BPF Cybersecurity

 IGF 2025 BPF on Cybersecurity

During the 2025 IGF cycle, the Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Cybersecurity will examine the importance of securing Internet access and protecting core Internet resources in conflict situations. This work will be conducted through open and inclusive multistakeholder consultations, including regular monthly meetings and other engagement opportunities. To stay informed and actively participate, we encourage you to subscribe to the BPF’s dedicated mailing list.

The BPF welcomes community volunteers to help with the collection of information, analysis and drafting. Contact [email protected] if interested in joining the work

To learn more about the so far BPF Cybersecurity work since 2014, please visit this page.

The latest BPF report is available!

Read the latest BPF Cybersecurity report! 
IGF 2024 Best Practice Forum Cybersecurity
Mainstreaming capacity building for cybersecurity, trust, and safety online

''A participatory, multi-stakeholder approach is crucial for sustainable and inclusive cyber capacity building. Efforts should be optimized through mapping, coordinating, collaborating, and fostering dialogue, especially in low-resource environments. Cybersecurity should be demystified through accessible resources, framed as an investment in the resilience of future generations. Effective capacity-building should be consistent, localised, contextual, relevant, and well-resourced to ensure accessibility.''

The report was presented and discussed in a dedicated session at the 19th annual IGF meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.