data governance, and best practices (10 minutes)

IGF 2020 WS #236 Data flows, Trade and International Cooperation

Additional Speakers

Speaker 1Carl Gahnberg, Senior Policy Advisor at Internet Society

Speaker 2Jade Nester, Director, Consumer Policy at Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA)
Speaker 3:Richard Syers, Principal Policy Officer, Information Commissioner's Office, on behalf of the  Global Privacy Assembly
Speaker 4:Dr Sean Manion, Neuroscientist and Chief Scientific Officer at ConsenSys Health